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These are random listings of items we receive. This ensures the integrity of the WLOC Swap Shop Program and that the on-line service is not abused. We can not allow users to rely only on the website listings. We must still have listeners to the actual show in order for the program to be profitable. Also, remember that we can not list any guns, ammunition, fresh meat, realtor listed property nor items for any business. If you are a business and would like to be on the Swap Shop, contact us to find out how affordable and effective a sponsorship can be.
WLOC, it's owners, employees, affiliates and advertisers make no guarantee on items listed. All transactions conducted because of listings are bound by the "giver" and "receiver." We are also not responsible for misinterpreted listings. We reserve the right to edit (because of length or content) the items submitted. We reserve the right to amend these policies as needed. By action of using the Swap Shop, users submit to these policies.
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Swap Shop Key:
FS = For Sale LF = Looking For
FR = For Rent WILL = Will Do
FL = For Lease LOST = Have Lost
TRADE = For Trade FOUND = Have Found
GA = Give Away
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Thursday, February 6th, 2025
FS - 1992 Ford F-250 regular cab with 5.8 engine, 5 speed manual transmission, 4wd, utility bed, good sound body, needs tires and mufflers. $3500 negotiable. Call 270-218-8392
GA - 20 plus pallets. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
FS - Steel posts, hay fork, black wood posts, telephone posts, cattle head catcher. Call 270-286-4036
FS - 800 Series Ford tractor, $1400. Call 270-670-3570
FS - White female German Shepherd pup. Call 270-537-4848
Tuesday, February 4th, 2025
FS - 5x8' utility trailer, metal floor, no lights or fenders, $400 or will trade for riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Honda ES 5000 watt generator, gasoline, $1000, has auto throttle. Call 270-670-4048
FS - Full blooded Chihuahuas, 2 females and 1 male, $400 each. Call 270-218-5045
Monday, February 3rd, 2025
FS - 8 week-old male Shorkie puppies, have had first shots and dewormed, black and white. Call or text Brittany at 270-405-7910.
FS - Yard King riding mower, needs some work, will sell or partial trade, 12x16' outdoor building with double doors, solid wood with no leaks, $1500 or partial cash with trade, LF - home or mobile home to rent in Cave City or Horse Cave area, 2 to 3 bedroom. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Chihuahua pups, 1 male and 1 female, ready to go. $400 each. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 3 male Shorkie pups, have had shots and wormed. Call 270-405-7840
Friday, January 31st, 2025
GA - German Shepherd pup, 8 month-old, female, white in color. Call 270-537-4848
FS - 2004 Ford pickup, $1200 obo. Call 270-308-1475
LF - Kitten, play house with sand. Call 270-531-2061
Thursday, January 30th, 2025
FS - Female Chihuahua white with black spots, $400. GA - glass entertainment center. Call 270-218-5045
Wednesday, January 29th, 2025
FS - Seasoned split firewood, $50 a rick and can deliver. Call 270-570-9675
FS - Exercise bike, $75. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 2 record albums of original radio broadcast Western & Kentucky basketball game 1972. Call 270-646-6764 in Glasgow
FS - 2006 Chrysler Town & Country minivan, new tires, gold color, $3000. Call 270-590-8375
FS - 800 series Ford Tractor, runs good, $1400. Call 270-670-3570
LF - Urgent need for a gas cook stove, Call 270-537-3151
Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
FS - 2 female Chihuahuas, $400, black entertainment center to give away. Call 218-5045
GA - Blue Heeler pups, females. Call 270-218-3281
Monday, January 27th, 2025
FS - 5 ton wood splitter, 5 hp, $200, Poulan Pro chainsaw, $75. Call 270-246-1913
FS - 12'x16' building, $1500, or cash with trade, must be moved, has double doors. LF - House or mobile home to rent, 3 bedroom preferred in Cave City or Horse Cave area. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, January 24th, 2025
FS - 2002 Ford F-150, white pickup, extended cab, 23 ft disc for John Deere tractor. Call 270-565-2502
LF - Wheat pennies. Call 270-528-6546
FS - Whirlpool Duet dryer, $75. Call 270-421-6835
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
FS - 2006 Chrysler Town & Country minivan, new tires, $3,000. Call 270-590-8375
FS - Older Better Built barn, 12x16, double doors on front, solid with no leaks, $1500 cash or possible trade with cash, LF - snowmobile, complete. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
FS - Paper shredder, Large man's leather jacket, new men's briefs, size 36, Ladies black boots, size 6 1/2. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Rolls of hay. Call 270-218-0806
FS - 65 to 70 rolls of hay, $35 per rolls, square bales of hay, $3 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 1948 bicycle, $50, LF - place to rent or rent to own in Barren and Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-308-1475
Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
FS - Female sheep, $200 each, will start having babies in April. Call 270-473-1089
LF - House or mobile home, 2 to 3 bedrooms in Cave City or Horse Cave. Call 270-261-2048
FS - Older Better Built barn, 12x16, double doors on front, solid with no leaks, $1500 cash or possible trade with cash, LF - snowmobile, complete. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, January 20th, 2025
FS - 2 pair of king size Liberty denim bib overalls, like new, 52x30 and 54x30. Also several other pairs in various sizes. 4 pair of brand new in the box women's leather Harley Davidson boots, 3 size 6M and one size 6 1/2, asking $75 each. For more information, call 270-991-9018
LF - Kitchen countertop for a double sink. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 2023 Mercury boat motor, 9.8, 4 stroke, $850. Call 270-746-3098
GA - Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-218-3281
FS - 2 female full-blooded Chihuahua pups, ready Feb. 14th, $400 each. GA - glass entertainment center. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Exercise bike. Call 270-537-4219
FS - 12x16 Better Built barn or will trade for 4wd pickup, LF - snow mobile and aftermarket parts for a G-1 golf cart. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Job sitting with elderly, has references and experience. Call 270-218-3982
FS - New 550 Husqvarna chainsaw, $300, 1995 GMC 3500 pickup, 454 engine, $3500. In Cave City, call 270-746-3098
Friday, January 17th, 2025
FS - 2023 Mercury outboard boat motor, 9.8, 4 stroke. $850. Call 270-746-3098
LF - Minivan or SUV with 3rd row, reasonably priced, old riding mowers and snowmobiles and aftermarket wheels to fit a G1 golf cart. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, January 16th, 2025
GA - Loveseat in good condition, glass entertainment center. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 65 to 70 rolls of hay, $35 each, square bales of hay, $3 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Rolls of hay, $30 each. Call 270-218-0806
FS - New Snow blower with paperwork, $100, gasoline, 3 pigs, one male and 2 female, $50 each. Call 270-473-0128
FS - New Husqvarna chainsaw, 24", in box, $300, new backpack Husqvarna blower, model 330, $300. Call 270-746-3098
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
LF - 2 bedroom home to rent. Call 270-773-5625
Monday, January 13th, 2025
LF - Minivan or SUV, with 3rd row seat, between $2k to 3k, a couple of snow mobiles, wheels and tires for G1 golf cart, and an old car to travel back and forth to work. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Job sitting with the elderly, has references and experience. Call 270-218-3982
LF - Exercise bike. Call 270-537-4219
FS - Size 8 to 8 1/2 men's Hey Dude shoes, most are new. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, January 10th, 2025
FS - Mixed grass hay bales, $4 to $6 each. Call 270-218-8392
In need: Young mother with 5 children are staying at Star Motel and are needing a place to stay or rent. Call 270-774-1485
LF - 1998 to 2001 Dodge pickup for parts. Call 270-861-5291
Thursday, January 9th, 2025
FS - Tascam DS - multi-track recorder, $400, Kentucky mandolin and case, new, $800, 10x13 maroon color awning, $200. Call 270-473-1446
Free - Pallet of insulated fiberglass board. Call 270-612-0474
Moving sale at Kenneth Malone's is being rescheduled and will not be held Saturday, January 11th. 270-786-1762
Wednesday, January 8th, 2025
FS - Whirlpool dryer, 125. Call 270-421-6835
FS - Snap-on sand blaster about 6 ft tall, $1500, like new. Old corn sheller from the 20's or 30's, $285. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, January 7th, 2025
FS - 3 dwarf tiny rabbits, 2 are white color, the other is a cream color, $20 each. Call 270-537-5724
LF - After market wheels for Yamaha golf cart, couple of snowmobiles, running or not running and some old riding mowers. FS - 1 male Yorkie pup, registered and has had shots, tail docked and dew claws removed, $500. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, January 6th, 2025
LF - Old riding mowers, parts for G1 golf cart: air compressor wheels and tires. 2 male and 1 female Yorkie pups, registered, have had shots and wormed, dew claws cut, $600. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, December 30th, 2024
FS - New Craftsman impact gun 1/2" with case, charger and battery, $165 or will do partial trade with cash, GE electric dryer, works good, $100, LF - old riding mowers, go carts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 80 acres of standing pine timber in Cub Run. Call 270-537-5686
LF - Someone to appraise old coins. Call 270-735-6698
Friday, December 27th, 2024
FS - 6 Yorkie pups, 3 female, dew claws clipped, registered and shots, $800 each, 1/2" impact Craftsman with battery charger $180, 4 wheels and tires off S-10 pickup, $120 or will trade, LF - electric hospital bed and a handicap ramp, prefer hand rails. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, December 20th, 2024
FS - 6 Yorky pups, 3 male and 3 female, registered, dew claws are removed, $1,000 each, LF - old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, December 19th, 2024
Moving Sale Thursday, Friday & Saturday, at 1517 Main Street, Munfordville. Items include: Christmas trees, dorm fridge, pressure cooker, doll house, doll stroller and stand mixer. Everything left outside after closing in the evenings is free.
Wednesday, December 18th, 2024
FS - 12' x 6 1/2' ft factory made, ramps on back, heavy duty trailer, $900. or cash with trade. Call 270-670-1359
Tuesday, December 17th, 2024
FS - 6 & 1/2' x 12' trailer, factory made with ramps, $1100 cash or cash with trade, LF - old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, December 16th, 2024
FS - Brand new Bridgestone tires, size 225-50-17's, $100 and new set of tires, size 205-50-15's, $400. Call 270-565-2502
Friday, December 13th, 2024
FS - 2012 Nissan Sentra, 124k, good tires, runs good. Call 270-528-6672
FS - 2 wheel car dolly, $650, LF - older G-1 golf cart, and old mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, December 12th, 2024
FS - White quilt cabinet in Munfordville. Call 270-565-1663
FS - 12 x 6 1/2 ft trailer, ramps on back, heavy duty, needs tires and lights need to be wired. $1500 or do some trade on a pickup. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, December 11th, 2024
GA - Frame for a 32 ft long rv that has been torn down, has no axle or running gears. Call 270-473-1965
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, a couple of racing go carts or parts, set of 15" S-10 wheels with tires. Call 270-670-1359
FS - GE washer & dryer, $100 each, couch and loveseat in good condition, $50 each, glass top cook stove, $100. Call 270-473-1089
Monday, December 9th, 2024
FS - Car dolly $600, has new fenders, lights, straps, safety chains or will trade for utility trailer, LF - old riding mowers, golf carts, 4-wheelers, etc. running or not. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to appraise a comic book collection. Call 270-570-2204
LF - Free full size box springs. Call 270-576-1184
Friday, December 6th, 2024
FS - 5x10 Caravan flatbed trailer, with fold down sides, has new wheels and lights and has been garage kept, asking $1,000. FS = 2 piece coverall set, heavy and x-large, $125. Call 270-473-0128
GA - Like new rocker panel rock guards with all brackets and bolts, fits 2015-2025 Chevy Colorado. Text or call 270-774-1365
FS - 2015 Chevy Impala, loaded, $7500. Call 270-528-2202
FS - Z lock panels, metal with insulation, 22x5' long, 8 ft rollup door with hardware. Call 270-528-1492
Thursday, December 5th, 2024
LF - Exercise bike 537-4219
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024
FS - 7 1/2 ft Christmas tree, used two years, well taken care of, was purchased at Hobby Lobby, the pre-lit doesn't work, asking $100 in Munfordville. Call 502-377-2138
FS - White quilt cabinet with glass doors and lots of storage. Call 270-565-1663
LF - Old riding lawnmowers, running or not. FS - Car dolly, $650 or possible trade with cash, has new fenders and tail lights with good tires. Call 270-670-1359
Found - On Union Street, Munfordville, a stray male black cat, has been neutered, has white spot under chin. Call 270-218-5499
LF - 10x10 dog kennel. Call 270-612-0612
FS - 30,000 btu LP heater, ventless, 5 Kathedim ewe lambs, bred, set of 16" stock wheels for Toyota Tacoma truck. Call 270-932-1150
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024
FS - New hearing aids, $100, they are rechargeable. Call 270-537-1964
FS - Cat and kittens. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Electric fireplace, $100. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Work of any kind. Call 270-218-9637
Monday, December 2nd, 2024
FS - Electric fireplace, $100. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Shih tzu dog. Call 270-834-5530
LF - Old riding mower, FS - Milwaukee drive impact gun, $165, or possible trade with cash. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 7 1/2 ft Christmas tree, used two years, well taken care of, was purchased at Hobby Lobby, the pre-lit doesn't work, asking $100 in Munfordville. Call 502-377-2138
Wednesday, November 27th, 2024
FS - 2004 Ford Freelander RV camper on Lafferty Road. Has 61,000 miles and 31-foot long. Email Eugene Phelan at
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson diesel tractor, has power steering, 8 spd, with like new tires and good paint. Square bales of hay. Call 270369-7394
Tuesday, November 26th, 2024
LF - Help for Crystal Embry to be able to stay at Econolodge in Cave City tonight, $55.25 per night. Call 270-872-9787 or contact Econolodge at 270-773-3101
FS - Car dolly with new lights and straps, $650 cash. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2000 Buick Lasabre, runs good but transmission is bad, 3800 v-6, will move enough to get on a trailer, asking $850. Call or text 270-404-1250 in Munfordville.
Friday, November 22nd, 2024
LF - Lady in Cave City is in urgent need of $175 to pay rent. Today. She is staying at Econolodge. Money may be dropped off at WLOC in Horse Cave. For more information, call 270-872-9787.
FS - John Deere sickle mower, 7 ft model 350 pto type $1,000, one person sailboat, white with no sail or mast, $600, Camper shell cap, dark blue, outside dimensions on bottom 80"x74", came off swb Chevy truck, $750, two bunk 6 ft feeders, some dents and rust but still usable, $150 for both. Call or text 270-308-0894
Moving sale - Saturday at 272 Three Springs Highway, kids items, double stroller, household furniture. Call 270-774-2065
FS - 2009 GMC Acadia, 133k. Call 270-537-1202
LF - Houses to clean and a caregiver job for elderly, have references. Call 270-528-3685
Thursday, November 21st, 2024
FS - 12 old farmhouse white windows with glass and frame. Call 270-218-0825
FS - Flat vehicle rack that goes into a reece hitch to put a deer on, etc. $75. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Old riding mowers, Will sell or trade a car dolly for a drop gate trailer, and LF - big tackle box with fishing lures. Call 270-670-1359
FS - American racing center line rims, 5x5 Chevy. $350 obo. Call 270-401-6049
Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
FS - Three turkeys. Call 270-206-0171
LF - Old riding mowers, running or not. Will trade a car dolly for a utility trailer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Power wheel Jeep, has charger and new battery, 50" cut LTX 1050 Cub Cadet mower, old wheel horse Ford tractor. Call 270-324-2364
Monday, November 18th, 2024
FS - Man lift goes up to 40 ft and pull behind vehicle, works good. Call 270-283-5496
FS - 2000 gallon diesel tank and pump, $2,000. Call 270-218-2711
FS - Barrels, some with lids and several cowhide rugs. Call 270-590-4770
FS - TV stand, 48" wide, wooden with glass doors, $50, TV stand, 36" wide and wooden, $25, corn hold board set, regulation size, new in box, $50. Call 270-670-4272
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $1 each or $50 for all. Call 270-405-1260
Friday, November 8th, 2024
FS - Regular electric stick welder, $200. Call 270-748-4743
FS - 2007 Ford Taurus, oil just changed. $1500 obo. Call 270-473-1446
Thursday, November 7th, 2024
FS - Couch, loveseat, washer, dryer. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 2003 Ford Taurus, v-8, has back up camera but does need a heater core, $1500. Call 270-473-1446
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
FS - Spin Life scooter with a lift. $2000. Holds up to 500# and has side mirrors. Please call Tim at 270-528-7781
Tuesday, November 5th, 2024
GA - Boston Terrier, male, needs outside to roam. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Set of 16" wheels to fit a Toyota Tacoma, $150. 3 Ewe lambs, $300 each. Call 270-932-1150
LF - 7 cu ft deepfreeze. Call 270-473-9638
Friday, November 1st, 2024
FS - 7 to 9 laying hens, a young red rooster. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Puppies, mom is Yorkshire Shih Tzu mix, dad is papered Yorkshire, have had shots and wormed, $500 each and can send pics. Call 801-660-0144
FS - Old time trunk and antique rocking chair. Call 270-576-6853
Thursday, October 31st, 2024
FS - 2000 F150 Ford pickup, 4wd, quad cab, $1600 obo or possible trade. LF - old riding mowers, old golf cart. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Black metal bakers rack with butcher block shelf and skillet rack, $100, antique oak buffet with mirror, $450, secretary, $100, black computer armoire, $125, doll house, $40, Sunbeam stand mixer with extra attachments, $40, moving and everything in good condition in Munfordville. Call or text 270-404-1754
GA - Refrigerator for junk. Call 270-786-1116
Wednesday, October 30th, 2024
FS - 2 oak bar stools in good condition, king size mattress, clean and in good condition, pool table with everything, a maroon wide chair with ottoman, make an offer on any of these items. Turnips for sale. And looking for a good clean cook stove. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Hand painted denim jacket with peace sign design, XL size in Munfordville. Call 270-565-1663
Tuesday, October 29th, 2024
FS - John Deere sickle mower, 7 ft model 350 pto type, $1,000, sailboat, one person size, white with no sail or mast, $600, camper shell cap, dark blue, outside dimensions on bottom 80"x74", came off swb Chevy truck, $750. Call or text 270-308-0894
LF - Side by side, a Kawasaki mule or Gator. Call or text 270-308-0894
LF - Old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 5ft by 16ft horse panels. Call 270-612-0612
LF - Good used recliner, cheap. Call 270-218-9981
Yard Sale - At 712 W. Union St, Munfordville, Fri & Sat 7 to 4. Basement purge, beanies, baseball cards and sports memorabilia, kids toys, chairs, crib items, booster seats, clothes for adults and children, dishes, exercise equipment, collectibles, etc.
Monday, October 28th, 2024
GA - Yard sale items, no clothes, first come, first serve. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 pt hitch disc, lightweight with solid frame $100. Call 270-862-3116
Thursday, October 24th, 2024
FS - 9-month-old English Bulldog, male in good health and housebroken, $500. Call 270-473-0128
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
LF - Good used electric clothes dryer. Call or text 270-528-1419
FS - Smaller pieces of insulated fiberglass panels, bundle deals. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Washing machine, reasonably priced. Call 270-786-4477
LF - Older golf cart. FS - Husky 30" cut riding mower, $250, self propelled push mower, $80 and a like new push mower, $50. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Roll around Popular Mechanics toolbox, 5 large trays and 3 bottom trays, $80. Call 317-210-8837
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
FS - John Deere sickle mower, 7 ft model 350 pto type $1,000, one person sailboat, white, no sail or mast, $600, camper shell cap, dark blue, outside dimensions on bottom 80"x74", came off swb Chevy truck, $750, and Yard limb chipper, gas Briggs engine, new blades, $250. Call or text 270-308-0894
FS- White camper truck topper with racks for a 1500 Chevy Silverado. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Scaffolding, 6ft x 6ft, with safety gates, pins, wheels, $900 or possible trade with cash. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, October 21st, 2024
FS - 14 ft John boat with 9.9 Mercury motor with electric start. Call 270-407-5320
FS - 8 scaffoldings that are 6 ft long, have safety gates, wheels and pins, $1000/ possible trade, older 4x2 side by side with steel dump bed, $1800/ possible trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 new pair of ladies Dr. Scholl's tennis shoes, size 6 1/2, Minnie Mouse baby walker. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Quart jars, $10 per dozen. Call 270-524-3326
FS - Male English bulldog, housebroken, $500. Call 270-473-0128
FS - 2 sets of king size mattresses and box springs. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Running boards for a Ford pickup truck, barbed wire, 2 ceiling fans, a set of glass sliding shower doors. Call 270-537-3341
Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
FS - 3 new propane heaters in box. $50 each. Call 270-774-1485
FS - New Disney Minnie Mouse walker $10, heating pad, $15, 3 pair of men's shoes, sizes 9 1/2 and 11, $10 per pair. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Husky 30" cut riding mower $350, self propelled push mower, $80, and another push mower $65, LF - Yamaha golf cart, running or not and a house or mobile home with 2 to 3 bedrooms in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Cedar oval picnic table, $200, seats 8. Call 270-734-2747
Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
FS - Puppies, the dad is a papered Yorkshire Terrier, asking $500 per puppy. Call 801-660-0144
Monday, October 14th, 2024
FS - 46" Samsung wall mounted flat screen tv, $60, 56" stand-up mirror like new, $30, like new men's work boots, size 11 1/2 wide, $30. For more information, call Randy at 270-524-9276
FS - Husky riding mower, $250, self propelled push mower, $75, regular push mower, $65, LF -old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Small house radio with am/fm. Call 270-524-7709
LF - 2 electric heaters and house cleaning jobs in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-404-4370
Friday, October 11th, 2024
FS - Nine week old puppies with their shots, ready to go. Dad is a papered Yorkie mom is a Shitzu Yorkie mix. Three females and one male. Puppies look just like Yorkies with cute floppy ears and a white spot on their chest. Asking 500.00 firm. Call 801-660-0144, can send pictures.
Thursday, October 10th, 2024
Yard Sale - Multiple families at Hwy 1297 west of Glasgow in the Beckton Community, Friday
& Saturday, October 11th & 12th.
Yard Sale - Saturday at 8 am at 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at the Whickerville Baptist Church near Monroe community. There will be clothes for $2 a bag and lots of other items. There will also be a Fish Fry at the church Saturday at 11 am which includes: fish, fries, slaw, hush puppies and drink. For more information, call 270-528-2407
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
FS - 20 insulated fiberglass panels, @ $2.50 each, and smaller pieces. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2004 Dodge Ram, has Hemi motor, 3/4 ton, 4x4, runs great. Asking $2900. Call 270-670-3570
LF - Dryer, water heater. Call Steve at 270-218-9637
FS - 4 boxes of white D4 vinyl siding or will do some trading. Call 270-786-4477
FS - Set of Toyota Tacoma 16" wheels, $200 for the set, also roll of woven wire, $200, 17 sheep, $250 each. Call 270-932-1150
FS - China cabinet, $80. Call 317-710-8837
FS - 2 tool boxes, $150 for both, one is Craftsman, the other is Popular Mechanics. Wheel horse disc to pull behind a small tractor. $150. Call 317-710-8837
Tuesday, October 8th, 2024
LF - Older golf cart, doesn't have to be running, also old mowers. FS - self-propelled push mower, $100 & a push mower, like new, $75. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 4x8 trailer with sideboards, $350, 2 toolboxes. Call 317-710-8837
Monday, October 7th, 2024
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday on Hwy 1297, west of Glasgow in the Beckton community. Many families will be participating in the yard sale.
Friday, October 4th, 2024
FS - New pair of size 11 mens shoes $10, Minnie Mouse baby walker, $10, and gospel cd's, $4 each. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Set of nylon safety harnesses, $15 each. Call 270-528-5208
LF - 2 people to bag ear corn in Priceville, $10 hour. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Self-propelled push mower, $100, push mower, like$75 like new. LF -old riding mowers, bathroom vanity and sink, at least 4' wide. Call 270-670-1359
Whickerville Baptist Church will be taking a tractor trailer load of items to those affected by recent flooding. If you have anything you would like to donate, please drop off items anytime in the church foyer, located at 90 Whickerville Road, near Monroe.
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday and Saturday, maybe Sunday - 8920 Happy Valley Road under the American flag tent. Kitchenware, vintage lawn furniture, vintage clothing, records, albums, glassware. Call 270-590-3452
LF - Electric dryer. Call 270-218-9637
Yard Sale & Fish Fry - at Whickerville Baptist Church in Hardyville Saturday, October 12th, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Clothes are $2 a bag and bags will be furnished. In case of rain, the yard sale will be around back in the pavilion.
FS - Self propelled push mower, $100, and a like new mower, LF - old mowers, bathroom vanity and sink 4' to 5' long. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Set of Toyota Tacoma 16" wheels $200 for the set, roll of woven wire, $$200, 17 sheep, $250 each. Call 270-932-1150
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024
FS - Rolled hay, $35 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Cedar oval picnic table, seats 8, $200. Call 270-734-2747
LF - 1999 to 2001 Dodge Ram 2500 for parts. Call 270-646-0878
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
FS - New Holland disc mower, 4 basket tedder, 256 New Holland dolly bar rake, Anarosa Y rake, and a New Holland square baler. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Self propelled mower, $75, LF - bathroom vanity, 4 to 5' with sink. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Old quilt, hand stitched, $50 obo. Call 270-590-7877
Monday, September 30th, 2024
FS - White farmhouse cabinet with black accents and buffalo plaid fabric, Victorian marble top table and vintage metal cabinet, in Munfordville. Call 270-565-1663
GA - 24 bulb Sunquest tanning bed. Call 270-537-4439
FS - 2 Cub Cadet zero-turn mowers for junk in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-4036
Friday, September 27th, 2024
FS - Twin beds with rails, $200, girl's 5-piece white bedroom suit, $300 obo. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Step rail to fit a Ford F-150 full size pickup. Call 270-218-9570
LF - Medium size male dog for a traveling companion, that's not owner-aggressive. Call 270-646-0878
Thursday, September 26th, 2024
LF - 16 ft gate in good condition. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - 4x8 trailer with side rails and has decent tires, $350. 2 roll-around toolboxes, 1 is a Craftsman and the other a Pro Mechanics toolbox, $175 for both. In Park City, call 317-710-8837
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
FS - 12-month-old male long hair apple head Chihuahua. Call 629-292-3315
LF - Portable wood plane. Call 270-218-3127
Monday, September 23rd, 2024
LF - Vanity and sink for bathroom can use up to 5ft, FS - brush guard for Ford pickup and Husqvarna 48" cut riding mower, $400 or will do some trading. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 oak bar stools, 2 twin beds, 4 piece girls white bedroom suite. Call 270-531-6947
Friday, September 20th, 2024
Benefit Yard Sale now thru Sunday for Nancy Parnell 2840 Sulphur Well - Knob Lick Road. Antiques dishes, kids toys, Holiday decor, etc. Call 270-218-8098
2 family yard sale at 1287 E Main Street, Horse Cave, bed clothes, dishes, clothing, piercing items. Call 270-528-1800
LF - Bathroom vanity sink 4 to 5 ft long, FS - Husqvarna riding mower, 48" cut, $400, brush guard chrome bumper that fits a Ford full size pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Register Pug puppies, $600 each. Call 270-773-2768
FS - Old railroad stock certificates, 1 from 1944 & 2 from the 60's, $10 each or $25 for all. Call 270-791-8916
Yard Sale - 323 Walthal Street, Horse Cave, new Amazon jewelry, household items, name brand clothes, Christmas decor, etc. Signs posted. Call 270-537-1162
Thursday, September 19th, 2024
FS - Husqvarna 48" cut hydrostatic riding mower, $500 obo, brush guard bumper for Ford pickup $60, LF - Old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 10x13 maroon awning, new in package, $200. Call 270-473-1446
Yard Sale - Thursday thru Saturday, at 212 White St, Cave City. Items include: notebooks, cookware, baby clothes, odds and ends.
LF - 1 or 2 row corn picker. Call 270-524-3460
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024
FS - 200 insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Monday, September 16th, 2024
FS - 5 shop lights, 4 ft long , have 3 bulbs, with glass protectors, $20 each. Lawnmower parts. Call 270-218-9885
FS - 48" cut husky riding mower, $500 or possible trade, and a chrome brush guard for Ford pickup, $75 obo. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Carpenter to work on floors in Metcalfe County, LF - Cheap pushmower and have a small self-propelled lawnmower that isn't running but will trade in toward a pushmower. Call 270-404-4370 or 270-308-1475
FS - TV stand, 35" Emerson LED tv, $150 for both, brand new queen size air mattress, $80. Call 270-773-7937
Friday, September 13th, 2024
FS - 1963 Ford Tractor 801 diesel, runs good, $2900 and a 2003 Chevy S-10, blue in color, $3500. Call 270-670-3570
LF - Water heater and dryer. Call or text 270-218-9637
FS - Large and small rolls of hay. Call 270-524-9702 or 270-528-1691
LF - Back left mud flap for Grizzly 600 4-wheeler. Call 270-786-4399
Thursday, September 12th, 2024
FS - Deer corn, 50lb bags, $6 each, in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Chest type freezer, works fine, in Munfordville. Text only at 270-404-1754
Wednesday, September 11th, 2024
LF - Washer. Call 270-524-7817
FS - 10.2 cubit ft chest type freezer, $150 in Munfordville. Text 270-404-1754
LF - Old riding mower, side shaft motor, twin cylinder, for a Woods zero-turn mower. FS - Front tine garden tiller. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, September 9th, 2024
LF - Washer. Call 270-524-7817
Friday, September 6th, 2024
Yard sale today and Saturday 8 to 5 at 507 N Jackson Hwy, Hardyville; clothes, decor, light fixtures, misc. items.
Yard Sale - 313 N. 9th St., Cave City Fri, Sat & Sun, $1 items, signs posted. LF - Swing set, old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 418 Owen St, Cave City, today & Saturday. Christmas tins and kids toys, odds and ends, throws, rugs, pillows. Call 270-590-6031
FS - 100 steel posts $3 each, corner post $10, black $7 Union Light Road. Call 270-286-4036
FS - 4 piece white wood bedroom suit, best offer, 2 maple twin beds, all kinds of western books. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, September 5th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels. Size: 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches...$2.50 each this week...Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each this week, small trailer, needs hubs and bearings, 3 wheels and tires with it, $50. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 45" flatscreen tv. Call 270-473-3475
FS - Electric chainsaw, $50. 270-218-5045
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024
FS - 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix, stripped, $400 good for derby or possible trade. LF - Swing set in good condition, old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 4 boxes of white vinyl siding, new. Call 270-786-4477
FS - Leather couch with built-in recliners and loveseat that reclines, pull out cabinet, looks like a table. Call 270-646-6475
FS - 2-month-old puppy to re-home, Corgi Poo and Schnauzer mixed. Call 270-401-8760
FS - 8-week-old Foxy Doxies, have had shots and wormed. Call 270-325-3051
Friday, August 30th, 2024
FS - White metal vintage cabinet, child's table & 2 chairs, unique cedar chest. Call 270-565-1663
FS - Kodak AZ 421 digital camera, $175. Call 270-307-3914
LF - Washer. Call 270-524-7817
LF - Swing set and old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, August 29th, 2024
FS - 2008 Buick Lucerne, needs transmission. Call 270-380-3024
FS - 1997 Mercedez Benz 420 sedan, 190k miles, v-8, runs and drives good, gold color, leather seats, sunroof. 2016 Ford Fusion, rebuilt, black with gray interior 170k miles. Call 270-576-4455 in Knob Lick area.
LF - Good burn barrel. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2 & $3 each, also a bundle of smaller ones, over 120 pieces for $50, would trade for a good push mower. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 4 used truck tires, size P275/55/R20, $75, brand new Dewalt hammer drill, 2 (18volt) batteries with charger and case, $100. Call 270-537-3325
Monday, August 26th, 2024
LF - Good swing set, old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Matchbox cars for mission trip. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, August 23rd, 2024
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday (8- 23 & 24) at 306 Green Street, Horse Cave, at 8 a.m. each morning. Items include: couch, desk, large wooden desk, entertainment center, corner shelf, 32" tv, coat rack, sheets, blankets, comforters, air fryer, clothes, dishes, whatnots, home decor, etc. Everything must go!
FS - Dishpan and iron griddle skillet. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 7 ft dump trailer, $500. Call 270-773-4366
Thursday, August 22nd, 2024
FS -2000 Dodge Neon, cold air and heat, 4 new tires, automatic, $650 with trade. LF - Swing set at reasonable price, old riding mowers 670-1359
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday (8-22, 23 & 24) at 306 Green Street, Horse Cave, at 8 a.m. each morning. Items include: couch, desk, large wooden desk, entertainment center, 32" tv, coat rack, microwave, air fryer, clothes, dishes, whatnots, home decor, etc. Everything must go!
GA - Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-473-1731
FS - 2 Poulan chainsaws and parts, $100, insulated fiberglass panels $2 & $3 each. Call 270-405-1260 in Summersville.
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each today in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Flatscreen tv, dvd player. Call 270-473-3475
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday (8-22, 23 & 24) at 306 Green Street, Horse Cave, at 8 a.m. each morning. Items include: couch, desk, large wooden desk, entertainment center, 32" tv, coat rack, microwave, air fryer, clothes, dishes, whatnots, home decor, etc. Everything must go!GA - Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-473-1731
FS - Electric chainsaw, $50. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 2004 red Chevy Blazer, $3500. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, August 20th, 2024
FS - 2 Poulan chainsaws and parts, $100, insulated fiberglass panels $2 & $3 each. Call 270-405-1260 in Summersville.
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday (8-22, 23 & 24) at 306 Green Street, Horse Cave, at 8 a.m. each morning. Items include: couch, desk, large wooden desk, entertainment center, 32" tv, coat rack, microwave, air fryer, clothes, dishes, whatnots, home decor, etc. Everything must go!
Monday, August 19th, 2024
LF - RV or conversion van, or pull behind camper, between $3,000 to $5,000, LF - old riding mowers, running or not. FS - 2000 Dodge Neon, automatic, 4 new tires on it, $850 or possible trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Ladies large black jacket, ladies black boots, size 6 1/2 and ladies black purse, $15 for all, 2 beige lawn chairs, $10 each and a microwave $10. Call 502-341-4335
Yard Sale - On Green St, Horse Cave, Friday and Saturday. Clothes, furniture, shoes, odds and ends.
Friday, August 16th, 2024
LF - Drivable RV or conversion van $3,000 to $4,000. FS - 2000 Dodge Neon with new tires, automatic, cold air. LF - Old riding mowers, GA - kittens. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, August 15th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each today in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 4 - 920 truck tires and rims $200, deer corn by the wagon load, can deliver. Call 270-528-1958
Wednesday, August 14th, 2024
FS - 12 ft long sliding board, came from a school. $350. 100 sheets corrugated metal, $3 each. Call 270-670-3570
GA - Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-473-1731
FS- Electric chainsaw, $45. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Kittens, FS - Coffee table. Call 270-218-3225
Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
LF - Old riding mowers, old Murrays, Craftsmans, FS - 2000 Dodge Neon, 4cyl, 4 door, $1200, has new tires. May do possible trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Large selection of matchbox cars, infant clothing in really good condition for an outreach ministry. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 10-12 black laying hens, $20 each. Call 270-823-4301
Monday, August 12th, 2024
LF- Black angus bull ready for service. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Electric stove, clean and works good, almond color, cord included that fits a 4 prong outlet, $250. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 250 farm tractor, 430 hours, asking $3500. Call 270-528-4117
LF - Large selection of matchbox cars, infant clothing in really good condition for an outreach ministry. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, August 9th, 2024
LF - 2 tires, size 175/70/14 and a reasonably priced RV that is drivable. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Insulated white fiberglass panels, $2 and $3 each. Size 6'4" and 4'10". Call 270-405-1260
Yard Sale - 3797 Charlie Moran Hwy, Fri & Saturday, quilts, girls clothes, big men's clothes, all kind of ladies, home decor. Call 270-786-2592
LF - Part time dance teacher, pay is based on commission with contract, starting 1st week in September. Call 270-883-1838
Thursday, August 8th, 2024
FS - 42" cut Cub Cadet mower, $450, full size aluminum toolbox, $60. Call 317-710-8837
FS - Decorative cedar chest, farmhouse white bench, Victorian marble top table. Call 270-565-1663
FS - Samsung Washer, 5 years-old, top load and works well. $200. 2014 Honda Accord, 165,000 miles on it, runs good, $5500. Call 270-528-6108
FS - Name brand blue jeans, size 30x30, 33x30, 34x30, 34x32 & 38x32. $8 each. Call 270-528-2407
GA - 6 fluorescent shop lights, uses 3 ft bulbs. Call 270-786-3705
Monday, August 5th, 2024
FS - Plus size clothing for women and music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Aluminum tool box for full size pickup $60, 46" cub cadet riding mower, new battery $450. Call 317-710-8837
Friday, August 2nd, 2024
GA - Full size organ. Call 270-528-2407
Estate yard sale (Sexton's) - Today and Saturday at 7:00 a.m. at 115 Kountry Kitchen Road, Hardyville, near Memorial School.
FS - New 10x13 maroon retractable awning, $200. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Gold Comet laying hens, 4 Rhode Island Reds, white Leggern rooster and hen, $8 each or if you take multiples $7 each. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 50" flatscreen tv, $100, tv stand, $100, GA - Full size mattress in good condition, clean. Call 270-473-3475
Tuesday, July 30th, 2024
FS - Large rooster, boar hog and hair lambs. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 3 pt pickup disc, $200. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 10-12 black laying hens, $20 each. Call 270-823-4301
Monday, July 29th, 2024
FS - 7 oak and iron stall doors, 42x78, will sell all $525. E-mail
LF - Set of 14" tires for Dodge Neon, tires and wheels. Old riding Murray & Craftsman lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, July 26th, 2024
FS - 10x13' maroon awning, $200. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Electric chainsaw, $50. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Flat screen tv, $100. Call 270-473-3475
FS - Fiberglass panels, size 6'4" x 4'10". $3 & $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2001 Pontiac Montana van, $2500, 4ft utility trailer (dump). $600, and 2 Road Master bikes, older bicycles and old license plates. Call 270-576-2164
Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
FS - 5 Polypay wool Lambs in the 60 - 70 pound
range, asking $150 ea. 1 Polypay wool 2yr old Ewe, asking $200; 2 Saanen wethers,
4 months old. Asking $90 each. Char-Broil MASTERFLAME 7000 Grill Missing bottom
rack and needs cleaning, comes with partly full 17# propane tank, and 10# bag
Charcoal,. Asking $70. 2010 Husqvarna LGTH2454 Lawn Mower 54" triple blade mower
deck. Will need a new battery and air filter, has a mouse nest in motor
that needs removing. Stared and ran as of March 2024. Asking $900. Call
FS - Boar hop,
around 600 lbs, asking $150 obo. Call 502-263-8359
LF - Maintenance man. Call 270-576-8522
FS - Craftsman tractor with no mowing deck, has 23hp Kohler engine, and has snow blade and bucket, $300. Call 317-710-8837 in Park City
FS - Craftsman 42" cut riding mower, $600, Ford 801 Power Master diesel tractor, $2900. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024
FS - Six guineas, male and female. They are laying eggs, $100 cash. Email
Monday, July 22nd, 2024
LF - Private duty sitting, have years of experience taking care of the elderly and disabled. Call 270-786-3057
FS - 40cc Wildthing chainsaw with 18" bar, like new, $100, 1993 Chevy pickup, 2wd single cab, v-8, automatic, $1,000 or cash and trade, 2000 Dodge Neon, 4 door, it does smoke some, $800, LF - Craftsman and Murray riding mowers for the frames. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Antique wooden clothes wardrobe, GA - 3x, 4x & 5x men's clothes. Call 270-590-3209
Friday, July 19th, 2024
FS - 18 lambs. Call 270-932-1150
Yard Sale Today at 313 N. 9th St, Cave City: lots of new items, chainsaws, AA & AAA batteries, sheet sets, clothes, make up, FS - 1993 Chevy pickup, automatic, v-8, $1200 or will trade for small truck or car. LF - Old riding mowers for frames & 4 - 14" tires to fit a Dodge Neon or will take wheels and tires. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3pt hitch disc $200, riding mowers. Call 270-735-6698
Thursday, July 18th, 2024
FS - Fresh thornless blackberries, $20 a gallon, only picked when ordered. Call 270-590-6243
FS - 406-8920
FS - 1993 Chevy, long-wheel-base, 2wd, regular cab, asking $1500 cash or will trade for small car or pickup, LF - 14" tires for a Dodge Neon car. LF - minivan or small pickup truck for demolition derby, old lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Electric wheelchair, shower chair, electric cook stove. Call 270-773-3368
FS - 2003 GMC SLS Sonoma pickup, automatic, 6 cyl, black color and has 90,500 actual miles. Call 270-678-6412
FS - Ford 801 power master diesel tractor, $2900. Craftsman 42" cut riding mower, $600. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, July 17th, 2024
FS - 3 air conditioners; Frigidaire 6,000btu, $200; GE 10,000btu, $225; and an 18,000btu, $250. Old corrugated barn metal, 8' to 16' long, $4 per sheet. Call 270-670-3570
LF - House to rent, 3 bedrooms, out in the country, pet friendly with high speed internet. Call 270-459-3560 or 270-590-3209
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2 & $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
Tuesday, July 16th, 2024
GA - Canning jars, large and small. FS - Beer pulls. Call 270-773-5306
Monday, July 15th, 2024
FS - 2002 Dodge 1500 4dr, 2wd pickup, 5.9 motor, runs and drives good, various sizes of real wood vanities-counter tops, antique armchair and antique corner cabinet with glass doors. Call or text 270-361-1231
FS - 3pt hitch disc $200, riding mowers. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Mobility chair, Jazzy Elite HD. $400. with battery charger. Call 270-670-3480
FS - 3 air conditioners, all work good, 6,000 10,000 & 18,000btu. 150 Sheets of corrugated metal, $4 each. GA - Red leather sectional couch. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 4' chain link 12 x10 dog kennel, front tine garden tiller, in good condition and has reverse. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, July 12th, 2024
Yard Sale - Saturday at Hartland Storage in Munfordville, across from IGA, at 7 a.m., furniture, dishes, etc.
FS - Propane gas vent-free space wall heater, 20,000btu, still in box, $200. Call or text 270-681-8061
FS - 2 pair of men's jeans, size 32x30, baby stroller $5, men's Reebok tennis shoes, size 9, 65 egg cartons, 15c each. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2 - 50 gallon whiskey barrels, $100 each. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 3 pt hitch disc, riding lawnmowers. Call 270-735-6698
Thursday, July 11th, 2024
Yard Sale - Today 307 N 3rd St Cave City, baby clothes, small to 4x clothes for men and women, shoes, baby stroller, playpen, walker, etc.
GA - New canning jars, quarts and some pints. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Older truck or minivan, 4 tires (14") for Dodge Neon FS - 14,000btu air conditioner, uses 220 plug, $180 cash, Call 270-670-1359
FS - 40 half-grown chickens, $4. Call 270-218-1961
LF - Portable wood plane. Call 270-218-3127
Wednesday, July 10th, 2024
FS - 2002 Dodge 1500 4dr 2wd v-8, 5.9 motor, $3,000. Call 270-361-1231
FS - 3 pt pickup disc, $200. Call 270-735-6698
Tuesday, July 9th, 2024
FS - Decorative cedar chest, one-of-a-kind. Call 270-565-1663
FS - 2002 Dodge 4-door, 2wd truck with 5.9 motor, runs and drives, $3000 obo. Call 270-361-1231
FS - 16 laying hens, $12. Call 270-932-1150
FS - 10x13 maroon awning, new in box, $200. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 4 dwarf rabbits, $15 each. Call 270-537-5724 or 270-537-5725
FS - 100 insulated panels, $3 each, in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - 2008 Chrysler Town & Country body. Call 270-531-2061
FS - Self-propelled push mower Husqvarna, $175. Call 270-528-1272
FS - 40 half-grown chickens, $4. Call 270-218-1961
Monday, July 8th, 2024
LF - Someone to cut down trees and move them. Call 270-218-2554
LF - 2 scooters taken from Farmwald's Bakery in Horse Cave. Call 270-590-3209 can arrange pickup, no questions asked.
LF - Windows size 28x43, front door - 36x80. These items are needed after a house fire, any kind of help is appreciated. The electric needs to be repaired and will cost $2500. Money can be given directly to Murphy's Electric. Call 270-774-1794
LF - Set of 14" tires for Dodge Neon, tires and wheels. Old riding lawnmowers, complete. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, July 5th, 2024
Yard Sale - Saturday at 8 at 80 Richardson Road, Munfordville behind the new Dollar Store, 4 families, sewing machines, fabric, clothes. Call 270-473-1045
FS - 4 piece dog kennel, 12x10- 6 ft tall. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Water heater for a mobile home, washer and dryer. Call 270-218-3411
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024
LF - Security storm door and an entry door, size 36x80. Please send pics to 270-723-4077
LF - Used catfish pole and reel. Call 270-218-1593
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
FS - 6 pullets, laying hens, $12 each, 9-months-old. Call 270-597-7336
FS - 2 new tires to fit a lawnmower or golf cart, $150 for both, size 24x12x12. Call 270-816-0658
GA - 3 Border Collie mixed pups. Call 270-535-9797
Monday, July 1st, 2024
FS - (2) 24" Schwinn bikes, $125 each. LF - Old minivan that runs and drives, G1 or G2 Yamaha golf cart complete. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Fiberglass panels, $2.50 each. Call 270-405-1260
Friday, June 28th, 2024
FS - 2018 Suzuki CSX motorcycle, $2000 or trade for a motor for a 2012 Chevy Traverse or a side by side. Call 270-405-3060
FS - 2 tires for a mower or golfcart, new, 24x12x12, $150. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Dirt Devil steamer mop, ladies sandals, size 11, men's jeans, baby stroller. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 9 hens, some starting to lay, 12x10 dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 1993 Chevy S-10 pickup, new paint in good condition, $5500 obo. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, lots of uses, $3 and $4 each, will do better if take all. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Riding mower with grader blade on front, comes with bucket, tractor tires, with 22h Kohler engine, $400. Call 317-710-8837
FS - 6 laying hens, $12 each. Call 270-932-1150
LF - Used catfish pole. Call 270-218-1593
FS - 1973 Int'l 140 tractor, has cultivators. Call 270-537-5642
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail, 16,000 miles, runs great, classic color. Call Pat at 610-488-1782 in the morning.
Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail, 16,000 miles, runs great, classic color. Call Pat at 610-488-1782 in the morning.
LF - Lawnmower, prefer a zero-turn. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Blue Heeler pups (3 males and 4 females), $100 each, mom and dad are on sight. Call 270-218-3535 or 270-537-1508
FS - Samsung washer, $75. Call 270-505-5256
FS- Insulated fiberglass panels - 6' 4" x 4' 10", provides moisture barrier, $3 to $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Large tan color sectional, $300. Call 270-670-3570
Monday, June 24th, 2024
FS - 40 chickens, most are half grown $3 and $4. Call 270-218-1691
FS - Upright deepfreeze, $350. Call 270-537-4686
LF - Honda utility 4-wheeler or other brands. Call 270-537-5324
FS - 16" 8 lug wheel, came off utility trailer, $8. 9 silver lace wine dot pullets, 1 dominicker, $9 each if you buy all or $10 each . Call 270-528-5208
LF - Old square bodied lawnmower frames, do not have to have motors. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, June 21st, 2024
LF - Lawnmower, prefer a zero-turn. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Blue Heeler pups (3 males and 4 females), $100 each, mom and dad are on sight. Call 270-218-3535 or 270-537-1508
FS - Samsung washer, $75. Call 270-505-5256
Yard Sale - C T Hogan Lane just outside Hardyville in brick home. Heavy duty trailer, refrigerator, deer stand, mens clothes, housewares, CASE knives, books Friday & Saturday.
Thursday, June 20th, 2024
LF - Someone to bush hog a yard near Hardyville. GA - kittens. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Dog kennel, 12'x15', it is 6' tall, has front and back gate. Asking $100. Call 270-218-1691
FS - 65' bass boat, new motor, $2500. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 7 old limestone round grinding stones. Call 270-531-2862
Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
FS- Insulated fiberglass panels - 6' 4" x 4' 10", provides moisture barrier, $3 to $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Large tan color sectional, $300. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
FS - Electric wheelchair with charger and batteries, music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
LF - Good riding lawnmower. Call 270-473-4035
Monday, June 17th, 2024
LF - Wild orange day lillies. Call Janie in Munfordville at 847-867-6833
FS - Craftsman riding lawnmower, $50, side by side steel refrigerators, both work, $50 & $150. Chest freezer, works, $40, red bricks, 25c each. All prices are negotiable. Call 270-535-9797
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Horse Cave area. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 16 Ewe lambs. In Greensburg, Call 270-932-1150
FS - 10'x13' retractable canopy, maroon color, new, $225. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Queen size oak bed in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-0818
FS - Sausage grinder, hand cranked, new in box, $20, LF- carrier racks to slide in back. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Power lift tan recliner, used one month, $500. Call 270-524-7053
FS - Car dolly with new paint and good tires, 2 stand up air conditioners. (14,000 and 10,000btu). Call 270-943-9139
GA - Blue Heeler and Shepherd mixed pups. Call 270-473-1731
Friday, June 7th, 2024
Multi-family yard sale this weekend at 323 Wathall Street in Horse Cave. Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
68/80 400 Mile Yard Sale underway through this weekend!
Yard Sale - 5806 South Dixie Hwy between Horse Cave & Rowletts.
FS - 16 ft aluminum extension ladder. Call 270-528-6488
Moving Sale - Friday & Saturday at 1900 Hammonsville Road, just outside of Munfordville, solid oak 3-section bookcase with wooden desk, solid oak 10' buffet, clothing, flowerpots, candles, small hand tools, home decor, etc. Call 270-537-5312
FS - New shower chair, new Redwing shoes, size 6 1/2, egg cartons 15c each. Call 502-341-4335
Thursday, June 6th, 2024
Multi-family yard sale this weekend at 323 Wathall Street in Horse Cave. Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
68/80 400 Mile Yard Sale underway through this weekend!
FS - 4 kitchen chairs, baby stroller and mattress. Call 502-341-4335
Yard Sale - 5806 South Dixie Hwy between Horse Cave & Rowletts.
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
Multi-family yard sale this weekend at 323 Wathall Street in Horse Cave. Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
FS - 7 laying hens, full stock, different breeds, $10 each. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Winnie the Pooh table set for kid's room. Call 270-404-4695
Tuesday, June 4th, 2024
FS - 2 men's Dr. Scholl's shoes, size 9 1/2, $10, adult walker with wheels, $15, egg cartons, men's jeans, size 32x30, 36x30 & 40x32. Call 270-341-4335
Monday, June 3rd, 2024
FS - 12' & 8' Cattle gates, t-posts, wood posts. Call 270-286-4036
FS- 2004 Dodge 1500 pickup or will part out. Call 270-576-5414
Friday, May 31st, 2024
FS - Laying hens, 3 to 4 trolling motors. Call 270-528-5208
Yard Sale - now through the weekend, 313 N 9th St, Cave City, signs posted boxes on ground, fill bag $5, everything on table $1, 14000 btu air conditioner, $300 GA - pallets, LF - RV for reasonable price. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday, at 110 Monroe Street, Glasgow from 10 to 5.
FS - Ducks, guineas, chicks (small and large), also Yard Sale Thursday and Friday at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy, Bonnieville. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail, 16,000 miles, runs great and valued at $7999. Make an offer. Call 610-488-1782 ask for Pat.
Thursday, May 30th, 2024
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday, at 110 Monroe Street, Glasgow from 10 to 5.
FS - Ducks, guineas, chicks (small and large), also Yard Sale Thursday and Friday at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy, Bonnieville. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail, 16,000 miles, runs great and valued at $7999. Make an offer. Call 610-488-1782 ask for Pat.
FS - Aluminum extension ladder, $75. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Recliner. Call 270-473-0818
Yard Sale - now through the weekend, 313 N 9th St, Cave City, signs posted boxes on ground, fill bag $5, everything on table $1, 14000 btu air conditioner, $300 GA - pallets, LF - RV for reasonable price. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, May 29th, 2024
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 2564 L&N Turnpike - 5 families. Signs will be posted. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Older Troybilt riding mower, 42" cut, engine runs great but needs work. In Cave City, call 270-612-0926
FS - Old roosters, $5 each in Magnolia. Call 270-696-4041
FS - 3 pair men's steel toe boots, Justin Red Wing caterpillar, good condition. New set of steel Jeep wheels, kids bikes with training wheels, men's 12 speed bike, vintage men's Schwinn adult performance bike, new roof vents, utility sink, box of nails for a nail gun. Call 270-524-9592
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
FS - Half silver dollars, 40% Kennedy half dollars, $5 each, 90% silver, $12 each 270-816-0658
FS - New pair of men's size 11 tennis shoes, $5, 4 pair of men's jeans, sizes: 36x30 32x30 and 40x30, 3 new pair of women's Dr Scholl shoes , size 7, $6 each. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Grab A Hook Restaurant is looking for a cook. Call 270-932-5581
FS - Heavy green L-shaped desk with shelving and cabinet, has gold colored top, $100, must pick up. Call 270-528-4033
FS - (2) 14,000 btu air conditioners $300 each, new. 15 to 16 pallets, LF - RV at reasonable price. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Oak entertainment center, holds a 42" tv, $100. Call 270-537-1202
FS - Less than 6-month-old roosters, $5, in Magnolia area. Call 270- 696-4041
Friday, May 24th, 2024
FS - Half silver dollars, 40% Kennedy half dollars, $5 each, 90% silver, $12 each 270-816-0658
Yard Sale - across from Dr. Green's Office in Munfordville, 3 to 4 families. For more information, call 270-774-1563
FS - Window air conditioner, 14,000 btu, $275, new. Better Built Barn, 12 x 16, $1600 or trade, and GA - pallets. Call 270-670-1359
FS - New pair of mens size 11 tennis shoes, $5, 4 pair of men's jeans, sizes: 36x30 32x30 and 40x30, 3 new pair of women's Dr Scholl shoes , size 7, $6 each. Call 502-341-4335
Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
Yard Sale - Friday, May 24th, & Saturday, May 25th, at 6015 LeGrande Hwy, Hardyville. Signs will be posted. There will be men's summer and winter clothes, sizes XL-2X. Women's plus size summer and winter clothing, sizes XL-3X, toddler girls clothing, sizes 12 months-2T, youth boys clothing, sizes medium to XL. Lots of household items and lots more.
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
GA - Lumber and metal off an old house as well as lumber and metal from a couple of old building, must take down. Located next to Hudgins area in Hart County. Call 270-696-0568
FS - Fiberglass panels, $2.50 each (today only) in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
MUCH MUCH MORE! CALL 270-524-9592
LF - Reasonably priced garden tiller. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1975 Older dump truck, good condition, $6500. Sandblaster, $2500. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 16 ft aluminum extension ladder. $75. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Dino dune buggy for ages 3 to 6 years old, 12 volt, $150, Better Built barn 12x16, has lights, $1600. must be moved. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Lawnmower starters and parts. Call 270-218-9886
GA - Blue Heeler & Pitbull mixed pups. Call 270-218-3200
FS - 3 pt hitch disk, 5 or 6 ft, 2 push mowers, self-propelled. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Wedding dress, size 16, $150. 3 boxes of boys good nite briefs, boy's husky, size 14-16 shirts and pants. Call 270-528-6300
FS - Husqvarna self-propelled push mower, $175. Call 270-528-1272
Monday, May 13th, 2024
Moving Sale at 1517 Main St. Munfordville. Men's steel toe boots, girls bike with training wheels, men's 21 speed bike, cow mailbox, woman's shoes, 90's Jeep Cherokee body parts, round chrome commercial clothing rack. Call 270-524-9592
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $3 and $4 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - All in one desktop Apple computer, comes with touchscreen keypad and a separate keypad, a mouse, $150. Call 270-528-1733
FS - 3 zero turn mowers, $650 each cash, upright 30 gallon air compressor, $175, LF - Automatic pickup 2 to 3,000 range. Call 270-457-4236
GA - (12) 5 gallon buckets. Call 270-590-9215
FS - 12" western kids saddle. Call 270-932-1150
FS - 2 new 5000 btu GE air conditioners, $125 each, 12x16 better built barn, double doors in front, or will trade for truck or trailer, $1800 cash and must be moved. GA - 12 to 15 pallets. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, May 8th, 2024
CALL 270-524-9592
Yard Sale at 84 John Logsdon Road, Munfordville, Friday & Saturday, signs posted, Home Interior pics, clothes, blankets, kitchen accessories, etc.
Tuesday, May 7th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels $3 and $4 each in Summersville, would trade for a good mower. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Aluminum 16 ft extension ladder, $75. 270-528-6488
GA - Organ. Call 270-528-2407
Monday, May 6th, 2024
FS - 16 ft aluminum step ladder $75. Call 270-528-6488
LF - 200 to 300 acres in Hart County, contact Dale Vince. Call 270-256-8548
Friday, May 3rd, 2024
LF - Someone to cut 20 acres of hay, on a 3/4 - 1/4 business deal at 3324 South Dixie Hwy at Rowletts. Call 701-740-0245
GA - 28 cu. ft Frigidaire refrigerator with ice maker, condenser kicks in and out. It will need to be moved from a home. Call 270-524-7709
Moving Sale - at 1517 MAIN ST MUNFORDVILLE
CALL 270-524-9592
LF - Radiator for an automatic 1993 Dodge Dakota. Call 270-506-8791
FS - 7 blue green pole insulators, 1 clear, $4 each or $25 for all. Call 270-528-3516
Yard Sale - signs posted, 1287 East Main Street in Horse Cave. Today and Saturday.
Thursday, May 2nd, 2024
Yard Sale - today at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy, Bonnieville. Antique table and chairs, child recliner, speakers, fishing poles and push lawnmower. Chickens and everything. Call 270-531-6947
Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
FS - 8 black heifers, average 1100 lbs each, 6 to 7 months bred to registered Angus bull. Call 270-670-5465
GA - Leer red high top camper topper shell for a 1999 Ford F150 and up. Call 270-524-5131
Garage sale - Today and Thursday at Mt Beulah United Methodist Church, 3 miles west of Munfordville on Hwy 88 in the church parking lot, tools, work bench, extension cords, chainsaw, curtains and clothes. Call 815-821-1430
FS - 16 ft extension ladder, $75. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2005 Chevy Cobalt, 4dr, automatic, trade for minivan. 2 - 5000 btu window air conditioners, $125 each or trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Int'l 140 plowing tractor with cultivators. Call 270-537-5642
Tuesday, April 30th, 2024
FS - Window air conditioner, $50, works good. Call 270-218-5045
Monday, April 29th, 2024
FS - Full size My Pillow bed top for regular bed, $50. Call 270-126-2502 or 270-528-7964
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 7:30 a.m. 31-E north of Munfordville, heading toward Bonnieville, lots of stuff, priced to sell.
FS - 16 ft aluminum extension ladder, $75. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 9800 btu air conditioner, 5000 btu air conditioner, $125. LF - garden tiller around $100, GA - Camper shell for swb or extended cab pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 sections of Weather Tech floor mats for Nissan Pathfinder. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, April 26th, 2024
Yard Sale now through Sunday - everything is a $1, LF - cheap garden tiller that works. Location is 313 N 9th St Cave City. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 16 ft aluminum extension ladder, $75. Call 270-528-6488
GA - Blue loveseat, perfect shape. 1st come gets it. Call 270-524-2841
Yard Sale - Whickerville Baptist Church Youth Group yard sale and bake sale will be held Saturday, May 4th, from 8 to 2 at the church. There will be clothes, home decor, toys, etc. and clothes will be $2 a shopping bag. Bags will be furnished. For more information, contact Bro. Brock Stilts at 270-670-4301.
Thursday, April 25th, 2024
FS - John Deere tractor 790, 1468 hours, 3 pt hitch spreader, 2 bottom plows, rake, disc, seeder/spreader, weight box, roller, grader blade and 7' bush hog. Total package is $15,000. Call 270-528-1272
FS - John Deere zeroturn mower, Accel 48 deep, Z365R, 48A, 24.0 hp, 724 cc extended life series, easy change filter, value is $4,027. Selling for $3000, pick up in Rowletts. Used only a few times. Call 270-528-1272
Yard Sale - Whickerville Baptist Church Youth Group yard sale and bake sale will be held Saturday, May 4th, from 8 to 2 at the church. There will be clothes, home decor, toys, etc. and clothes will be $2 a shopping bag. Bags will be furnished. For more information, contact Bro. Brock Stilts at 270-670-4301.
Wednesday, April 24th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels. $1 to $3 each this week. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Weather Tech 6 mats for 2017 Nissan pathfinder, $75. New. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Radiator for 1993 Dodge Dakota. Call 270-506-8791
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024
FS - Baby stroller and mattress. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 16 ft extension ladder, aluminum $75. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Small garden tiller, 4 drawer dresser in good condition, and a riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, April 22nd, 2024
FS - 38 lb thrust Mankota trolling motor, like new. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 22" cut Husqvarna, $200, 2 - 10 ft goat gates, $175 each, bed sofa loveseat dining room table and chairs, and a kennel. $135 Call 270-528-1272
FS - 75 to 100 square bales of hay. Call 270-537-4044
Friday, April 19th, 2024
FS - 7 blue green pole insulators, 1 clear. $4 each or $25 for all. Call 270-528-3516
Thursday, April 18th, 2024
FS - Chickens of all kinds, LF - House to rent in Hart County. Call 270-696-0568
Yard Sale 1586 Boyds Knob Road near Canmer through Saturday, clothes, shoes, kids' games, key chains and necklaces. Call 270-218-3225
Benefit yard sale and bake sale Saturday 7:00 a.m. at Monroe Baptist Church in Hart County. Furniture, cedar curio cabinet (taking bids online), fill a bag of clothes for $3. Cookies and pies homemade. Register for a giveaway, no purchase necessary, check the winner on FB. All proceeds go to the church for repairs. Call 270-528-1183
FS - 60 bales of hay, $4 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
FS - 1974 Chevy dump truck in good condition, $700. Call 670-3570
FS - 790 John Deere tractor with bush hog and attachments, taking bids. Tan sofa, loveseat and chair, oak dining room table with 4 chairs. Call 270-528-1272
Tuesday, April 16th, 2024
FS - Parts for mowers, 3 zero turn mowers, Woods, Torro, etc. zero turn mowers, $550 each. LF - Chevy truck 2wd between $2000 to $3500. Call 270-457-4236
FS - New set of black Weather Tech floor mats for Nissan Pathfinder. Has front, middle and back seats. $85. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 60 square bales of hay, $4 per bale. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Carpenter bee traps, Insulated fiberglass panels 7'9" x 4'6", $3 each, other sizes are available from $1 to $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
Monday, April 15th, 2024
LF - Used gutters for a garage, around 15 ft in fair condition. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Woods zero and Torro and Cub Cadet zero-turn, need batteries or tune up. LF - Chevy pickup for $2000 to $3500. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Used pushmower. Call 270-537-4084
LF - Horse or donkey for a child. Call 270-537-4686
FS - Set of tires, size 265 50 R20's, 75% tread and can send pics, 2 ceiling fans or trade, LF - part time help for concession trailer. Call 270-537-3341
FS - 3 pt - 5 ft hitch disk. LF - Hemi Engine for 2016 Dodge truck. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 4 large guineas and 5 small chickens. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Small garden tiller, riding lawnmower that works. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 21" flat screen tv. Call 270-786-5824
Friday, April 12th, 2024
FS - 100 - 6'4" x 4'10" insulated fiberglass panels, $3 each, carpenter bee traps, $10 each. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
LF - Place to rent in Hart County, LF- Nintendo DS. Call 270-528-4750
Yard Sale - Saturday and Sunday - at 192 Jack McGuire Rd, Munfordville, clothes, all kinds of items.
FS - Cub Cadet tiller, rear-tine, $400. Call 270-590-7336
Thursday, April 11th, 2024
FS - 21" flat screen tv. Call 270-786-5824
Moving sale underway - 830 Martin Pierce Road, Cub Run, fishing items, boat, enclosed trailer. Call 270-524-3023
FS - New women's blouses, size 3x, large red suitcase, quilt tops, brown leather sofa, antique copper tea kettle and double broiler. Call 270-5824
FS - Baby chicks, all sizes, $3 each, tall white side by side refrigerator, $100, small apartment size black refrigerator, $45, 4 oak chairs, $100, 2 oak stools, $50, Oak table, $100. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Craftsman 42" riding lawnmower, runs good, looks good, roll of wire. 270-528-5208
FS - 1974 dump truck, good condition, $7800. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, April 10th, 2024
Moving Sale - 830 Martin Pierce Rd, Cub Run. Fishing, boat, furniture, household items, enclosed trailer, etc. Call 270-524-3023
Hwy 86 yard sale last Saturday in April, on the 27th. Starts at 62 and goes all the way to 60.
Found - Female German Shepherd dog in Upton/Millerstown area, she is wearing collars. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Small garden tiller, LF - 4 drawer dresser, good riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 60 gallon Sanborn silver bullet air compressor, 5 hp, $600. Call or text Scott at 812-517-4001 in Horse Cave.
FS - 1974 Chevy dump truck, good condition, $7,000. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Disney VHS movies, selling all for a deal. Call 270-735-6698
Tuesday, April 9th, 2024
LF - Chevy truck 2wd, $2,000 to $2,500, old utility trailers. FS - Mower parts. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Small garden tiller, reasonable, 4 or 5 drawer dresser, old riding mower that mows. Call 270-670-1359
Lost - Black billfold near Horse Cave IGA. Call 270-786-1873
Monday, April 8th, 2024
FS - Female Teacup long hair Chihuahua puppy, Toy male apple head Chihuahua puppy, 2012BMW 328isportline, clean title. Call 629-292-3315
LF - Fertile eggs for incubator, FS - sheep, $225. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 3 pt hitch disk, 5 ft, $200. Call 270-735-6698
Friday, April 5th, 2024
FS - 7' 9" x 4' 6" insulated fiberglass panels. $2 to $4 each and other sizes. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260.
FS - Old records and albums, Louis Armstrong and others. Call 270-786-5842
FS - 42" cut Craftsman riding mower, in good working order. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, April 4th, 2024
FS - 250 lb boar hog or will trade, also selling a 300 egg incubator. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Mixed breed laying hens and some guineas and a pair of peacocks, make offer. Call 270-528-6811
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024
FS - 250 lb boar hog or will trade, also selling a 300 egg incubator. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Mixed breed laying hens and some guineas and a pair of peacocks, make offer. Call 270-528-6811
Monday, April 1st, 2024
FS - Wood zero turn mower, Toro zero turn mower and Cub Cadet zero turn mower and some mower parts. Call 270-457-4236
GA - Electric organ. Call 270-218-8287
LF - Tires for a Ford F-350 pickup, size 215/85/16 and a cheap riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Gas cook stove, full size box springs and mattress. Call 270-524-5072
FS - 4 ft tall 2x2" square cage wire, Craftsman lawnmower 18hp, runs good. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, March 29th, 2024
LF - Someone to till a small spot for a garden on Green Street in Horse Cave. Call 270-218-3982
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday, 8am to 2pm, women's plus size, men's 2x & 3x clothes, furniture, antiques, tv's handmade soap, baby chicks, dvd's, wooden decor, jewelry. Location is 3817 Chaumont Rd, Park City, right off 31-W, signs are posted.
FS- 1950 Allis Chalmers tractor, with full set of 2 row cultivators, $1500. 1939 Ford Ferguson tractor, $2,800. Whirlpool dryer on pedestal, $100. Snap on sand blaster, asking $2500. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 2017 Buick Envision, $17,500. Call 270-528-6108
Thursday, March 28th, 2024
FS - Portable hand held stick welder, 70 amp, 120 volt. 2 boxes of welding rods 1/16 & 1/32 $65 firm. 42" riding mower, $50. Call 270-524-9276
FS - Zebra Finches, $25 each, bring your own cage, male and female, about 8 months old. Call 270-579-9639
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday, 8am to 2pm, women's plus size, men's 2x & 3x clothes, furniture, antiques, tv's handmade soap, baby chicks, dvd's, wooden decor, jewelry. Location is 3817 Chaumont Rd, Park City, right off 31-W, signs are posted.
FS - Set of 15" wheels for Jeep, $100. GA - Exercise bike. Call 270-528-1266
FS - 2017 Buick Envision, $17,500. Call 270-528-6108
FS- 1950 Allis Chalmers tractor, with full set of 2 row cultivators, $1500. 1939 Ford Ferguson tractor, $2,800. Whirlpool dryer on pedestal, $100. Snap on sand blaster, asking $2500. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, March 27th, 2024
LF - Moped, between $250 & $300, cheap loveseat, thick rubber mat for use on concrete. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Iza brand chickens, $15 each, country eggs for $3 a dozen. Call 270-528-1330
LF - Water heater for a trailer, odd jobs, roofing, fencing, carpentry, etc. Call 270-218-3411
FS - New virtual Reality headsets with blue tooth remotes, $10 each. Call 812-517-4001 in Horse Cave
Tuesday, March 26th, 2024
LF - Quick hitch for C-Farmall tractor, receiving bar or back cultivators. Call 270-590-8375
FS - Iza brown pullets, $15 each, fresh eggs, $3 a dozen. Call 270-528-1330
LF - Someone to plow a space for a garden on Green St, Horse Cave. Call 270-218-3982
FS - 3 pt hitch pick up disc. $200. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Lawnmower parts. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Ladies dresses, sizes: 10, 14 16 & 18, 3 ladies sandals; size 7. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 42" Craftsman lawnmower, new blades, good tires, Call 270-528-5208
FS - Mini fridge, new, $75 has double doors, kitchen table with 6 chairs, $125, LF - lawnmower. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, March 22nd, 2024
Yard Sale - 313 N 9th Street in Cave City. New dvd movies 2/$1, lots of items, dorm size refrigerator, $80, LF - push mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Large white fiberglass camper topper, needs a back door. Asking $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 4 tires off 2016 Chevy Silverado, aluminum wheels, $500, size 275 55 R20's, lots of tread. Call 606-335-0984
Thursday, March 21st, 2024
FS - 600 gallon water tank, plastic, $600. Has not had chemicals put in it. Call 270-524-2904
Wednesday, March 20th, 2024
FS - 3 pt. hitch disc, $200. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Licensed plumber. Call 270-218-8304
Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
LF - Guineas. Call 270-307-7773
LF - Photo of old grocery store that was located in Rex, Ky. If anyone has photo, please call 502-797-4268
FS - 100 insulated fiberglass panels, 7'9" x 4'6", $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2 toddler Disney tables, 3 pr of ladies Dr. Scholl's sandals, size 7, 2 pair of redwing tennis shoes. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Rotary tiller, 3 pt hitch, fits a tractor, FS - old junk lawnmowers, one smokes. Call 270-473-4035
Monday, March 18th, 2024
FS - White camper fiberglass topper, needs back door, $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 7'9" x 4'6", down to 3'x3', $1 to $4 each, would trade for a good mower. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
FS - Craftsman 46" cut mower, $450, Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, Gravely 24hp mower, 54" cut, and motors for mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Eggs $3 a dozen, Iza-brown pullets $15 each. Call 270-528-1330
FS - 600 gallon water tank. Call 270-524-2904
Thursday, March 14th, 2024
FS - Poulan Pro lawnmower 46" cut, may need a battery, $250, Craftsman 46" cut 3000 with big tires, $450, parts. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Hot tub that seats 4. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Carpenter bee traps, $10 each. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024
FS - Green recliner and ottoman, $50, from a non-smoking home. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, birdhouse and bee traps in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
GA - 40" regular tv and pieces of furniture in Munfordville. Call 270-218-2924
FS - Teardrop chandelier, like new, $40. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 600 gallon plaster water tank in new condition. Text 270-473-0942
Tuesday, March 12th, 2024
LF - Sub soiler and 2 bottom plow. Call 270-218-1593
FS - Black Angus baby calf, $400. Call 270-765-9330
FS - 600 gallon plaster water tank in new condition. Text 270-473-0942
FS - Teardrop chandelier, like new, $40. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Green recliner and ottoman, $50, from a non-smoking home. Call 270-786-5824
Monday, March 11th, 2024
FS - Green recliner and ottoman, $50, from a non-smoking home. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Moped $250 to $300, cheap loveseat, thick rubber mat for use on concrete. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 600 gallon plastic water tank, the top comes off. Call 270-473-0942
Friday, March 8th, 2024
FS - 1989 Ford F800 bucket truck, 48' reach, runs good, 74,000 miles. Call 606-725-4051 after 4pm.
LF - 2008 Chrysler van for parts. Call 270-531-2061
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, bee traps and a detailed walnut birdhouse in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Moped, 200 to $250, running good, cheap loveseat. FS - 12 x 16 Better Built barn $2500, must be moved or will trade for a truck. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 25 to 30 acres of pasture to rent for cattle. Call 270-524-1110
FS - 2011 Ford Edge, black, & a 2006 Dodge Caravan, 4 oak chairs, $100. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, March 7th, 2024
FS - 54" cut Gravely zero turn mower, 24hp, 54" Cub Cadet mower, 24hp, deck for 54" cut and 50" cut mower. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Electric cook stove, refrigerator. Call 270-473-1089
FS - 50 model TD9 Parting out Int'l dozer, new motor and radiator. 10 ton trailer. Call 270-579-2655
Wednesday, March 6th, 2024
FS - 600 gallon plaster water tank in new condition. Text 270-473-0942
FS - Teardrop chandelier, like new, $40. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Craftsman blower, $75, 16hp Owen side shaft mower, $175, LF - guinea pig with cage, FS - 12x16 building has double doors, or will trade for a truck. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Oak table with 4 chairs, $100. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 4 kitchen chairs, $15 each, baby mattress, $10, size 11 men's gloves, $10. Call 502-341-4335
Tuesday, March 5th, 2024
FS - Crystal chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Digital piano 88 keys in really good condition, all keys playing. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 2019 Chrysler Pacifica black minivan, 65,000 miles, 1495 So Dixie Hwy Munfordville 270-537-4439
Monday, March 4th, 2024
FS - Large, white fiberglass camper topper for a pickup, has some back door damage. Asking $200 obo. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Old riding mowers, running or not and Guinea pigs with a cage. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2001 Chevy Silverado king cab, 1500 series, asking $3,000. Call 270-528-6976
FS - 10'x10'x6' tall dog kennel, 4 ft rolls of cage wire 2"x2" square link, new. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, March 1st, 2024
FS - 10'x10'x6' tall dog kennel, 4 ft rolls of cage wire 2"x2" square link, new. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Kitchen table and 4 chairs, washer and dryer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Crystal chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
Thursday, February 29th, 2024
GA - Couch and 2 chairs, with flower design. Call 270-537-4044
Wednesday, February 28th, 2024
LF - Kitchen table and 4 chairs, washer and dryer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Crystal chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
Monday, February 26th, 2024
FS - Sanyo 50" tv with remote, works great $50, 70" x 99" white camper topper for truck, no back door $200 obo, Fugifilm digital camera, $20. Call or text 270-612-0926
FS - 2001 Chevy Silverado, 4 door pickup, asking $3,000. Call 270-528-6976
FS - Crystal chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Digital piano in good working condition, 88 keys. Call 270-670-9070
Found - At Salem Baptist Church, just off the Old Glasgow-Munfordville Road, a black Lab puppy. Call 270-774-1495
FS - 10'x10'x6' dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, February 23rd, 2024
FS - Dog kennel 10'x10'x 6'. Call 270-528-5208
LF - old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110 or 270-528-4283
FS - Snap-on sound blaster 38 x 24", 5 ft tall, $2500. Electric hoist, will pickup 1000 lbs, $700, & a 6 ft disc, 3 pt hitch, $500. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
LF - Catalog for 2-wheel walk behind garden tractor. Call 270-791-8916
FS - Nanny goat $225, beef, ready for slaughter, fresh beef USDA approved. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Wednesday, February 21st, 2024
FS - 5x10' utility trailer, has wood floor, drop gate, $695, 2 zero-turn mowers, Gravely 50" cut, $795, Cub Cadet 50" cut, $995, and all kinds of mower parts, LF - lift chair in good condition for 250 lb person, will pay cash. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Storage building. Call 270-528-9964
Monday, February 19th, 2024
GA - Cats. FS - Necklaces, key chains, coffee table, $5. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Snap on sound blaster, $2500, like new. Electric hoist, 1000 lb, $600, 6 ft scalloped disk, $500, Allis Chalmer with cultivators, $2500. Call 270-670-3570
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110 or 270-528-4283
FS - Flowered design couch and 2 chairs. Call 270-537-4044
LF - Lift chair for 250 to 300 lb person. A table for a microwave. FS - 5x10 utility trailer with drop gate, $695. Call 270-457-4236
GA - 12 to 15 pallets, FS - 2 Kohler motors, 15 horse, $75 each, LF - old lawnmowers and go-karts, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Organ, LF - Wheelchair in good condition. Call 270-528-2407 can leave a message.
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, February 16th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels $3 and $4 each or would trade for a good mower in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Shallow water tank and feeding trough for sheep. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Man's new black leather jacket, $25, 2 pair of tennis shoes, size 9&1/2 and 11. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Bumper hitch cattle trailer, 16 ft long, $1500, black Angus bull, $1300, goat with baby $225. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Dog kennel, $125. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2011 Ford Edge, v-6, 2006 Dodge Caravan, v-6, both have high mileage. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, February 15th, 2024
FS - Snap-on sound blaster 38 x 24", 5 ft tall, $2500. Electric hoist, will pickup 1000 lbs, $700, & a 6 ft disc, 3 pt hitch, $500. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Wednesday, February 14th, 2024
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110 or 270-528-4283
FS - Round oak table with 4 chairs, $100, black compact refrigerator, white side by side refrigerator. Call 270-531-6947
Tuesday, February 13th, 2024
LF - 2008 Chrysler Town & Country van, dark color, for replacement parts. Call 270-531-2061
LF - House to rent in Hart County. Call 270-528-7076
FS - 4 tires, size 265x60xR20's, 75% tread. 2 deep fryers, 4 baskets, electric, and brand new set of running boards, and a drum set. Call 270-537-3341
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Standard size clean wood pallets, 10 to 15. Call 270-361-1233 may leave a message.
Monday, February 12th, 2024
GA - 15 pallets, FS - Husqvarna riding mower, $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Bee suit, size 2X with gloves, $100. Call 270-531-1392
FS - 2 16" tires, 235 70 16's. Skill saw, saw-zall, drill and light with 2 batteries and a charger, all for $25. 10x10x6 chain link dog kennel, like new. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2 commercial electric deep fryers or will trade, 4 tires 265 50 20's, like new or will trade. Call 270-537-3341
GA - 5 kittens to a good home, long fur, born Nov. 1st. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Wheelchair, $75. Call 364-444-9047
Friday, February 9th, 2024
FS - GE gas dryer. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 11 bales of hay, $40 each. Near Big Clifty. Call 270-945-0784
Thursday, February 8th, 2024
FS - 150 gallon heavy duty fuel tank, $150, 250 lb boar hog, $200. Call 270-473-1089
FS - Couch and 2 chairs, $20 for all. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 2 sets of windows, bedroom and living room with wooden frames, $35 per set obo. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Ford F-150 pickup. Call 423-616-3844
FS - 6 ft 3 pt pickup disc, $500. Allis Chalmer small tractor with cultivators, $1800. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, February 7th, 2024
LF - Lift chain for 250 lb person, FS - 5x10 utility trailer, Kawasaki motors and Briggs & Stratton motors, 50" Dixon zero turn mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 10 x 10 x 6 dog kennel, one-year-old in excellent condition. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
GA - 5 kittens to a good home, long fur, born Nov. 1st. Call 270-773-8535
GA - Organ, LF - Wheelchair in good condition. Call 270-528-2407 can leave a message.
Tuesday, February 6th, 2024
LF - House to rent in Hart County. Call 270-528-7076
FS - 4 tires, size 265x60xR20's, 75% tread. 2 deep fryers, 4 baskets, electric, and brand new set of running boards, and a drum set. Call 270-537-3341
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Standard size clean wood pallets, 10 to 15. Call 270-361-1233 may leave a message.
Friday, February 2nd, 2024
Susan Heindl and her husband lost several items after a recent house fire. The structure can be repaired. Gift cards to Lowe's are suggested, no matter how small or big, to help with the repairs to the home. They are in need of clothing: ladies size, 16W pants & X-Large shirts, size 8 undergarments and size 9 shoe; and in men's sizes, 36L or 36x34, Medium shirts and undergarments, and shoes, size 13, and socks. Also large adult pads or briefs are needed (5 thickness). They are in need of towels, queen size sheets, blankets or comforters, pillows, household and personal care items, and a Bible, etc. Clothing and items may be brought to Studio 101 - WLOC radio station in Horse Cave or contact Susan at 270-774-1794. A gofundme page has been set up on Facebook help the Heindl's, created by Brian Poteet. Prayers are requested for the family and especially their grandson, Alexander, who has been missing since November.
LF - Lift chair for 250 to 300 lb person. A table for a microwave. FS - 5x10 utility trailer with drop gate, $695. Call 270-457-4236
GA - 12 to 15 pallets, FS - 2 Kohler motors, 15 horse, $75 each, LF - old lawnmowers and go-karts, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Organ, LF - Wheelchair in good condition. Call 270-528-2407 can leave a message.
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Thursday, February 1st, 2024
FS - Bee suit, size 2X with gloves, $100. Call 270-531-1392
FS - 2 16" tires, 235 70 16's. Skill saw, saw-zall, drill and light with 2 batteries and a charger, all for $25. 10x10x6 chain link dog kennel, like new. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2 commercial electric deep fryers or will trade, 4 tires 265 50 20's, like new or will trade. Call 270-537-3341
GA - 5 kittens to a good home, long fur, born Nov. 1st. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Wheelchair, $75. Call 364-444-9047
Wednesday, January 31st, 2024
GA - Organ, LF - Wheelchair in good condition. Call 270-528-2407 can leave a message.
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Tuesday, January 30th, 2024
FS - TV stand with glass door, $10. Call 502-341-4335
FS - John Deere pushmower. Call 270-528-5529
LF - Ferrot, old riding mowers, go-carts, etc running or not. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, January 29th, 2024
GA - 5 kittens, male and female, various colors, ready for a home. Call 270-773-8535
Susan Heindl and her husband lost several items after a house fire Wednesday. The structure can be repaired. They are in need of clothing: ladies size, 16W pants & X-Large shirts and size 9 shoe; and in men's sizes, 36L or 36x34, Medium shirts, he also is in need of shoes or boots, size 13. Also large adult pads or briefs are needed (5 thickness). They are in need of a mattress and box springs, towels, sheets, household and personal care items, and a Bible, etc. Clothing and items may be brought to Studio 101 - WLOC radio station in Horse Cave or contact Susan at 270-774-7294. A gofundme page has been set up on Facebook help the Heindl's, created by Brian Poteet. Prayers are requested for the family and especially their grandson, Alexander.
Friday, January 26th, 2024
Will do - quilting and alterations, will also make memory quilts from your loved ones clothes, t-shirts, etc. Call 270-786-2592
Susan Heindl and her husband lost several items after a house fire Wednesday. The structure can be repaired. They are in need of clothing: ladies size, 16W pants & X-Large shirts and size 9 shoe; and in men's sizes, 36L or 36x34, Medium shirts, he also is in need of shoes or boots, size 13. Also large adult pads or briefs are needed (5 thickness). They are in need of a mattress and box springs, towels, sheets, household and personal care items, and a Bible, etc. Clothing and items may be brought to Studio 101 - WLOC radio station in Horse Cave or contact Susan at 270-774-7294. A gofundme page has been set up on Facebook help the Heindl's, created by Brian Poteet. Prayers are requested for the family and especially their grandson, Alexander.
FS - Cherry picker that pulls motors out of cars, New Husky toolbox, stackable, $275, Husqvarna riding mower, $125. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1959 Ford Galaxy, has big block motor, 2 door and black in color, has 79,000 miles, $8500. Call 270-572-6579
Thursday, January 25th, 2024
FS - Cherry picker that pulls motors out of cars, New Husky toolbox, stackable, $275, Husqvarna riding mower, $125. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1959 Ford Galaxy, has big block motor, 2 door and black in color, has 79,000 miles, $8500. Call 270-572-6579
FS - Bottled lamb, 9 days old, black and white. Call 270-528-6693
GA - Organ from a church. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Newborn or bottle calf to go on a cow. Call 270-723-4077
Wednesday, January 24th, 2024
FS - Late 50's or early 60's Coca-Cola machine, $250, works good. Call 270-537-4044
GA - Organ from a church. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Newborn or bottle calf to go on a cow. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Bottled lamb, 9 days old, black and white. Call 270-528-6693
Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024
GA - 5 kittens, two are gray, 1 black, 1 calico and one brown and white mix. Call 270-773-8535
Susan Heindl and her husband lost several items after a house fire Wednesday. The structure can be repaired. They are in need of clothing: ladies size, 16W pants & X-Large shirts and size 9 shoe; and in men's sizes, 36L or 36x34, Medium shirts, he also is in need of shoes or boots, size 13. Also large adult pads or briefs are needed (5 thickness). They are in need of a mattress and box springs, towels, sheets, household and personal care items, and a Bible, etc. Clothing and items may be brought to Studio 101 - WLOC radio station in Horse Cave or contact Susan at 270-774-7294. A gofundme page has been set up on Facebook help the Heindl's, created by Brian Poteet. Prayers are requested for the family and especially their grandson, Alexander.
Monday, January 22nd, 2024
GA - Young, black female cat, has been spayed and in Cub Run area. Call 270-218-5294
FS - Late 50's or early 60's Coca-Cola machine, $250, works good. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Flatscreen tv. Call 270-786-5824
Thursday, January 18th, 2024
LF - Up to 5 black heifers, desire M/L #1 grade. Desire 700 lb. Call 270-670-5465
FS - Chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
Wednesday, January 17th, 2024
LF - Wood stove door ASAP. Call 270-528-1168
LF - Old riding mowers, running or not, GA - Black female Poodle, almost 2 years old in Cave City. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Surround sound with Phillips brand speakers, 1 Pioneer and 1 Samsung speaker with remote control, high output, asking $50, Halo brand range finder $75, Fuji film camera. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Butane or natural, older Warm Morning gas stove, with the blower, $150. Call 270-670-3570
Thursday, January 11th, 2024
FS - 5 or 7 shank chisel plow. Call 270-218-3824
LF - 2 bedroom, 1 bath home for rent. Call 270-524-3575 and ask for Hillary Pulliam.
FS - Dry Walnut lumber 2 1/2" thick, 12" wide x 10 ft long. Call 270-218-0825
FS - Chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Fuji film digital camera $20, Halo brand range finder, $75, slip on exhaust for sports bike and 2 pieces of pipe with it. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Semi-truck/tanker drivers at New Haven, haul farm production, medical card required, drug free and experienced drivers only. Also LF - officer personnel in Bardstown, must have knowledge of Microsoft Office - Word Excel Powerpoint in a fast paced environment, must be able to multi-task, drug free. Call 502-349-9707
Wednesday, January 10th, 2024
LF - 2 bedroom, 1 bath home for rent. Call 270-524-3575 and ask for Hillary Pulliam.
FS - Dry Walnut lumber 2 1/2" thick, 12" wide x 10 ft long. Call 270-218-0825
FS - 2000 GMC pickup, $6500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
LF - Hard plastic Christmas decorations. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 6'4" x 4'10", $3 or $4, will trade for firewood & riding mower. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Fred Thrasher "Cease Fire" #1077, signed and stamped in original envelope, never been framed, $100. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 600 gallon plastic water tank. Call 270-473-0942
Tuesday, January 9th, 2024
FS - Apple Watch Series 5 cellular and GPS, $180. Call 270-528-7981
FS - Black iron kettle number 15 with stand, Glacier Bay stainless steel pull down faucet, new in box, ladies size 7 black lycra boots, like new. Can send pictures or text 270-404-1754
FS - 2000 GMC pickup, $6500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Eagle depth finder, no cables. $10 obo. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Two wheels for a hospital bed. Call 270-723-4077
Friday, January 5th, 2024
FS - Fuji film digital camera $20, Halo brand range finder, $75, slip on exhaust for sports bike and 2 pieces of pipe with it. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Male Yorkie Shih-Tzu cross, weighs 4 lbs, long haired male Chihuahua puppy and a fawn Great Dane female pup. Call 629-292-3315
LF - Electric chainsaw. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Metal cart with wheels, has place for a tank, and a tray for a wire welder. 2 tires - 235 70 16 ms, one is still on wheel. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, January 4th, 2024
FS - Black iron kettle number 15 with stand, Glacier Bay stainless steel pull down faucet, new in box, ladies size 7, black lycra boots, worn once, can send pics. Text only at 270-404-1754
FS - 1963 Ford 881 tractor, 1600 hours, new tire and wheels, fenders, paint, a show tractor, $5500. 1963 Ford 800, runs good with a lift problem, $1,800. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 6 ft disk, 3 pt. $500, like new, '39 Ford Ferguson tractor, $3500. Call 270-670-3570
LF - Semi-truck/tanker drivers at New Haven, haul farm production, medical card required, drug free and experienced drivers only. Also LF - officer personnel in Bardstown, must have knowledge of Microsoft Office - Word Excel Powerpoint in a fast paced environment, must be able to multi-task, drug free. Call 502-349-9707
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024
FS - New 8 gallon Husky air compressor, $125, new 8,000 btu portable air conditioner, $140, collection of 50 states knives in carrying case. 16 hp Kohler motor $100. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2006 Ford Focus, blue, hatchback, has broken windshield.$1,000 obo. Call 364-208-7507
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels $4 each in Summersville. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Apple watch Series 5 cellular and gps, $180. Call 270-528-7981
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024
FS - 61" zero turn mower, $950. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Fujifilm digital camera, $20, Halo brand range finder, $75. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Hard plastic Christmas decorations. Call 270-528-2407
Thursday, December 28th, 2023
LF - Small female Chihuahua. Call 270-218-2304
LF - 2 wheels for a hospital bed. Call 270-723-4077
GA - Loveseat and couch. Call 270-528-1390
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 6'4" x 4'10", $3 or $4, will trade for firewood & riding mower. Call 270-405-1260
Found - White, female mixed Chihuahua on Palmore Rd, Horse Cave on Dec. 18th. Call 270-537-5701
Wednesday, December 27th, 2023
LF - someone to work on a Chevy Equinox in Cave City 270-576-2814
FS - 10x13 awning new still in plastic 270-473-1446
Wednesday, December 20th, 2023
FS - 18 Avon bottles, 3 old RC bottles, all for $150. Call 270-528-3516
FS - 27" color flat screen tv, $45, 7 ft pre-lit Christmas trees, used one time, $75. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Stainless steel electric cook stove in good working order. Call 270-786-3581 or 270-524-7182
Tuesday, December 19th, 2023
FS - Large old black kettle on a stand, Dora the Explorer bedroom ensemble, youth size pink bean bag chair. Text only 270-404-1754
FS - Husky and German Shepherd pups, known as a Shepsky, ready -or Christmas. Call 270-537-1451 or 270-528-1491
GA - 6 kittens, different colors and gender, in Cave City. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Fred Thrasher "Cease Fire" #1077, signed and stamped in original envelope, never been framed, $100. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 600 gallon plastic water tank. Call 270-473-0942
Monday, December 18th, 2023
Found - Large specialty key found at IGA in Munfordville Friday morning, close to the soft drink machine. The key was turned in at the office. Call 270-537-4224
FS - Hickory nut kernels and black walnut kernels. GA - Banty rooster. Call 270-407-5320
FS - 5x10 utility trailer $795, Kawasaki motor, Kohler engine, B&S motor, LF - old utility trailers, will pay cash. Call 270-457-4236
Thursday, December 14th, 2023
FS - 4-month-old Yorkie Poo pup, 2 Shitzu pups, 3 Boston Terrier pups, a rare 2-year-old lavender white color male Pomeranian, LF - deer meat and Ipad 8th generation or 10th generation. Call 615-722-8226
LF - 1998 - 2001 Dodge pickup odd and end parts. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Boston Terrier. Call 270-524-3624
FS - 6 ft - 3 point hitch pickup disc $500, 800 series Ford tractor $1800, 881 Ford tractor $5500. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, December 13th, 2023
LF - House trailer axle. Call 270-537-4084
FS - Camper, zero turn mower, gas cook stove. Call 270-528-5393
Tuesday, December 12th, 2023
FS - 2000 GMC ext cab 4wd pickup, $7000 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 5x10 trailer with wood floor, drop gate, new tires, also FS - 2 new 13" trailer tires, GA - Cabinet model tv in good condition. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 65cc KTM dirt bike, has lots of aftermarket upgrades, very fast bike. Asking $2500. Call or text Jay at 270-872-8723
Monday, December 11th, 2023
FS - Halo brand range finder, $75, Fuji film digital camera, $20 with case and manual, Phillips brand surround sound system, has built in stereo with speakers, $50, 40 dvd and Blu ray discs, $2 each. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 2 2001 Ford Explorers, same color, 4wd, also 1984 Ford 700 log truck, runs, large pig weighs around 300 to 400 lbs, can deliver local, $400. Call 270-565-2502
Friday, December 8th, 2023
FS - Yorkie Maltese cross pup, also Teacup Chihuahua pups, 2-year-old white male Pomeranian. Call 615-772-8226
Kitchen cabinets, sink, bathroom cabinet with sink, oven, microwave, shelving. Call 270-537-5724
FS - Small chandelier, has tear lights, used very little. Asking $25. Can pickup at WLOC radio station. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Bales of hay. Call 270-528-1221
FS - 1100 watt am/fm and cd home stereo and speakers, $200. Call 270-404-0562
LF - 5 spd trans for 1998 Ford Ranger pickup. Call 270-590-6556
Thursday, December 7th, 2023
LF - Someone who sells Highland cattle. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 115hp Johnson boat motor, 1962-64 Coke bottle machine. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Old red belly Ford tractor for parts, $450 firm. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 4- 900/20 truck tires and rims, $250. Call 270-528-1958
FS - 1985 Int'l farm truck with a dump on it, $2,000. Call 270-735-6698
Wednesday, December 6th, 2023
FS - 40 dvd's and some Blu Rays $2 each in good condition, Bear Intense cross bow with scope $225, Night vision binoculars $150, Halo brand range finder $75, Fugi film camera. Call 270 612-0926
LF - Round baled hay, prefer John Deere rolled, need 20 plus rolls. Call 270-528-1221
FS - Rooster and hens in Bonnieville area, they were born in June. Can meet in Bonnieville or Munfordville. Call 716-969-5632
FS - Detailed birdhouses, cabin style with detailed front porch, insulated fiberglass panels, $3 & $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Different sizes of feeder pigs, and beef calves, LF - meat hogs. Call 270-734-1552
Tuesday, December 5th, 2023
FS - 2000 GMC 4wd, extended cab, 1/2 ton pickup, $7000. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Full size black diamond plated toolbox, 2 trays and keys $150, used for one month, 5x8 trailer, like new $600, 150 gallon fish aquarium with stand $200, (2) 4 wheelers, one is a Honda 400 4x4, garage kept, $3,000, the other is a Honda 300 with snow plow, new tires, garage kept, $2500. Call 270-473-0128
FS - Older 15 1/2 hp Kohler lawnmower motor, $35. Old tires. Call 270-786-3705
Monday, December 4th, 2023
FS - 40 DVD's, some are Blu Ray, $2 each, Bear Intense Crossbow, $225, Halo range finder $75, Rexing B1 night vision binoculars with camera/video, $150, Fujifilm digital camera, $25. In Cave City, call or text 270-612-0926
FS - (2) 4 wheelers, one is Kawasaki 300 blue in color, with snow plow, has been serviced, $2600 and a Honda 400 automatic, new tires, $3500, both garage kept. Also FS - 5x8 trailer with drop down ramp, $700. Call 270-473-0128
FS - Dixon zero turn 50" cut mower, $895, and a 42" cut Torro zero turn mower, $695, also LF - old zero turn mowers, and utility trailers. Call 270-457-4236
Thursday, November 30th, 2023
FS - 115hp Johnson boat motor, 1962-64 Coke bottle machine. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Old red belly Ford tractor for parts, $450 firm. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 4- 900/20 truck tires and rims, $250. Call 270-528-1958
FS - 1985 Int'l farm truck with a dump on it, $2,000. Call 270-735-6698
Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
FS - Halo Z1200 range finder $75, Rexing B1 night vision binoculars with camera $150, Bear Intense crossbow $250…Cave City area…call or text 270-612-0926
FS - 3 pair ladies boots, $10 each, brown size 8, 10 & 12, black leather jacket, size 8, $15. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Gravely zero turn mower, 54" cut, 24hp, $1295, Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, 24hp, $995, like new 5x10 utility trailer, $700, LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236 or 270-427-8200
Lost dog - Female, White and brown spots, name is Roxie, not wearing a collar, was seen behind Lighthouse Church in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-3705
FS - Red Belly Ford tractor with flathead motor, $400. Call 270-786-3705
Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
GA - 8 mixed puppies, at 1176 Red Buck Estes Road. Call 270-524-0126
FS - Bear Intense crossbow $300 obo, Rexing B1 night vision binoculars, $150, Halo Z1200 range finder $100 in Cave City area. Call or text 270-612-0926
FS - Dora full size comforter, pink bean bag chair, full size Dora sheet set, 2 Dora rugs, fleece throw, trash can, throw pillow and wash cloths, all items like new. Will sell separately or bundle. Call 270-404-1754
FS - 7x14' boxed in tandem trailer, $4300, has new tires. 2 4-wheelers- a Kawasaki 4x4 with a snow plow, $3000, garage kept, and a 400 Honda 4x4, automatic 4-wheeler, $3500, and a 5x8' utility trailer, drop tailgate, new lights and paint, $700. Call 270-473-0128
Monday, November 27th, 2023
FS - Black walnut and hickory nut kernels. Call 270-407-5320
LF - Electric cook stove, 1/2 size mattress, 2 recliners, kitchen table with chairs. Call 270-361-3667
GA - Blue Heeler and Beagle mixed pups and German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup, extended cab, 4wd, $7,000. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2 new pop-up canopies, 10x10, $65 each, also 2 Ryobi sawzalls, $150 for both and LF - any old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 20 ft trailer with sides, new paint and tires, 61" cut zero turn mower $1,000 and a 6ft, 3 pt hitch disc, $500. Call 270-670-3570
Friday, November 24th, 2023
FS - Bear Intense crossbow $300 obo, Rexing B1 night vision binoculars, $150, Halo Z1200 range finder $100 in Cave City area. Call or text 270-612-0926
LF - 2 bedroom home to rent in Hart County. Call 270-218-2826
FS - Lots of chickens, Rhode Island red, Easter eggers, Bardrocks, etc, 4 to 5 months old, and 3 mini pigs, will soon be ready. Call 270-634-0466
Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023
FS - Bear Intense Crossbow with scope, quiver and 2 arrows, $300. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 7x14' boxed in tandem trailer, $4300, has new tires. 2 4-wheelers- a Kawasaki 4x4 with a snow plow, $3000, garage kept, and a 400 Honda 4x4, automatic 4-wheeler, $3500, and a 5x8' utility trailer, drop tailgate, new lights and paint, $700. Call 270-473-0128
FS - Dozen male sheep, 7 months old, 110 to 135 lbs, 5 larger Rams, 2 years old, multi-colored. Call 270-528-1221
Tuesday, November 21st, 2023
FS - 2 Ryobi tile saws, $150 for both, (2) 10x10' pop up tents, $80 each, LF - riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
GA - German Shepherd pups, and Blue Heeler/Beagle mixed pups. Call 270-473-1731
LF - Dresser, half mattress, electric cook stove, washer & dryer and a couch. Call 270-361-3667
FS - Large quantity of Christmas items, $100 negotiable, also a tote full of new, sealed over the counter medicines, such as NyQuil, cold and allergy medicines and vitamins. Call 269-275-9204
Monday, November 20th, 2023
FS - Deer corn, $6 per bag, 7 ft. 3 pt hitch bush hog, $900. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 3 mobile home axles, $75. Call 270-524-7709
Friday, November 17th, 2023
FS - Power lift cloth recliner, tan color, used one month, excellent condition, $500. Call 270-524-7053
FS - New in box, Die cast toy 1586 Int'l Harvester tractor, $20, art set with carrying case, $25, Nascar dvd's, collector #3 Dale Earnhardt pocket knife, antique tractor magazines, Nascar board game, like new. Call 270-791-8916
LF - Free or cheap treadmill or exercise bike. Call 270-646-6123
FS - Deer corn, $6 per bag, 7 ft. 3 pt hitch bush hog, $900. Call 270-218-3827
LF - 15 ft hay wagon. Call 270-407-3551
Thursday, November 16th, 2023
FS - Fujifilm Finepix digital camera, $25, Phillips surround sound with speakers $50, D&D slip on exhaust, $25. In Cave City, call or text 270-612-0926
LF - 1 bedroom apartment or house to rent. Call 270-370-8902
FS - Black walnut kernels and hickory nut kernels. Call 270-407-5320
FS - 36" color flatscreen tv. $40 Call 270-786-5824
FS - 2000 GMC ext cab 4wd, 185,0000 miles $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Small apartment-size black refrigerator, standard refrigerator with freezer on side and has icemaker. Call 270-531-6947
Monday, November 13th, 2023
FS - Black walnut kernels and hickory nut kernels. Call 270-407-5320
FS - 2000 GMC pickup 4wd, ext cab, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
GA - 10 sets of wooden table legs, oval shaped. Must take all and 8 to 10 pallets, LF - old riding mowers, scooters and go-carts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Gravely 54" cut zero turn $1295, Dixon 50" zero turn mower, $1095, parts, motors, decks, starters. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 5x10' utility tilt trailer with lights, $725 obo. Call 270-457-4236 or 270-427-8200
Friday, November 10th, 2023
FS - 3 mobile home trailer axles, $100 for all obo. Call 270-524-7709
FS - 2000 GMC ext cab 4wd, 185,0000 miles $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
Thursday, November 9th, 2023
FS - Fujifilm Finepix S8600 digital camera $40, Phillips Cinema surround sound with speakers, $100 obo, D&D slip on exhaust, $50 obo in Cave City. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Old red Ford tractor for parts, $450, firm. Call 270-786-3705
Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
FS - Small apartment-size black refrigerator, standard refrigerator with freezer on side and has icemaker. Call 270-531-6947
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023
FS - New queen size mattress bought on Amazon, $250. Call 270-528-4752
FS - Fuji film digital camera S8600, like new with case and manual, $50. Old school Phillips surround system, $100 obo, D&D brand exhaust, $50 obo. 270-612-0926
LF - Young Jersey cow. Call 270-646-6922
FS - Female Shorkie pup, white with some brown color. $75. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Furniture, couch, table, 1/2 size mattress. Call 270-361-3667
FS - 4 large totes of collectible glassware, 70's, 80's, 90's, some are new. All for one price or by the piece in Horse Cave. Call 270-670-3480
FS - Golden Doodle pups, large size. Call 270-537-4217
Monday, November 6th, 2023
LF - free or cheap treadmill or exercise bike. 270-646-6123
FS - Yorkie puppies, $75 each. German Shepherd mixed puppies, $10 each. Call 270-473-1731
FS - 2000 GMC ext cab 4wd, 185,0000 miles $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2 - 24 hp Kawasaki motors, 23 hp Kawasaki motor, 2 - 23hp Kohler motors, 124hp and 122 hp Briggs & Stratton motors, LF - zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 5x10' tilt trailer, $725. Call 270-427-8200
Friday, November 3rd, 2023
FS - Fujifilm Finepix S8600 digital camera with carrying case, used very little, $50, Phillips Digital Cinema Center surround sound system with several speakers, works great $100. In the Cave City area, call or text 270-612-0926
FS - New queen size mattress, $250. Call 270-528-6246
FS - 8 laying hens and red rooster $7, each if you take all. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, November 2nd, 2023
FS - 55 gallon drums for burn barrels. Call 270-612-06122
GA - Kids toys, Big Wheel, kitchen toy and bike. FS - Shorkie pups $100 each. Call 270-218-5045
GA - German shepherd Puppies. Call 270-786-2645
FS - Deer corn $6 a bag. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 10x13 awning, red in color, new in plastic. $250. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Black walnuts and hickory nut kernels, already picked and hulled. Call 270-407-5320
Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
FS - Hot Point gas stove. Call 270-528-9353
GA - 3-year-old Pitbull. Call 270-528-4750
LF - Parts for 2008 Town & Country van, black or blue in color. Call 270-531-2061
FS - 3 die cast tractors, art set with carrying case, $25. Call 270-791-8916
FS - Toshiba tv, new heating pad, 12 pair of diabetic socks. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2 zero-turn mowers, 5x12 drop gate trailer. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Small air compressor. Call 270-528-1997
Tuesday, October 31st, 2023
LF - Someone with a license to anchor down a mobile home in Cave City. Call 270-612-1428
FS - Shorkie puppies, $100 each. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Furniture, loveseat, recliner, 1/2 size mattress. Call 270-303-6126
FS - Guineas, oak table with 4 chairs and other furniture pieces. Call 270-531-6947
Monday, October 30th, 2023
FS - 2000 GMC 4wd pickup, extended cab, $7500. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Shorkie pups $100 each. Call 270-218-5045
GA - German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645 or 270-473-1731
FS - Deer corn in Munfordville area, $6 each. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Bourbon Red meat turkeys, hatched in Spring, in Hart County. Call 270-238-0161
Friday, October 27th, 2023
LF - Small air compressor. Call 270-528-1997
FS - Oak table with 4 chairs, refrigerator, guineas. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, October 26th, 2023
LF - Small air compressor. Call 270-528-1997
GA - yard full of walnuts in Munfordville. Call 270-473-0942
LF - Turnips. Call 270-932-4020
GA - 3 Rhode Island Red roosters and 3 white Leggar roosters. Call 270-791-8916
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup, extended cab, 4wd, has 185k, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
LF - Grass hay around Cub Run, Bonnieville and Munfordville area. Call 270-528-6246'
FS - Adult walker with wheels, crutches, baby mattress and stroller. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Large, white insulated fiberglass panels, $4 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Shorkies. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Mixed German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645 or 270-473-1731
FS - 3 pieces of Magnolia Crock pottery, portable Singer sewing machine, 7ft pre-lit Christmas tree, $75, 36" & 12" tv's. Call 270-786-5824
Tuesday, October 24th, 2023
FS - Large, white insulated fiberglass panels, $4 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Shorkies. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Mixed German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645 or 270-473-1731
FS - 3 pieces of Magnolia Crock pottery, portable Singer sewing machine, 7ft pre-lit Christmas tree, $75, 36" & 12" tv's. Call 270-786-5824
Monday, October 23rd, 2023
GA - Walnuts in the Lonoke area. Call 270-524-3620
FS - Galaxy CB, 2 extra mics, $40. Call 606-219-5928
LF - VIP 50cc moped for parts. Call 270-405-1691
FS - Shorkies in November, $400 each, 3 males, 2 females. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Cats, moma and kittens. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Mixed puppies. Call 270-786-2645
FS - 2006 Buick LaCrosse, needs a body module, a back glass and a driver side window, leather interior, clean $500. Call 270-576-1022
GA - German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645 or 270-473-1731
FS - Ricks of wood. Call 270-996-2663
FS - Coleman 10hp, 5000 watt generator, $450 firm, 46" Samsung flat-screen TV, wall-mount only with remote, $150, has no brackets. Call Randy at 270-524-9276
LF - 30 ft bumper hitch camper or 5th wheel, riding mowers and push mowers, golf carts, go-carts. FS - 1985 pull behind bumper camper, 16ft, $1600 obo. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Baby gate. Call 270-218-3827
Lost - Antique corn cracker at Fisher Ridge or 357 from Luv's to 31-E to Hwy 88 toward Cub Run. Call 270-537-5725
GA - 3 Leggar rooster, 3 Rhode Island Red rooster. Call 270-791-8916
FS - 54" cut Gravely zero turn mower, 50" cut Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 2 Kamasaki motors, 23 and 24". LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Found - 2 hogs and 2 gilts. Call 270-528-3755
FR-Lease - 1,000 square foot commercial property on Main Street in Glasgow, rent includes: water, electric and garbage and has been newly remodeled. Call 270-646-8866
FS - Sit down pedal exercise machines, maple finish microwave cabinet, kitchen cabinets, dinette set with 6 chairs with 2 large leafs, 2 desks for $10 and $30. Call 270-537-5724
FS - Original radio broadcast on 2 long playing albums of Wes Strader - WKU vs Ky featuring Clarence Glover & Jim McDaniel, Adolph Rupp, Jim Richards & Johnny Oldham. Call 270-646-6764
FS - Set of Bridgestone tires, 235x20" - $100, Craftsman 6hp air tank, $500, organizer with lots of drawers, $200. Call 270-646-8404
LF - Rolley hay, FS - 2004 Chevy Cavalier. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 4 country store bread racks. Call 270-524-9165
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson gasoline tractor with a 6 ft bush hog and grader box. Call 270-528-4750
FS - 25 pair of high end Nike shoes for boys or girls, $150. Call 270-308-1765
FS - 115 hp Johnson boat motor, large rolls of hay, $40 per roll. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Rust colored whirlpool electric cook stove and matching over the stove microwave. Call 270-361-1326
FS - 1993 Chevy pickup, step side, 5.0 motor, automatic. Call 270-996-1297
FS - Keurig coffee maker, 12 cup capacity, uses pods or ground coffee, very clean, $60, metal detector from Radio Shack, works good, $40, Men's walking shorts, size 36, Big Creek collection, worn once $15, 3 men's large sweaters, blue coat, black coat and short sleeve blue pullover $4 each, Mitchell T-30 rod & reel, used once, comes with some bait and box, $20. Call weekdays at 270-218-8211
One RV hookup available on a farm in Upton. NO PETS ALLOWED. Call 270-769-8528
Wednesday, October 11th, 2023
One RV hookup available on a farm in Upton. NO PETS ALLOWED. Call 270-769-8528
FS - Dixon zero turn mower $500 or cash with trade, GA - 4 rabbits to one person. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Push mower - Call 270-773-7844
LF - Set of turning plows for a 3-point hitch tractor or a tiller. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 9 laying hens and a rooster, $9 each. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Puppies. Call 270-473-1731
FS - Halloween masks and costumes. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Turnips. Call 270-774-1485
LF - One or two row corn picker. Call 270-524-3460
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
Monday, October 9th, 2023
FR/Lease - 1,000 square foot commercial property on Main Street in Glasgow. Rent includes: water, electric & garbage and has been newly remodeled. Call 270-646-8866
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup, 4wd, extended cab, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Dixon zero turn lawnmower $500 or cash and trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 9 laying hens and a rooster, $9 each. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Blue tan male Miniature Pincher puppy, Male Golden Doodle puppy, LF - Small pull behind camper or pop up camper that is free or cheap and has the title. Call 615-722-8226
FS - XBox 360 $200, 4 games. Can be seen 1161 Main St apt 15 Munfordville, Ky.
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - D&D Brand slip on exhaust, $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-218-3755
Friday, October 6th, 2023
FS - 10x13 new red manual retractable awning, $250. Call 473-1446
Yard Sale - Off 31-W on Butler Road behind WLOC Radio Station in Horse Cave, Friday & Saturday. Full adjustable bed, lighted china cabinet, collectibles, clothing for the family, home decor, etc. Call 270-537-5072
FS - Air fryer $50, toaster oven $10, small flat screen tv, has no remote $20, marble top coffee table $40, 2 Kobe Bryant pillows, $20 for both, 2 small girl outfits, one is 6-9 months, $10, the other is 4th of July 0-3 months, $10, girls size 0-3 mos Converse shoes, GA - Cats. Call 270-218-3325
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday & Sunday afternoon at 8920 Happy Valley Road, 1 mile past Save-A-Lot in Cave City. Rugs, vintage clothes, household items, Pyrex, Christmas items, older toys, etc. Call 270-590-3452
Thursday, October 5th, 2023
FS - Blue tan male Miniature Pincher puppy, Male Golden Doodle puppy, LF - Small pull behind camper or pop up camper that is free or cheap and has the title. Call 615-722-8226
Yard Sale - Now through Friday at 10566 N. Jackson Highway, Magnolia. Toys, clothes, stemware, wedding items, outdoor wicker set with small table, etc. Call 270-537-4686
FS - D&D Brand slip on exhaust, $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-218-3755
FS - XBox 360 $200, 4 games. Can be seen 1161 Main St apt 15 Munfordville, Ky.
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Catfish cages, 2 different sizes, 3 chicken coops $50 for all 3, Cub Cadet L10350 hydrostatic mower, 42 L108 John Deer mower. Call 270-246-1913
Wednesday, October 4th, 2023
Yard Sale - Now through Friday at 10566 N. Jackson Highway, Magnolia. Toys, clothes, stemware, wedding items, outdoor wicker set with small table, etc. Call 270-537-4686
FS - 2 zero turn 50" cut mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Table and 6 chairs, buffet, kitchen cabinets. Located at Fisher Ridge near Horse Cave. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 2011 Nissan Cube, will consider trade. Call 270-786-4477
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 6 piece tan colored floor mats, tan colored steering wheel cover, short length lime green jacket, size 6. Call 270-341-4335
FS - White wall oven that is fairly new, 2 computer desks with drawers, an over the stove microwave paid $350 for it new and only asking $50, also a bunch of other items. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 2 zero turn 50" cut mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023
FS - 2 zero turn 50" cut mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Table and 6 chairs, buffet, kitchen cabinets. Located at Fisher Ridge near Horse Cave. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 2011 Nissan Cube, will consider trade. Call 270-786-4477
Monday, October 2nd, 2023
Yard Sales - Richardson Subdivision in Munfordville, Fri & Sat beginning at 9 a.m. about 16 houses participating. Call 270-473-1045
FS - D&D Brand slip on exhaust, $100. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Someone to move a storage building from Horse Cave to Munfordville. Call 270-537-4224
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-218-3755
FS - White wall oven that is fairly new, 2 computer desks with drawers, an over the stove microwave paid $350 for it new and only asking $50, also a bunch of other items. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 6 piece tan colored floor mats, tan colored steering wheel cover, short length lime green jacket, size 6. Call 270-341-4335
Friday, September 29th, 2023
FS - D&D Brand slip on exhaust, $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - XBox 360 $200, 4 games. Can be seen 1161 Main St apt 15 Munfordville, Ky.
LF - 12-18 month girl winter sleepers. Call 270-528-7759
YARD SALE - 313 N 9th Street, Cave City, through Saturday, with weather permitting, Halloween stuff, Dixon zero turn mower, air compressor. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to move a storage building from Horse Cave to Munfordville. Call 270-537-4224
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-218-3755
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
Thursday, September 28th, 2023
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Oval kitchen table, 6 ft long with 6 chairs, $35 and a 52" cut Dixon zero turn mower, $700. Call 270-670-1359
FS - White wall oven that is fairly new, 2 computer desks with drawers, an over the stove microwave paid $350 for it new and only asking $50, also a bunch of other items. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 6 piece tan colored floor mats, tan colored steering wheel cover, short length lime green jacket, size 6. Call 270-341-4335
YARD SALE - 313 N 9th Street, Cave City, through Saturday, with weather permitting, Halloween stuff, Dixon zero turn mower, air compressor. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to move a storage building from Horse Cave to Munfordville. Call 270-537-4224
Wednesday, September 27th, 2023
LF - Someone to move a storage building from Horse Cave to Munfordville. Call 270-537-4224
FS - 6 piece tan colored floor mats, tan colored steering wheel cover, short length lime green jacket, size 6. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Catfish cages, 2 different sizes, 3 chicken coops $50 for all 3, Cub Cadet L10350 hydrostatic mower, 42 L108 John Deer mower. Call 270-246-1913
FT - Toy die cast tractors for a vintage real type push mowers prefer the metal handle bars type, will meet in the Brownsville area. Call 270-791-8916
YARD SALE - 313 N 9th Street, Cave City, through Saturday, with weather permitting, Halloween stuff, Dixon zero turn mower, air compressor. Call 270-670-1359
FS - White wall oven that is fairly new, 2 computer desks with drawers, an over the stove microwave paid $350 for it new and only asking $50, also a bunch of other items. Call 270-537-5724
Tuesday, September 26th, 2023
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup ext. cab, 4wd, less than 185k miles, asking $7500, obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Graco Pack n Play, like new with extra mattress and 3 sheets $45, Graco stroller, like new $35, Paw Patrol power wheel, $30. Call 270-646-8134
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Slip on exhaust for a sports bike, 18" long, like new, and the pipes, make an offer. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Wall oven, microwave for over the stove, microwave cart, 2 desks, one is heavier with keyboard drawer, has door and drawer on both sides, exercise machine, dining room table with 6 chairs, buffet, kitchen cabinets and misc pieces. Call 270-537-5724
FS - Late 90's Golf cart, electric, new batteries and charger, new wheels and tires, body is excellent, has new style top. Call 270-401-8760
Monday, September 25th, 2023
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Slip on exhaust for a sports bike, 18" long, like new, and the pipes, make an offer. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Wall oven, microwave for over the stove, microwave cart, 2 desks, one is heavier with keyboard drawer, has door and drawer on both sides, exercise machine, dining room table with 6 chairs, buffet, kitchen cabinets and misc pieces. Call 270-537-5724
FS - Late 90's Golf cart, electric, new batteries and charger, new wheels and tires, body is excellent, has new style top. Call 270-401-8760
Friday, September 22nd, 2023
FS - Ladies Levi jeans, size 12 Tall, like new. $5. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Queen size mattress and box springs and linen for someone with health issues. Call 270-250-9898
FS - 2 catfish cages, 2 different sizes and can put wheels on, 3 small chicken coop houses on wheels. Call 270-246-1913
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-2183755
FS - 2 toddler tables with 2 chairs each, Disney Princess and Blues Clues, a new heating pad, coffee maker, adult walker. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Like new 6 ft disc, asking $475. Call 270-670-3570
Thursday, September 21st, 2023
FS - 2017 Kia Soul, needs fuel pump,$1800 or $1200 cash and trade. Call 270-308-1765
FS - 5x12 trailer has drop ramps, 2001 Chevy pickup, 4.8, v-8 engine, lots of mower parts. Call 270-457-4236
Wednesday, September 20th, 2023
FS - Kitchen table and 6 chairs, with leaf $35, 52" cut Dixon zeroturn mower, $700. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2020 7x12 "Ta2" double axle enclosed trailer with side door and rear gate that lets down. Call 270-418-0562
FS - Outdoor building $2,000, full of items. Call 270-735-6322
FS - 2018 Chevy Trax, 75,000 miles, asking $13,500. Good condition. Call 270-528-7872
FS - 2010 Nissan Cube, has salvage title, good gas saver, $4200. LF - Old appliances to give away, will pick up. Call 270-786-4477
FS- Yard Machine mower, 42" cut, mows good, $150. Call 528-4750
FS - 9 laying hens, lay brown eggs, $10 each if you take all, LF - 20 ton bench press. Call 270-528-5208
FS - New heating pad, adult walker with wheels, coffee maker. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Nintendo game system with 2 games $40, moving sale today at 1968 Seymour Bear Wallow Road. Call 270-218-5473
FS - New Holland 7 ft Haybind, one owner, $900, a couple of Ford 800 series tractors. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, September 19th, 2023
2017 Kia Soul $3,000, has catalytic converter issue, clean interior. Call 270-308-1765
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at 8552 N Jackson Hwy, just south of Griderville, sign in yard. There will be tools, clothing, etc.
FS - Registered Pug puppies in Cave City. Call 270-773-2768
Monday, September 18th, 2023
FS - Deer corn. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup truck, 4wd, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
LF - Mandolin. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 2014 Ford Focus, 120k miles. $5500. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Full size 4-door pickup. Call 270-218-3827
Friday, September 15th, 2023
FS - 30 wood pallets, $75 for all. Call 270-646-8828
Yard Sale - Brick house beside Wigwam Store on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave, wheelchair, motorcycle helmets, etc.
FS - 2001 Nissan Cube, has salvage title, good gas saver. $4200. Call 270-786-4477
FS - 2 Boxer puppies. Call 270-612-0612
FS - Riding and push mowers, clothes dryers. Call 270-786-2903
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup truck, 4wd, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Cloth reclining lift chair, tan color, used one month, $500. Call 270-524-7053
FS - 10x13 maroon awning, retractable, $250. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 2000 Chevy Blazer 185k sunroof, new tires, $2500. Call 270-218-2869
Thursday, September 14th, 2023
FS - 21 US Mint coin sets 1973 - 1993. $210. Call 270-816-0658
FS - 2000 Ford Excursion. Call 270-218-8236
Yard Sale - Tuesday thru Thursday at 10566 N Jackson Hwy, brick home on the right between Jonesville and Magnolia, clothes, trinkets, 3-wheel bikes (one is for a handicap person), toys, dog stroller, wicker furniture, etc. Call 270-528-7076
FS - 42" cut Cub Cadet mower, hydrostatic, $250, LF - Electric cook stove and old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Mandolin. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra ext cab 4wd pickup, has less than 185k miles$7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
Wednesday, September 13th, 2023
Yard Sale - Tuesday thru Thursday at 10566 N Jackson Hwy, brick home on the right between Jonesville and Magnolia, clothes, trinkets, 3-wheel bikes (one is for a handicap person), toys, dog stroller, wicker furniture, etc. Call 270-528-7076
FS - 2014 Ford Focus, 120k miles. $5500. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 42" cut Cub Cadet mower, hydrostatic, $250, LF - Electric cook stove and old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Full size 4-door pickup. Call 270-218-3827
Tuesday, September 12th, 2023
FS - 1985 Honda Nighthawk motorcycle, 4 cyl, dual overhead cam engine in immaculate condition. Call 270-651-2595
Yard Sale - Tuesday thru Thursday at 10566 N Jackson Hwy, brick home on the right between Jonesville and Magnolia, clothes, trinkets, 3-wheel bikes (one is for a handicap person), toys, dog stroller, wicker furniture, etc. Call 270-528-7076
FS - Riding mowers, push mowers. Call 270-786-2903
FS - Boat in good condition. Call 270-473-1731
FS - Commercial clothes racks. $75 each. Call 270-283-5537
Monday, September 11th, 2023
LF - Mandolin. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra ext cab 4wd pickup, has less than 185k miles, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 6'4" x 4'10", white in color. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
FS - Fishing boat $250. Call 270-473-1731
FS - Troybilt pressure washer, used very little, pump doesn't work. Call 270-524-7709
Friday, September 8th, 2023
Yard sale - Friday & Saturday at 418 Owen St. Cave City, Christmas decor, throws, laundry detergent, pocket knives. Call 270-590-6031
FS - 20 sheep, 85 to 115 lbs, also have 5 rams, 185 to 225 lbs, 18 months old, multiple colors. Call 270-528-1221
FS - 4 new tires, 225 60 R16. Call 270-528-3307
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 307 N 3rd St, Cave City, name brand clothes for girls and boys, baby clothes, outdoor items, tv, shoes. Call 270-590-3692
LF - A couple of tv's that can be mounted on a wall and a hideaway bed. Call 270-473-3003
Yard Sale - through Saturday, 803 East Side Court, on Short Cut Road. clothes, fall and Christmas items, copier, dishes, books.
Thursday, September 7th, 2023
FS - Pair of D&D slip on exhaust for a sports bike, has pipe $100. Call 270-612-0926
Yard Sale - through Saturday, 803 East Side Court, on Short Cut Road. clothes, fall and Christmas items, copier, dishes, books.
FS - Boxer pups, have had shots, $300. Call 270-612-0612
LF - Electric cook stove. Yard Sale through Sunday in Cave City, riding mower, motor stand, new and used items, at 313 N. 9th St. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Aluminum toolbox for full size Chevy truck. FS - 2 Kohler 23 hp motors, 2 Briggs & Stratton motors, 5x12 Trailer with slide ramps, parts for mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Someone to cook Hello Fresh meals at a residence in Munfordville. One day a week and will need three meals cooked, should take 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Call 270-528-5953
Wednesday, September 6th, 2023
LF – Mandolin, 270-473-1446
YS – 603 N Buckner Ave, will have baby girl clothing, girl children clothing, tools, snow blowers, sneakers and a bunch more. Too many to list. For questions, call 270-218-1379
LF - 4 door 4wd pickup. FS - Gravity wagon $800. Call 270-218-3827
Tuesday, September 5th, 2023
FS - Polypay Wool Lamb Wether - 118 lbs, born January 2023, Chicken heavy breed - 2 pullets and 5 cockerels, hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2010-11 Chevy HHR, red, has good body and was running when parked, but poorly, asking $1500 obo, in Summer Shade area. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 2 recliners, burgundy and gold, $50 each. Call 270-528-6108
Friday, September 1st, 2023
Yard Sale - Saturday at 80 Richardson Road, Munfordville. 1st yard sale of the year. Call 270-473-1045
FS 2003 GMC Sierra pickup, extended cab, 4wd, $8,000. 2 wooden rocking chairs, $150 for the set, metal glider with cushion, $75. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches white in color for $3 and $4 each. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Someone to clean an apartment in Glasgow. Call 270-308-8881
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 non-breeder Doeling, Polypay wool lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, chickens heavy breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
Thursday, August 31st, 2023
Yard Sale - now through Saturday at 1338 S Dixie Hwy at Rowletts, next to the new Dollar Store. Call 270-218-0265
FS - 10x13 retractable awning in new condition, maroon color, $250. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Running boards for a 2000 Ford Ranger, extended cab. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Small boat trailer for a john boat, $160. Call 270-405-1260
FS - New Weather Tech floor mats for 2016-2019 Nissan Pathfinder. $75. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 1990 Cub Cadet AGS 2130 mower with Kohler engine, speckled bantys and 11 young rabbits. Call 270-528-4750
FS - Showcase $75, shelving out of Family Dollar store, 6 sections, 4 ft wide each, 7 ft tall, shelf and bin $450 for all. Cub Cadet riding mower $275, hydrostatic. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 recliners $50 for both, oak round table with 4 chairs, antique round table with 2 chairs, 1 twin beds (no mattresses), black small apartment refrigerator, assorted bar stools, 2 new bathroom shelves for above commode, $10 each, and baby guineas. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches white in color for $3 and $4 each. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, August 30th, 2023
FS - New Weather Tech floor mats for 2016-2019 Nissan Pathfinder. $75. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 1990 Cub Cadet AGS 2130 mower with Kohler engine, speckled bantys and 11 young rabbits. Call 270-528-4750
FS - Showcase $75, shelving out of Family Dollar store, 6 sections, 4 ft wide each, 7 ft tall, shelf and bin $450 for all. Cub Cadet riding mower $275, hydrostatic. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 recliners $50 for both, oak round table with 4 chairs, antique round table with 2 chairs, 1 twin beds (no mattresses), black small apartment refrigerator, assorted bar stools, 2 new bathroom shelves for above commode, $10 each, and baby guineas. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches white in color for $3 and $4 each. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
Tuesday, August 30th, 2023
LF- concrete steps, 2 sets of handrails, and size 24/10/11 four wheeler tires . Call 270-723-4077
FS - insulated fiberglass panels 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches white in color for $3 and $4 each. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Polypay Wool Lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, Chicken Heavy Breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Semi truck tanker driver needed to haul farm products, no CDL, experienced driver. Also LF - office personnel with knowledge of Microsoft Office plus fast paced environment, multi-task for an auctioneer. LF - Experienced cattle worker to feed and sort cattle, and able to drive John Deere equipment. Call 502-349-9707
LF - Concrete steps, 2 sets of handrails and size 24/10/11 four wheeler tires. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2002 Ford Sport Trac pickup, 4.0, V6, 4wd, transmission needs replacing and front windshield is cracked, asking $750 or partial trade, located in Horse Cave. Call 931-677-9292
FS - New set of Weather Tech floor mats, for a 2016 to 2019 Nissan Pathfinder, $75, has 3 sets of mats. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Women's plus size clothing, handheld Kindle Fire with games. Call 270-773-3368
GA - Bulldog male puppy. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 1989 Chevy truck, 350 engine, 5 new tires, new battery, 150,000 miles, 1968 16 ft Ebb tide boat 70h motor, set of left hand Hybrid golf clubs, used 1 time, asking $360, and 4 Graphite rods with reels. Call 270-528-1452
Monday, August 29th, 2023
FS - Parting out Gravely zero turn mowers, 2 - 50" cut zero turn mowers (Dixon & Cub Cadet), 5x12' trailer $695. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Mixed Hay, $40 per roll. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Hollywood hot tub spa $200. Call 270-590-8240
FS - Antique sewing machine with table $100. Call 270-590-8679
FS - Ikea bookshelf $60, red leather chair, elevates your feet, $100. Call 270-590-9360
LF - 6 to 8 gallon whiskey barrels. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Someone to clean an apartment in Glasgow. Call 270-308-8881
LF - Water turnoff valve for older water meter. Call 270-537-4224
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra 4wd, extended cab, $8,000 obo, 2 wooden rocking chairs $150 for both, metal glider with cushions, $75. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, August 25th, 2023
FS - Small boat trailer for a John boat, $160 in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Small 10 ft cu. freezer. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Pop up shelters with wall curtains, 2 picnic tables, double deep fryer, new electric pressure cooker, glider rocker and a wheelchair. Call 270-786-2592
LF - Good electric cook stove. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra extended cab, 4wd, outdoor furniture, 2 wooden rocking chairs, and a metal glider. Call 270-385-1344
FS - or trade - cloth couch, will trade for a sectional couch. Call 270-404-0562
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-612-0612
Monday, August 21st, 2023
FS - 2006 John Deere riding mower, 42" cut, 17hp Briggs & Stratton, asking $250. Call 270-405-1691
FS - Speckled banty chicks and Arraconda blue chickens, GA - kitten. Call 270-528-4750
LF - Running boards for a 2000 Ford Ranger, extended cab. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Igloo coolers, used, 2 - 30 qt coolers $10, 120 qt cooler $30, 5 gallon industrial water cooler. $30. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Couch, chair and ottoman, $100 in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4440
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 non-breeder Doeling, Polypay wool lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, chickens heavy breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
GA - Large tree for firewood at Woodsonville cemetery. Call 270-646-6824
Friday, August 18th, 2023
Missing - Male Blue Heeler with orange collar was last seen on 357 between Munfordville and 936. Call 904-575-1811
Yard Sale - Wednesday through Saturday, 3 miles east of Horse Cave and 1 mile west of Wigwam General Store on 218. Comforters, dishes, highchair, child's rocker, bed skirts, no clothes. Call 270-786-1195
FS - Jon boat trailer $60. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Wreaths for various holidays, homemade flowerpots. Call 618-240-3528
FS - Showcases $50 each. Clothes racks $75 each. PS 3 with games. Call 270-283-5537
Yard Sale - at 212 White St. in Cave City, fishing poles, etc.
LF - Someone to bush hog a yard on Boyds Knob Road. Call 270-218-3225
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat - 418 Owen St. Cave City - everything is cheap, Kohls comforters, odds and ends, some items are new. Call 270-590-6031
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat - 8920 Happy Valley Road, 1 mile from Save-a-lot, collectibles, home decor, antiques. Call 270-590-3452
FS - Speckled banty chicks and Arraconda blue chickens, GA - kitten. Call 270-528-4750
Thursday, August 17th, 2023
LF - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Catfish cages, 2 different sizes. Call 270-246-1913
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 7'9" x 4' 6" and smaller sizes, $3 and $4 each, would trade for good mower or firewood. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, August 16th, 2023
Yard Sale - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday - 3 miles east of Horse Cave and 1 mile west of Wigwam General Store on Hwy 218. Comforters, dishes, high chair, child's rocker, bed skirts, no clothes. Call 270-786-1195
LF - Running boards for a 2000 Ford Ranger, extended cab. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Igloo coolers, used, 2 - 30 qt coolers $10, 120 qt cooler $30, 5 gallon industrial water cooler. $30. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Couch, chair and ottoman, $100 in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4440
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 non-breeder Doeling, Polypay wool lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, chickens heavy breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
GA - Large tree for firewood at Woodsonville cemetery. Call 270-646-6824
Tuesday, August 15th, 2023
FS - Couch, chair and ottoman, $100 in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4440
FS - Moped, runs, $250, 2 showcases - today only $50 each or $75 for both, clothes racks, $35 each, LF - small female Chihuahua. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Job remodeling barns, roofing, and other jobs. Call 270-218-1748
Fs - 2004 Chevy Cavalier, $2,000, Great Dane pups. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Running boards for a 2000 Ford Ranger, extended cab. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-612-0612
FS - Fred Thrasher print, (Battle of Mill Springs, limited edition, Jan. 19th, 1862), signed and numbered, $125. Will donate $50 of it to WLOC Clothes for Kids. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Gravity bed or wagon. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Igloo coolers, used, 2 - 30 qt coolers $10, 120 qt cooler $30, 5 gallon industrial water cooler. $30. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 255 Massey Ferguson tractor, 52hp, new paint, 2 hydraulic hoses in the back. Call 270-369-7394
FR - 4 bedroom brick home, 2 1/2 bath, $900 a month with $1600 deposit. Call 270-786-4655
Monday, August 14th, 2023
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 non-breeder Doeling, Polypay wool lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, chickens heavy breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2 coolers - 32 qt, 120 qt cooler and smaller cooler with spout. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Gravely zero turn 20hp mower $1,095, 50" cut Cub Cadet mower, $995, 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
GA - Couch covered up outside, FS - marble top coffee table. $40. Call 270-218-3225
GA - Large tree for firewood at Woodsonville cemetery. Call 270-646-6824
FS - Showcases, $100 each, clothes racks. LF -Female Chihuahua. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Wood stove with ash pan, Ashley or King. Call 270-218-3827
Thursday, August 10th, 2023
FS - 2 ladies size 6 1/2 Dr Scholl's tennis shoes, 2 toddler tables with chairs. Call 502-341-4.335
FS - Baby guineas, oak table and 4 chairs, 2 rocking chairs, barstools. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 23 hp Command Kohler motor, 24 hp Kohler motor, 52" deck for zero turn mower , 50" deck for Cub Cadet mower, 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor and a 5x12 utility trailer with drop ramp. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Massey Ferguson mowing machine, late model, with 2 cut blades, kept inside. $2,000. Call 270-528-1322
Wednesday, August 9th, 2023
FS - Fred Thrasher print, signed and numbered, $125. Will donate $50 of it to WLOC Clothes for Kids. Call 270-773-5306
FS - Igloo coolers, used, 2 - 30 qt coolers $10, 120 qt cooler $30, 5 gallon industrial water cooler. $30. Call 270-612-0926
Multi-family yard sale, Thursday, Fri & Sat 8a.m. to 3p.m. at 85 Possum Hollow Road, in the Kessinger community. Call 270-670-2163
FS - 2 Showcases $75 or $100 for both, Playstation 3 with games $65, clothes racks $25 each or will make a deal for all, bag of jackets. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 255 Massey Ferguson tractor, 52hp, new paint, 2 hydraulic hoses in the back. Call 270-369-7394
Tuesday, August 8th, 2023
FS - 12x24' building, 3 years old, insulated, has electricity, $4,000 firm. Must be moved. Call 270-734-2747
FS - Canning jars, quarts, pints, jelly jars. Selling all for one price. Call 270-404-4232
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-773-2768
Monday, August 7th, 2023
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 Non-Breeder Doeling Polypay wool lambs, 1 Wether lamb. Call 270-531-6177
FS - John boat trailer, has winch, jack stand, guide bars and 2 extra wheels and tires $200, there is an issue with one wheel, insulated fiberglass panels. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 12 ft x 6'4" utility trailer, 4 ft drop down tailgate $1000. Call 815-821-1431
FS - Marble top coffee table $40, boxes of dishes $30, GA - cats. Call 270-218-3225
Friday, August 4th, 2023
LF - Gravity bed or wagon. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Boxer pups, 9-weeks-old. Call 270-612-0612
FS - 6-week-old Basset Hound pups, $200, parents on site. Call 270- 576-6625
Thursday, August 3rd, 2023
LF - 2000 to 2002 parts for Dodge Ram 2500 series. Call 270-646-0878
LF - 15 passenger van in really good condition. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 120 qt Igloo cooler, used once, $30 obo. Call 270-612-0926
3 Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, August 4th & 5th, at 8:00 a.m. at 103 Edwards Avenue, Horse Cave (cancel if raining). Brand name clothes, all sizes, purses, beauty items, house decor, toys, baby items, etc.
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023
LF - 2000-2002 Dodge Ram 2500 for parts. Call 270-646-0878
FS - Wedding decor, very nice inversion table,
metal desk, exercise bike, new mirror, and over the commode shelf. LF- louvered
door around 22 inches wide.
Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - Job remodeling barns, roofing, and other jobs. Call 270-218-1748
LF - Gravity bed or wagon. Call 270-218-3827
FR - 4 bedroom brick home, 2 1/2 bath, $900 a month with $1600 deposit. Call 270-786-4655
Tuesday, August 1st, 2023
LF - Someone to clean an apartment in Glasgow, prefer Tuesday or Wednesday. Call 270-308-8881
LF - Water turnoff valve for older water meter (square nut). Call 270-537-4224
LF - 6 to 8 20 gallon whiskey barrels. Call 270-473-1446
3 Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, August 4th & 5th, at 8:00 a.m. at 103 Edwards Avenue, Horse Cave (cancel if raining). Brand name clothes, all sizes, purses, beauty items, house decor, toys, baby items, etc.
Monday, July 31st, 2023
FS - 2 glass showcases in good condition, $100 each or $175 for both. Call 270-218-5045
3 Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, August 4th & 5th, at 8:00 a.m. at 103 Edwards Avenue, Horse Cave (cancel if raining). Brand name clothes, all sizes, purses, beauty items, house decor, toys, baby items, etc.
Friday, July 28th, 2023
3 Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, August 4th & 5th, at 8:00 a.m. at 103 Edwards Avenue, Horse Cave (cancel if raining). Brand name clothes, all sizes, purses, beauty items, house decor, toys, baby items, etc.
FS - 120 qt Igloo cooler, $30. Call 270-612-0926
FS - New potatoes, Kindle Fire with charger, GA - Plus size clothes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Real wood California King bed, $900 obo. Text 270-404-1530
Thursday, July 27th, 2023
FS - 2004 Chevy Cavalier, runs good. Great Dane pups. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Couch in like new condition, light beige color, brown electric recliner, electric fireplace. Call 270-218-5576
LF - Nice baby boy clothes, due in September. Call 270-531-2061
Wednesday, July 26th, 2023
LF - Parts for Woods bush hog, crank type. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 10 10 John Deere tractor, gas model, 2100 miles, with cultivator, $5,000. Call 270-537-5686
FS - Corner entertainment center, 32" Sharp tv, microwave stand. Call 270-218-2304
FS - Coin-operated pool table with balls, racks, sticks. $250. Used set of wheels and tires for Polaris Razor. Call 270-385-1344
LF - 10 Laying hens. Call 270-816-3172
FS - New potatoes, Kindle Fire, plus size clothing. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Assorted prints, Fred Thrasher $150, Ivan Wilson print, In the Beginning Kroger 100th Anniversary print, maps of battlefields prints, etc; none of them have been framed and most are in original envelopes. Call 270-773-5306
Tuesday, July 25th, 2023
LF - Parts for Woods bush hog, crank type. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 10 10 John Deere tractor, gas model, 2100 miles, with cultivator. $5,000. Call 270-537-5686
Monday, July 24th, 2023
FS - Treeclimber deer stand $45, fence insulators, Tom Clancy books, cd player for home stereo, Poulan chainsaw, parts only, old McCullough chainsaw $100. Call 270-537-5725
FS - New 38x30 men's jeans $5, new Dr. Scholl's women's sandals, size 7, $6. Coffee maker $5. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Coin operated pool table with balls and sticks, racks, $250, set of used wheels and tires for Razor. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 50" cut Gravely zero turn mower, $1,095 , Dixon 50" cut zero turn mower, $895, Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, $995. Call 270-4257-4236
Friday, July 21st, 2023
LF - Leftover White vinyl double 4 siding, can be new or used in Horse Cave or surrounding area. Call 270-786-1918
FS - Handbags, various kinds, across the RR tracks in Horse Cave on the porch. Call 270-786-3371
FS - 2 used tables and 2 chairs one is Blue's Clues, and 1 is Disney, GA - 4 green aluminum lawn chairs, kitchen chair with arms. Call 502-341-4335
FS - White electric stove $350, like new. Call 270-579-6032 in Cecilia.
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
Thursday, July 20th, 2023
LF - Washer, dryer, refrigerator. Call 270-529-0425
LF - Kitchen sink in good condition around 70" long. Need sink cabinet and counter or complete sink. Call 270-670-9070
LF - 1 to 2 people, able to lift up to 80 lbs, have valid license and pass drug test. Call 270-883-1838
FS - 2 - 2001 Ford Explorers, 4wd, make a good vehicle from both, one has a title, the other for parts, 1984 F700 log truck, gasoline. Call 270-565-2502
FS - Bar hay rake, $400, 7 ft Massey Ferguson mowing machine, $2,000. Call 270-531-2060
FS - 2004 Cavalier, runs good. Great Dane pups. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Front end parts for 2008 Chrysler Town & Country van, black or dark blue color preferred. Call 270-531-2061
FS - Boxer and Pug puppies. Call 270-612-0612
Tuesday, July 18th, 2023
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to good homes, one male and one female, house trained, good with children and other pets. E-mail or text 312-270-0850
LF - Bushel of tomatoes for canning. Call 270-537-3546
LF - 7-shank chisel plow. Call 270-218-3827
Monday, July 17th, 2023
FS - 6 roosters, $5 each in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-4035
GA - 4 to 5 bread trays. Must pick up at WLOC Radio station. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 3 go-carts for teenager or adults, all key start, new tires, $2200 $1200, $800. Call 270-473-3407
Friday, July 14th, 2023
LF - Allis Chalmer plates for a corn planter. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Chickens. Call 270-531-6947
LF - 15" 4-lug wheel for 2009 Chevy Aveo. Call 270-670-1011
Wednesday, July 12th, 2023
GA - Older metal swing set with slide. Call 270-773-5625
LF - 2 or 3 people for drywall or barn work, $100 a day. Call 270-218-1748
LF - Short school bus or church bus, must seat 15 people. FS - 1997 Jeep Wrangler, has hardtop and bikini top, automatic. $4,000 obo. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 1999 Chevy Silverado 1500, 4x4, clean title, has broken frame in back passenger side, has over 294,000 miles, $3500 obo. Call 270-943-0662
Tuesday, July 11th, 2023
LF - Someone to cut up 40 acres of hay on shares. Call 270-531-2155
FS - 851 New Holland hay roller, $1,000. 10,000 lb electric winch, 12 volt, $250. Call 270-537-5099
Monday, July 10th, 2023
FS - Handbags, various kinds, across the RR tracks in Horse Cave on the porch. Call 270-786-3371
FS - 2 used tables and 2 chairs one is Blue's Clues, and 1 is Disney, GA - 4 green aluminum lawn chairs, kitchen chair with arms. Call 502-341-4335
FS - White electric stove $350, like new. Call 270-759-6032 in Cecilia.
Friday, July 7th, 2023
GA - King size mattress and twin mattress to someone in need. Call 270-537-1848
FS - 2 new pair men's jeans, size 36x30, size 11 men's tennis shoes, new heating pad and new blood pressure monitor. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Nice baby boy clothes. Call 270-531-2061
LF - 4 strands of small blue Christmas lights. Call 270-528-2407
Thursday, July 6th, 2023
GA - 22 ft camper trailer, older, could be used for hunting cabin. Call 815-821-1431
FS -2004 Chevy Cavalier, asking $1200. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Power wheels for kids $50. Call 270-528-6546
LF - Bearded dragon. Call 270-473-3407
Wednesday, July 5th, 2023
FS - 50" cut Gravely zero turn mower, $1,095 , Dixon 50" cut zero turn mower, $895, Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, $995. Call 270-4257-4236
GA - Female Blue Heeler/Pit mix, answers to Angel, not aggressive. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 13 week-old toy size Chihuahua pups, $250 each, 2 female French Bulldog-Pug cross pups, $800 each, LF - 5x8' utility trailer with working lights or an enclosed trailer. Call 615-772-8226
FS - Wooden shelves $15 each. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Tailgate for 2000 model and up Ford Dually, solid white, spare tire and wheel for Ford Dually. couch and 2 recliners. LF - part-time or full-time help on concession stand. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Push mower $100 and small electric garden tiller $50. Call 270-528-6107
Monday, July 3rd, 2023
FS - Ford F150 Power wheels, needs a battery. $50. Call 270-528-6546
FS - 50" cut Dixon zero-turn mower $950, 50" cut Gravely zero-turn mower, $1250, 50" cut Cub Cadet mower $1150, 5x12 trailer with drop gate, $795. LF - old zero turn mowers for parts. Call 270-457-4236
June 30th, 2023
Yard Sale - Inside at 3340 Three Springs Hwy, Hardyville, crafts, clothes, etc. 4614 Three Springs Hwy is a bake sale. Call 270-670-5884
LF - Round or square bales of hay. Call 270-524-3341
FS - Tote full of yard sale items in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4547
GA - 2 set of kittens, 6 total, 3 are 9-weeks-old and 3 are 8-weeks- old. FS - Solid oak kitchen table with 3 chairs, $20. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 2008 Chrysler Town & Country van, preferably black or blue in color. Call 270-531-2061
FS - Oliver 2 bottom turning plow, kick back type, $200. Call 270-531-2060
Thursday, June 29th, 2023
GA - 3-month-old female Pitbull puppy. Call 502-526-8012
FS - Wooden shelves, $35 each 7 of them. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Set of 17" Michelin tires on 5-lug aluminum wheels, have pics. Call 270-401-8760
FS - 2004 Chevy Cavalier and Haire lambs. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 851 New Holland hay roller $1,000. Call 270-537-5099
FS - 10,000 lb electric winch, 12 volt. $250. Call 270-537-5099
FS - Troybilt rear bagger mower, high wheel, self-propelled, Honda engine. Call 270-773-5625
LF - Someone to mow around trailer, about half acre, twice a month. Located about 4 miles north of Cub Run on Hwy 728. Text 502-938-1779 or email
Wednesday, June 28th, 2023
LF - Someone to do bush hogging on 1 acre. Call 270-361-3385
Tuesday, June 27th, 2023
FS - Stihl weed eater, straight shaft, asking $75. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Goats and 12 ft gates for goats. Call 270-706-4888
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 Doeling, 1 Yearling Billy, 2 Wethers and 2 Non-Breeder Doe Polypay Wool Lambs, 1 Wether Lam and 1 - 2016 Ewe. Call 2702-531-6177
Friday, June 16th, 2023
FS - 5x9' diamond plated dump trailer, new paint and tires, $300. Call 270-473-3407
FS - Oak pedestal table with 5 oak chairs $150. Located at 209 Old St. Munfordville. Call 270-524-5307
FS - 2 pair of ladies Avia tennis shoes, size 8, Coach purse and Tommy Hilfiger purse. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Antique wall mounted oak wooden telephone, crank style, $100. Call 270-531-5922
Thursday, June 15th, 2023
FS - 851 New Holland roller, $1,000. Call 270-537-5099
FS - Baby stroller $5, adult walker $10, shower bench $10, country cd's, men's large clothes $1 each, size 11 men's tennis shoes $5. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Phillips interior lights, new in box, will make a deal. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Stihl straight shaft weedeater, $85. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Merle boy French Bulldog, $1,000, 2-year-old female Merle Aussie Doodle, $250, 2 Teacup Chihuahua female pups, a toy male Chihuahua pup, LF - 5'x8' utility trailer, cheap or give away. Call or text 270-891-7774
FS - 10x16 storage shed $2300, fiberglass panels. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
FS - Professional Bonnet Salon hairdryer. $40. 25 nut crackers $40, vintage antique baby stroller $200, Garage Sale - until everything is gone at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road. Call 270-218-1796
GA - Female Schnauzer 1 year-old, house broke and good with kids, there is a re-homing fee. Call 270-612-1428
LF - 4wd side by side in really good condition to use on a farm. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - Edger, 3 or 4 weedeaters, 2-year-old push mower, 4 tires, size 265x70x17's. Call 270-646-0878
FS - Yamaha 220 Beartrack 4-wheeler, green with good tires, has front brake issue, $1,000. Call 270-473-3407
Wednesday, June 14th, 2023
REQUIRED Located in New Haven, Drug-free experienced drivers only. Home Every
night! Call Billy Frank 502-349-9707 or Call Tom Smith at 502-349-5143
And must be able to multi-task. Located in Bardstown. LF - CATTLE
involved, in New Haven and Drug-free experienced. Call Billy Frank at
FS - Professional Bonnet Salon hairdryer. $40. 25 nut crackers $40, vintage antique baby stroller $200, Garage Sale - until everything is gone at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road. Call 270-218-1796
GA - 8 kittens on Red Buck Estes Road. Call 270-524-0126
FS - Baby stroller $5, adult walker $10, shower bench $10, country cd's, men's large clothes $1 each, size 11 men's tennis shoes $5. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 50" cut Dixon zero-turn mower $950, 50" cut Gravely zero-turn mower, $1250, 50" cut Cub Cadet mower $1150, 5x12 trailer with drop gate, $795. LF - old zero turn mowers for parts. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, June 13th, 2023
LF - 6 to 8 - 20 gallon whisky barrels. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Phillips interior lights, new in box, will make a deal. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Stihl straight shaft weedeater, $85. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 10x16' storage building $2300 in Summersville, insulated fiberglass panels $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Merle boy French Bulldog, $1,000, 2-year-old female Merle Aussie Doodle, $250, 2 Teacup Chihuahua female pups, a toy male Chihuahua pup, LF - 5'x8' utility trailer, cheap or give away. Call or text 270-891-7774
FS - Refrigerator, 3 Guineas. Call 270-531-6947
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-528-1221
Monday, June 12th, 2023
FS - Stihl weedeater, straight shaft. $85. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 10x16 storage shed $2300, fiberglass panels. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
Friday, June 9th, 2023
Yard Sale - All week at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave, antique furniture and more. Call 270-218-1796
5 family Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday - at 103 Circle Drive in Horse Cave, Case knives, clothes, home decor, grill, stereo, printer, etc. Call 270-404-4232
Yard Sale Saturday on Flint Hill Road, Sonora, beside the school. Call 270-531-6947
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 418 Owen Street, Cave City. Call 270-590-6031
Yard Sale Friday and Saturday at 8920 Happy Valley Road, Cave City, 1 mile toward Save-A-Lot. Call 270-590-3452
Yard Sale Friday & Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.- 466 John Logsdon Road. Dressers, book shelves, porter cable scroll saw, tools, pedestal sink, floor tile, ceramic tile, ceiling lights, also....
FS - 2011 Dodge Ram Quad with 6" lift kit, transmission has been redone, has a little rust, comes with new Rocker panels plus extra parts, asking $15,000, 1996 Dodge Neon Coup, $2,000 obo. Call 270-473-4017
FS - Set of 17" Chevrolet wheels with Michelin defector LPX, tread has 2,000 miles. Asking $1,000. Call 270-401-8760
FS - Baby chicks. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, June 8th, 2023
LF - Turning plow for tractor and a golf cart. Call 270-735-6698
5 family Yard Sale - today, Friday & Saturday - at 103 Circle Drive in Horse Cave, Case knives, clothes, grill, stereo, printer, etc. Call 270-404-4232
FS - New heating pad, shower bench and a Coach purse. Call 502-341-4335
Yard Sale - All week at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave, antique furniture and more. Call 270-218-1796
GA - Female Schnauzer 1 year-old, house broke and good with kids, there is a re-homing fee. Call 270-612-1428
LF - 4wd side by side in really good condition to use on a farm. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - Edger, 3 or 4 weedeaters, 2-year-old push mower, 4 tires, size 265x70x17's. Call 270-646-0878
FS - Yamaha 220 Beartrack 4-wheeler, green with good tires, has front brake issue, $1,000. Call 270-473-3407
Wednesday, June 7th, 2023
Yard Sale - All week at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave, antique furniture and more. Call 270-218-1796
LF - 4wd side by side in really good condition to use on a farm. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - Stihl weedeater, straight shaft. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 910-234-0281
FS - BMW, clean title, LF - Place to rent that is pet friendly, and an adult male long hair Chihuahua or small male Pomeranian. Call 629-239-1559
FS - Edger, 3 or 4 weedeaters, 2-year-old push mower, 4 tires, size 265x70x17's. Call 270-646-0878
FS - Yamaha 220 Beartrack 4-wheeler, green with good tires, has front brake issue, $1,000. Call 270-473-3407
Tuesday, June 6th, 2023
Yard Sale - All week at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave, antique furniture and more. Call 270-218-1796
GA - Female Schnauzer 1 year-old, house broke and good with kids, there is a re-homing fee. Call 270-612-1428
GA - 5-month-old Blue Heeler puppy. Call 270-473-9707
FS - 30 sheep, 50 to 100 lbs, male and female, wormed, tagged and well fed. Call 270-528-1221
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Set of full size bedrails. Call 270-774-1563
Monday, June 5th, 2023
FS - 10x16 storage shed $2300, fiberglass panels. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
Yard Sale - Today New Liberty, Big Meadow area.
FS - Interior lights, new in box. Discontinued by Lowe's, wall, ceiling, vanity, etc. $10 each, in Cave City. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 3 zero-turn mowers, $995 to $1195, parts for mowers, LF - 6'x10' trailer or boat trailer around 14 to 16 ft. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Stihl weed eater $85, straight shaft. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Valley Brand coin-operated pool table with accessories $250, nails for Passload nailgun. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2014 Chevy Impala, will trade for a pickup. Call 270-218-8236
GA - Male Blue Heeler, has had shots. Call 270-473-9707
FS - 4 tires, 265 70 $17's, pull behind smoker grill, Craftsman edger. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Straw near Horse Cave. Call 270-473-0907
Wednesday, May 31st, 2023
FS - Stihl gas weedeater, $85, straight shaft. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Disc mower, hay rake, 2 basket hay tedder, LF - 12,000 btu air conditioner. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Gravely 50" cut zero turn mower, Cub Cadet 50" cut zero turn mower, 50" cut Dixon zero turn mower, parts for mowers, LF - boat trailer with 5-hole wheels. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 3/4 ton or ton pickup and some help on a concession trailer. Call 270-537-3341
FS - New pair of Redwing shoes, size 6 1/2, shower bench, new heating pad, camo t-shirts, size small & medium, free egg cartons. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, old pickup or car around $1000, FS - front tine Husky tiller and rear tine tiller, $100 for both. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Bonnieville, yard work, etc. Call 270-317-3043
FS - Bathtub with 2 sliding doors with tracking, $100, natural gas heater, $65 like new. Call 270-218-1748
FS - Glass square beveled tabletop 27" x 27", $30. bathroom sink. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 1990 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd pickup, short bed, new tires. $1,000. Husky riding mower, needs deck, $75. Call 270-246-1913
Tuesday, May 30th, 2023
FS - Picnic table $75, wishing well $65, large wishing well $50. Call 270-218-5045 or 270-283-5537
FS - New Phillips lights in box, wall, ceiling, vanity, 3 & 5 fixtures. Call 270-612-0926
LF - White dishwasher in excellent condition. Call 270-723-4077
Lost - Long black wallet, has brown and black rivets on one side, Sunday afternoon at Food Lion in Glasgow, contains CDL's, social security card and bank card, along with insurance card. Offering $100 cash reward for return. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Full size bed with mattress & box springs. Call 270-493-3547
LF - Motor for 7 hp Troybilt garden tiller or will sell it. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Bonnieville, yard work, etc. Call 270-317-3043
FS - Bathtub with 2 sliding doors with tracking, $100, natural gas heater, $65 like new. Call 270-218-1748
GA - 2 full stock adult Beagles, male and female, spayed and neutered and will run rabbits. Call 270-218-5208 or 270-218-5207
FS - 17 Haire lambs in Adair Co. They are male and female. Call 270-378-6583
FS - 30 sheep, 50 to 100 lbs, male and female, wormed, tagged and well fed. Call 270-528-1221
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Set of full size bedrails. Call 270-774-1563
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900, 2 boxes of nails for a passload nail gun. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, May 26th, 2023
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Free couch for a family in need. Call 270-218-5288
Multiple family Yard sale 10244 Jackson Hwy, Cave City, Friday and Saturday until noon. Jewelry, clothes, decor, shoes, games, and so much more.
FS - Pallet racks with floors $100 a set. Call 270-473-0942
FS - 3-year-old Schnauzer, Haire lams born in December. Call 270-528-6693
Lost - Tuesday - black backpack at crossroads at 728 and 88 at Cub Run. Urgently need it. Call 270-218-0623
Thursday, May 25th, 2023
Yard Sale - Today (Thursday) and Saturday - 108 Edwards Ave in Horse Cave, signs posted, movies, Playstation game, coffee pots, angels, computer games, etc. Call 270-786-5111
FS - New 3-in-1 Baby bed, asking $130. Call 270-646-8134
GA - 2 full stock adult Beagles, male and female, spayed and neutered and will run rabbits. Call 270-218-5208 or 270-218-5207
FS - 17 Haire lambs in Adair Co. They are male and female. Call 270-378-6583
Multiple family Yard sale 10244 Jackson Hwy, Cave City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday until noon. Jewelry, clothes, decor, shoes, games, and so much more.
FS - 30 sheep, 50 to 100 lbs, male and female, wormed, tagged and well fed. Call 270-528-1221
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Free couch for a family in need. Call 270-218-5288
Wednesday, May 24th, 2023
FS - Glass square beveled tabletop 27" x 27", $30. bathroom sink. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 1990 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd pickup, short bed, new tires. $1,000. Husky riding mower, needs deck, $75. Call 270-246-1913
Yard Sale - Today at 8984 N Dixie Hwy Bonnieville, King metal headboard and baseboard, baby chicks, 2012 Ford Edge Ltd. Call 270-531-6947
Multiple family Yard sale 10244 Jackson Hwy, Cave City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday until noon. Jewelry, clothes, decor, shoes, games, and so much more.
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Bonnieville, yard work, etc. Call 270-317-3043
FS - Bathtub with 2 sliding doors with tracking, $100, natural gas heater, $65 like new. Call 270-218-1748
FS - TD 923 Taylor Way 4 ft. roto tiller, will fit 3pt hookup, asking $1,000. White Coleman Kids mini bike, $300. Call 270-670-0986 or 270-651-9842
FS - Pallet racks with floors $100 a set. Call 270-473-0942
FS - 5x8' tilt trailer, couch, 2 recliners, 2 end tables and coffee table, 110 air conditioner. Call 270-531-3341
FS - 3-year-old Schnauzer, haire lams born in December. Call 270-528-6693
Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Bonnieville, yard work, etc. Call 270-317-3043
FS - Bathtub with 2 sliding doors with tracking, $100, natural gas heater, $65 like new. Call 270-218-1748
FS - TD 923 Taylor Way 4 ft. roto tiller, will fit 3pt hookup, asking $1,000. White Coleman Kids mini bike, $300. Call 270-670-0986 or 270-651-9842
FS - King size metal headboard and baseboard, refrigerator, sectional couch. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2006 Suzuki 4wd, timing chain broke, chainsaw, $60, LF - older pickup. LF - Air compressor, upright battery charger with dials. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Pallet racks with floors $100 a set. Call 270-473-0942
FS - 5x8' tilt trailer, couch, 2 recliners, 2 end tables and coffee table, 110 air conditioner. Call 270-531-3341
FS - 3-year-old Schnauzer, haire lams born in December. Call 270-528-6693
Monday, May 22nd, 2023
GA - 2 full stock adult Beagles, male and female, spayed and neutered and will run rabbits. Call 270-218-5208 or 270-218-5207
FS - 17 Haire lambs in Adair Co. They are male and female. Call 270-378-6583
FS - 30 sheep, 50 to 100 lbs, male and female, wormed, tagged and well fed. Call 270-528-1221
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Set of full size bedrails. Call 270-774-1563
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900, 2 boxes of nails for a passload nail gun. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, May 19th, 2023
Yard Sale - today on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave beside the old carwash. Rod and reels, bathtub, glass doors, lots of various items. Call Steve at 270-218-1748
Yard Sale - 2959 Boyds Knob Road, Munfordville, clothes, kids clothes, household items, home decor. Fri & Saturday. Call 317-526-8726
GA - 3 pieces of 4 ft long roofing, 101 Bobby Lane, Munfordville. Call 270-473-3909
Yard Sale - 2355 Charlie Moran Hwy, kids clothes, bikes, tools, today only. Call 270-537-4693
LF - Free couch for a family in need. Call 270-218-5288
FS - Strawberries, $13 a gallon. Call 270-773-2768
Thursday, May 18th, 2023
FS - New Phillips lights, wall, sconces, vanity, etc. $10 each. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Free couch for a family in need. Call 270-218-5288
Found - Brown and white Boxer Wednesday afternoon in front of Horse Cave Jobe's newspaper. Wanting to find the owner or a good home for it.
FS - Strawberries, $13 a gallon. Call 270-773-2768
FS - Massey Ferguson cycle bar mower, $2,000. Call 270-531-2060
FS - Bull Mastiff female puppy $500, AKC chocolate Merle Dachshund $800. Call 629-239-1559
LF - Plastic barrel with lid. Call 270-816-3172
GA - Golden Retriever pups, 1 male and 1 female, house trained. Email or text 312-270-0850
Wednesday, May 17th, 2023
FS - Bull Mastiff female puppy $500, AKC chocolate Merle Dachshund $800. Call 629-239-1559
LF - Plastic barrel with lid. Call 270-816-3172
GA - Golden Retriever pups, 1 male and 1 female, house trained. Email or text 312-270-0850
GA - 10 month old puppy, 1/2 Terrier, broke to underground fence and housebroke. Call 270-537-5150
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900x, $7500, and roofing nails for a nail gun in box. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2 zero turn mowers, 50" cut, one is Gravely and Cub Cadet, $1295 each, 5x12 utility trailer with ramps $695, and all kinds of parts. LF - 2 wd pickup, $1500 to $2500 cash, old zero turn mowers and utility trailer. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, May 16th, 2023
GA - 10 month old puppy, 1/2 Terrier, broke to underground fence and housebroke. Call 270-537-5150
FS - Small dog cage $35. Large wishing well $60, medium size wishing well $45, small wishing well $35, picnic table $65. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Insulated white, fiberglass panels, 6'4" by 4'10", $4. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Interior lights $15 each, or $10 each if you buy several. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Massey Ferguson cycle bar mower, $2,000. Call 270-531-2060
LF - Free horse and will pay for delivery. Call 270-218-1796
Monday, May 15th, 2023
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900x, $7500, and roofing nails for a nailgun in box. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 9x12 building, has metal sides and roof. Call 270-218-8098
FS - 3 new pair of Dr. Scholl's sandals, size 7, black Coach purse, new heating pad, new blood pressure monitor. Call 502-341-4335
Thursday, May 11th, 2023
FS - Interior lights $15 each, or $10 each if you buy several. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Massey Ferguson cycle bar mower, $2,000. Call 270-531-2060
LF - Free horse and will pay for delivery. Call 270-218-1796
Wednesday, May 10th, 2023
FS - Small deep freeze, clean, $50, commercial paint sprayer, like new $900, garage door opener with two remotes $30, Trucker Garmin GPS with voice activation $210. Call 270-816-3172
FS - KB 923 rototiller, 4ft. $1,000. Call 270-651-9842
FS - 1952 30 Ferguson tractor. Call 270-308-3321
FS - Metal roofing. Call 270-524-1113
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023
FS - 3 year old female Schnauzer, Haire lambs born in December. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Air compressor, upright battery upright charger with dials. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Interior lights, $15 each, new, or if you buy several, $10 each. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 1952 30 Ferguson tractor. Call after 5:00 p.m. at 270-308-3321
FS - TD 923 Kay-way 4 ft. roto-tiller, 2 years old, tines are good, asking $1000. Call 270-651-9842
FS - 2 zero turn mowers, 50" cut, one is Gravely and Cub Cadet,$1295 each, 5x12 utility trailer with ramps $695, and all kinds of parts. LF - 2 wd pickup, $1500 to $2500 cash, old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 24 x 7 travel trailer, gooseneck with new tires, brakes, new lights. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Troybilt 48" cut lawnmower, $500, Husqvarna 46" cut mower,$450, 50" cut Craftsman mower $700. LF - Old truck around $1000. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, May 8th, 2023
FS - Interior lights, $15 each, new, or if you buy several, $10 each. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 1952 30 Ferguson tractor. Call after 5:00 p.m. at 270-308-3321
FS - TD 923 Kay-way 4 ft. roto-tiller, 2 years old, tines are good, asking $1000. Call 270-651-9842
FS - 2 zero turn mowers, 50" cut, one is Gravely and Cub Cadet,$1295 each, 5x12 utility trailer with ramps $695, and all kinds of parts. LF - 2 wd pickup, $1500 to $2500 cash, old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 24 x 7 travel trailer, gooseneck with new tires, brakes, new lights. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Troybilt 48" cut lawnmower, $500, Husqvarna 46" cut mower,$450, 50" cut Craftsman mower $700. LF - Old truck around $1000. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, May 5th, 2023
Huge Yard Sale- 31-W south of Bonnieville Friday & Saturday. Lots of furniture. Call 270-537-4681
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday 8:00 a.m. chairs, computer desks, hats, earrings, clothes, Christmas decorations, china cabinet, at 602 Hubbard Avenue, Munfordville. Call 270-779-7560
FS - Twin size headboard, black Redwing tennis shoes, size 6 1/2, bp monitor and heating pad. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3x14 Jon boat, carpet, newly painted, has trolling motor, $2,000. Call 270-473-3407
Thursday, May 4th, 2023
FS - 1957 David Bradley 2 wheel garden tractor $300. Call 270-935-3798
FS - LG 32" flatscreen tv $50, 2 - Playstation 3 games. $10. Call 270-786-5111
Huge Yard Sale- 31-W south of Bonnieville, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Lots of furniture. Call 270-537-4681
Yard Sale - Today, Friday & Saturday 8:00 a.m. chairs, computer desks, hats, earrings, clothes, Christmas decorations, china cabinet, at 602 Hubbard Avenue, Munfordville. Call 270-779-7560
FS - Haire lambs, males and females, GA - 3 month old white Labradoodle. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Speckled bantys, hens and roosters. Call 270-528-4750
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
FS - 150 square bales of hay, $4 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
Huge yard sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday,
LF - Any lawnmowers, atv's, golf carts for free, leftover yard sales items for give away. Call 270-218-1796
GA - 8-week-old Mt Kerr full stock male puppy, white with red and brown color, parents are registered. Call 270-218-1350
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023
FS - Hotpoint cook stove. Call 270-528-5393
GA - White Whirlpool dishwasher, Phillips tv. Call 502-341-4335 after 5 p.m.
FS - Xbox 360 with 20 games and a Playstation 2 with games, $120 each. Call 270-218-1378
FS - Camper topper for 2009 Dodge pickup short bed, prefer black. Call 270-590-8375
Monday, May 1st, 2023
FS - Carpenter bee traps, $8 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Huge yard sale -Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 31-W heading towards Bonnieville at the old Scotty's Concrete.
LF - Camper top for 2009 Dodge pickup, prefer black. Call 270-590-8375
FS - Interior lights, ceiling, wall sconces, vanity lights, $20 each, new in box. Call 270-612-0926
FS 44" cut Swisser mower to pull behind anything, 1999 F-350 box truck with 15 ft box, 18 ft car trailer with new ramps, Cub Cadet riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900, 2 new packs of pass load nails. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 36" tv, small adult rocking chair, green velvet chair & ottoman, old oak table with leaf and 4 - size 3x new women's shirts. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Golf cart. Call 270-766-9940
FS - Fertile pheasant eggs, ready to hatch. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 1998-2001 Jaguar XJ8 motor. Call 270-528-6540
FS - new heating pad, new blood pressure monitor, size 6 1/2 black Redwing shoes, SAS white shoes, size 6 1/2. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 Saanen bottle Bucklings, 2 polled, 1 dehorned, 8 weeks old, $50 firm. Call 270-531-6177FS - 2010 Chevy Impala LT, good tires, cold air, needs transmission $950. Call 270-404-1250
LF - Scanner. Call 270-261-1258
GA - Labradoodle, 4 years-old, housebroken, crate trained. Call 270-401-8760
Friday, April 28th, 2023
FS - Insulated white, fiberglass panels, 6'4" by 4'10", $4 each, would also trade for good mower, trolling motor or chainsaw. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2 trolling motors, one is a side mount. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 16 shelf commercial display, metal with wooden boards, dvd's and other items. Call 270-670-7409 or 270-670-7408
LF - Polaris Ranger side-by-side and Nova parts for 1973-74. Call 270-528-1419
Thursday, April 27th, 2023
FS - Interior lights, ceiling, wall sconces, vanity lights, $20 each, new in box. Call 270-612-0926
Yard Sale - Today, quilting material, flower pots, giveaway clothing bags, in Bonnieville. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2 zero turn mowers, 50" cut $1295 each, parts, motors, starters, decks for mowers, LF - old zero turn mowers for parts, LF - 4wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Small trolling motor, $45. Call 270-528-5208
Wednesday, April 26th, 2023
FS - 4-wheel older hay rake in good condition $400. Call 270-777-8753
FS - Carpenter bee traps, $8 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
GA - 3 barn cats. Call 270-524-5072
FS - Refrigerator, round-about couch, yard sale today, 2 miles north of Bonnieville at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy. Call 270-531-6947
Tuesday, April 25th, 2023
FS - 4 dozen mixed breed hatching eggs in Hart County. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Old fireplace mantel, came out of a 1920 Queen Ann home in very good condition. Call Gary at 270-834-0288
FS 44" cut Swisser mower to pull behind anything, 1999 F-350 box truck with 15 ft box, 18 ft car trailer with new ramps, Cub Cadet riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Eggs, bantys, pullets, control motor for a boat. Call 270-528-4750
Whickerville Youth Yard Sale will be held Saturday, April 29th, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Whickerville Baptist Church at 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville. There will be household items, toys, clothes and more. Clothes are $2 a bag and bags will be furnished.
FS - Male Shorkie puppy, Asking $300. Call 270-218-5045
Monday, April 24th, 2023
FS - 36" tv, small adult rocking chair, green velvet chair & ottoman, old oak table with leaf and 4 - size 3x new women's shirts. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Golf cart. Call 270-766-9940
FS - Fertile pheasant eggs, ready to hatch. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 1998-2001 Jaguar XJ8 motor. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Ceiling lights, vanity lights, new in box in Cave City. Call 270-612-0926
FS - new heating pad, new blood pressure monitor, size 6 1/2 black Redwing shoes, SAS white shoes, size 6 1/2. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 Saanen bottle Bucklings, 2 polled, 1 dehorned, 8 weeks old, $50 firm. Call 270-531-6177FS - 2010 Chevy Impala LT, good tires, cold air, needs transmission $950. Call 270-404-1250
LF - Scanner. Call 270-261-1258
GA - Labradoodle, 4 years-old, housebroken, crate trained. Call 270-401-8760
FS 44" cut Swisser mower to pull behind anything, 1999 F-350 box truck with 15 ft box, 18 ft car trailer with new ramps, Cub Cadet riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Lawnboy 21" cut push mower. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Spring cleaning and organizing jobs, will do deep cleaning, yard clean up and garage clean out $15 an hour. Call Sandy at 270-861-5177
LF - Couch and chair, furniture. Call 270-218-1796
FS - Playstation 2 with 30 games, $125. Call 270-218-1378
FS - Mini refrigerator, stereo speakers, LF - 3x women's clothes, a roommate and a place to rent in Cave City area. Call 270-590-7367
LF - Older car or truck for around $1,000, 6x10' dog kennel and old mowers, mopeds, go carts. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, April 19th, 2023
FS - Eggs, bantys, pullets, control motor for a boat. Call 270-528-4750
Yard sale - Today at 8984 N Dixie Hwy Bonnieville, baby chicks, cages, small table, old refrigerator. 2011 Ford Edge car, rockers, material, etc. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Polaris Ranger. Call 270-528-1419
Tuesday, April 18th, 2023
FS - 2013 flat bottom fishing boat with trailer, 5hp trolling motor, looks good and runs great, has 35 lb truss motor and updated tags, ready to go. Call 270-528-5208
Garage Sale - Everyday at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave. All money goes to a food bank. Call 270-218-1796
Monday, April 17th, 2023
LF - Couch and chair in good condition. Call 270-218-5288
LF - Wood chipper in Hart or Barren County. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2014 Hyundai Elantra, has transmission issues, but well-maintained. $2,000 obo. Call 270-473-3366
LF - 5x10 or 5x12 trailer. FS - parts for lawnmowers, 40 gallon air compressor, 2 zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 5 Blue Heeler pups $50 each, mother on sight. Call 270-473-0474
LF - 2 to 5 acres of land in Hart and Barren County. Call 270-774-7483
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, old pickup $1200, FS - 44" cut swisser, to pull behind a mower. $400. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 8 ft Massey Ferguson disc mower, 2 basket New Idea hay tedder, New Holland 256 hay rake and dolly wheel. $6000. Call 270-218-8391
Friday, April 14th, 2023
FS - 3 Chicken coop houses. Call 270-246-1913
FS - All kinds of parts for mowers including: starters, motors, hydros, decks and more. Call 270-457-4236
Thursday, April 13th, 2023
FS - Sheep and ewes, a sheep dog near Bonnieville. Call 270-218-8347 and leave a message.
Wednesday, April 12th, 2023
Whickerville Youth Yard Sale will be held Saturday, April 29th, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Whickerville Baptist Church at 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville. There will be household items, toys, clothes and more. Clothes are $2 a bag and bags will be furnished.
FS - 6 handbags, assorted colors and sizes. Located in Horse Cave across the RR track, 1st house on left. Call 270-786-3371
Tuesday, April 11th, 2023
FS - Full size headboard, made out of cherry wood, black Coach purse, 2 rose colored lamps. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2011 Ford Edge. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Portable woodchipper, electric or gas, used one time. $350. Call 270-734-2747
FS - Wurlitzer piano with bench $200. Call 270-528-6108
FS - Gravely 52" cut mower, $1050, Cub Cadet lawnmower, $1095, floor model tv $50. LF - Chevy pickup 2wd, $1500 to $2000. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Meat hogs and beef for slaughter, 16 or 18 ft pull behind trailer, $2500 with dovetail and ramps. Call 270-734-1552
FS - X-large lift chair, brown color, like new, $500. Call 270-590-8271
Monday, April 10th, 2023
FS - Male Shorkie puppy, Asking $300. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Blue plastic lawn chairs, 2 toddler tables and 2 chairs, Disney and Blues Clues. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 chicken coup houses $100. Call 270-246-1913
LF - Set of 4 wheeler ramps. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 2 speaker stands, never been used. Call 270-774-7342
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900, asking $8500, 2 new packs of pass load nails. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, April 7th, 2023
FS - Male Shorkie, reddish brown. $300 obo. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Tennis racket or heavy duty badminton. Call 270-524-7709
FS - 3 new pair of size 7 Dr. Scholls sandals, black coach purse and new heating pad. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Phillips brand lights, ceiling, vanity and wall lights, $20 each or cheaper if you buy in quantity. Call or text in Cave City at 270-612-0926
Thursday, April 6th, 2023
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, old truck $1,000 to $1200, chicken coop. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1964 model 10-10 John Deere gas tractor, 2200 hours on it with cultivators $5500. Call 270-537-5686 in Cub Run area.
Wednesday, April 5th, 2023
FS - 4 Shorkie puppies, 2 male and 2 female. 7 weeks old. Asking $300. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Rolled and square baled hay in Mayesville (Dover, Ky). Call Kevin at 606-882-3641 or 606-301-1155
GA - Great Pyranese and Border Collie mixed pups, 8 weeks-old. Call 270-473-0472
FS - 2010 Chevy Impala LT, good tires, heat and air, remote start, needs transmission. $950. Call 270-404-1250
LF - Stainless steel flattop cooking stove. Call 270-786-3581
FS - 1999 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd, runs good, needs work, $1000 obo. Call 270-218-1378
Tuesday, April 4th, 2023
GA - Hospital bed for someone in need. Call 270-528-2564
FS - Full size headboard, made out of cherry wood, black Coach purse, 2 rose-colored lamps. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Vinyl kids playset, white and blue, has roof and sandbox $400. Call 270-473-3407
FS - 4x8 lift table, pulls up by using a winch, $200. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 2 ladders. Call 270-590-1215
Monday, April 3rd, 2023
FS - Phillips interior light fixtures, new in box, for vanity, ceiling and floor lights $20 each. Call 270-612-0926 in Cave City
FS - Rolled and square baled hay in Mayesville (Dover, Ky). Call Kevin at 606-882-3641 or 606-301-1155
FS - Shorkie puppies, $300 each. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Pups, Great Pyranese and Border Collie mix, male and female. Call or text 270-473-0472
FS - 5'x12' utility trailer, $650, Cub Cadet zeroturn mower 54" cut, $1,95, Encore zeroturn mower, 48" cut, $895. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 14" wheel or wheel and tire, 5-lug with 4.5" spacing to use as spare. Call 270-681-8061
Wednesday, March 29th, 2023
FS - Phillips interior light fixtures, new in box, for vanity, ceiling and floor lights $20 each. Call 270-612-0926 in Cave City
FS - 3 old tractor-type lawnmowers, they run, but need work. Call 270-413-4035
FS - 120 square bales of hay, $4 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
GA - Great Pyranese and Border Collie mixed pups, 8 weeks-old. Call 270-473-0472
Tuesday, March 28th, 2023
FS - Work lift-table, perfect for lawnmowers and small engines, $200 obo. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 3 new pair size 7 shoes, baby stroller, 2 end tables, small desk and older type wicker bench. Call 502-341-4335
GA - Female guinea in Roundhill area. LF - Small chicken coup, single level. Call 270-792-3028 or 270-791-8916
Monday, March 27th, 2023
FS - New interior light fixtures, $20 each or buy 4 get 1 free. In the Cave City area, call or text 270-612-0926
FS - 2010 Chevy Impala LT, good tires, heat and air, remote start, needs transmission. $950. Call 270-404-1250
FS - Maytag refrigerator freezer, French door, white with ice maker and water dispenser in door, 27cu. ft $300. Call 270-681-8061
FS - 6 iron skillets $250, jigsaw puzzles, vintage Marlboro and Camel jackets. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Chaise lounge. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Chicken coup for 5 to 6 hens and rooster, 2 good dressers or chest of drawers, lawnmowers, go carts, mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Wagon tires, size 225 70's or 75x15. Call 270-218-8391
Friday, March 24th, 2023
LF - Chaise lounge. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 5x12 utility trailer drop ramps, $650, Cub Cadet 50" zero turn mower, $1095, 48" cut Encore mower Kamasaki engine, $895, LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 6 iron skillets $250, 17 jigsaw puzzles, most are 1000 pieces, one is Hallmark 1969, $25 for all. Marlboro vintage jacket and Camel vintage jacket, $20 each. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Stainless steel flattop cooking stove. Call 270-786-3581
FS - 1999 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd, runs good, needs work, $1000 obo. Call 270-218-1378
Thursday, March 23rd, 2023
FS - 6 iron skillets $250, 17 jigsaw puzzles, most are 1000 pieces, one is Hallmark 1969, $25 for all. Marlboro vintage jacket and Camel vintage jacket, $20 each. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Stainless steel flattop cooking stove. Call 270-786-3581
FS - 1999 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd, runs good, needs work, $1000 obo. Call 270-218-1378
Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023
FS - Small john boat or kayak trailer $200, fits a 2" ball in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 3 sizes of wishing wells, $40 for large, $45 for medium & $35 small size, in good shape. Call 270-218-3798
GA - Small leather loveseat. Come and pick up. The address is 418 Owen St, Cave City. Call 270-590-6031
FS - Lift chair, 2 years old, $500. Call 270-528-6108
Tuesday, March 21st, 2023
FS - Hen, 10 chicks, farm fresh eggs, gravity wagon, 9 week-old and 6-month-old Labradoodle. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Gasoline water pump, Craftsman 22" cut trimmer, $250, Poulan heavy duty front tine tiller $300, 46" cut Husqvarna riding mower, $450. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 2 young brown egg laying hens, $10 each, 10-month-old pair of Cayuga ducks, hen and drake, $30 for the pair. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Southern States 42" cut riding mower, Cub Cadet zero radius 52" cut mower $1095, Toro zero radius turn mower $695, LF - mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 3 new pair of Dr. Scholl's sandals, size 7, area rug, black Coach purse, new heating pad. Call 502-341-4335
LF - mobile home tires, size 814.5. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Queen size bed with mattress. Call 270-531-2862
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, all sizes $4 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Monday, March 20th, 2023
LF - Transmission for 1990 pickup, 2wd, extended cab, 700R4 and LF - riding mowers, go carts, mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone who buys junk cars, have one still runs, has major oil leak. Call 270-528-2033
FS - 6 iron skillets, (been boxed up), electric pole saw. Call 270-773-5306
FS - Assorted Candy, chocolate covered cherries, Valentines day candy, mints, etc at S&K Bargains on Facebook and pickups will be at Cave City and proceeds go to WLOC Clothes for Kids.
Thursday, March 16th, 2023
GA - Metal from a swimming pool. Call 270-308-1765
LF - 40 to 50 hp tractor. Call 270-612-0213
Wednesday, March 15th, 2023
FS - Washer and dryer $300. Call 270-524-6056
FS - Small boat or kayak trailer $200 in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2007 1300 motorcycle $3500, has bent fender. FS - Golf cart, needs work $650, 20 ft trailer with 2' dovetail $3600. Call 317-710-8837 in Park City
Tuesday, March 14th, 2023
FS - Lift chair $500. Call 270-528-6108
FS - PolyPay Ram, born January 2022, weighs approximately 130 to 140 lbs, $200. Call 270-531-6177
Monday, March 13th, 2023
FS - 5x12' utility trailer with drop ramps, $650, Encore zero turn mower 48" cut $895, mower parts, LF - old zero turn mowers, truck '63 to '85 swb or a body. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, March 10th, 2023
FS - Husqvarna 46" cut, 21 hp Kohler twin rear bagger, $300, Grasshopper zero turn mower, 24 hp Kohler twin 48" cut, 4 LT 245/75/17 tires $40. Call in Cave City 662-420-3652
LF - 4 door car, $2500 to $3000, riding mowers and parts, FS - 15 ft box trailer, automatic with air. $4500, 18' car trailer $3,000. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Hay in Hart County, rolled or baled. Call 270-524-3341
FS - Antique oak dining room table and 6 chairs, $800. Call 270-528-4189
Thursday, March 9th, 2023
FS - 5-string Peavee Bass, like new. Call 270-774-7342
FS - 5x12' utility trailer with drop gate, LF - 1963-85 Chevy truck, shortbed or body. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Square bales of hay or round bales, in Hart County for cows. Call 270-524-3341
FS - 6 ft Sun Joe electric pole saw, and extends to 9 ft, new. $70. Call 270-773-5306
Moving sale - 312 Harper Drive, apt A5 in Horse Cave. Table and chairs, appliances, numerous items. Call 270-250-9898
LF - New windows, size 30x60 and 46x60 (not replacement windows), grey vinyl siding, 24" oak bathroom vanity with sink and mobile home entry doors. Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - Cedar full or queen size bedroom suite. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Black laying hen, 10 baby chicks, gravity wagon, farm fresh eggs. Call 270-528-6693
Wednesday, March 8th, 2023
LF - Square bales of hay or round bales, in Hart County for cows. Call 270-524-3341
FS - 6 ft Sun Joe electric pole saw, and extends to 9 ft, new. $70. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 320 Garmin tracking system for dogs, has 3 collars, charger and case. $350. Call 270-792-6376
Moving sale - 312 Harper Drive, apt A5 in Horse Cave. Table and chairs, appliances, numerous items. Call 270-250-9898
LF - New windows, size 30x60 and 46x60 (not replacement windows), grey vinyl siding, 24" oak bathroom vanity with sink and mobile home entry doors. Call or text 270-723-4077
Tuesday, March 7th, 2023
LF - Cedar full or queen size bedroom suite. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2006 24 ft travel trailer $7800 & a 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Black laying hen, 10 baby chicks, gravity wagon, farm fresh eggs. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Drywall hangers and finishers for a personal residence. Call 270-565-2884
LF - Car between $2500 to $3000 and old riding mowers. FS - 1999 F-350 box truck with slide out walk board $4500 or possible trade with cash. FS - 18 ft car trailer, new wheels and tires, new wench and toolbox $3000 obo, will consider possible trade with cash, 6 1/2 hp Husky garden tiller, front tine for $650. Call 270-670-1359.
Thursday, March 2nd, 2023
LF - Cedar full or queen size bedroom suite. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Housekeeper in Glasgow. Call 270-651-2510
FS - 2006 24 ft travel trailer $7800 & a 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Queen size sleigh bed with gel memory, foam cooling mattress and box springs. $500 obo. Call 270-670-2163
FS - 2018 Coachman Catalina, 25 ft bumper pull camper, has fireplace, power awning, power slide out, queen size bed, sleeps 6. Call 270-590-9165
LF - 2 bedroom house or mobile home or a lot for rent. Call 270-218-1748
Wednesday, March 1st, 2023
FS - 2008 Nissan Sentra. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Housekeeper in Glasgow. Call 270-651-2510
FS - Couch, clean in good shape $50, Call 270-218-5045
LF - Shelves. Call 270-283-5537
Tuesday, February 28th, 2023
FS - Couch, clean in good shape $50, Call 270-218-5045
LF - Shelves. Call 270-283-5537
Monday, February 27th, 2023
LF - Housekeeper in Glasgow. Call 270-651-2510
LF - Someone to do handyman work. Call 270-299-1067
FS - Southern Sates 42" cut lawnmower, needs battery, Cub Cadet zero turn 50" cut mower $1295, LF - old zero turn mowers, will pay cash and LF - parts for zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 0ld riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - 1999 F350 box truck, automatic, runs good, $5,000. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Limited edition Spiderman Playstation 4 Pro includes: Spiderman controller, Spiderman game plus games, no scratches, all original, plus flat screen monitor. Call 270-579-9146 or 270-308-9889
FS - 6 ft Farm King tiller box, goes behind tractor, 6 horse Snapper garden tiller, electric start, like new push mower, Craftsman edger for sidewalks, wood chipper. Call 270-646-0878
Friday, February 24th, 2023
LF - Used battery charger. Call 270-528-3307
LF - 40 to 50hp tractor. Call 270-621-0213
FS - 2004 Volkswagon Golf for parts or to repair, New bearings and rear pads, starter and batter. $500 obo in Cave City. Call 270-612-0926
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023
FS - 5 1/2 x 12' trailer $995, Husqvarna 48" cut mower $495, 2 Kamasaki motors and 2 Kohler motors, rod and reels. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 2 to 3 Holstein calves on dry feed around 250 lbs, FS - 10x10x6 ft dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
Tuesday, February 21st, 2023
FS - 6-year-old Kane Korso, 120 lb inside dog, AKC, housebroken, crate trained, with a crate of dog food. Call 270-473-3407
LF - Dog kennel. Call 270-524-0126
FS - 2005 Dodge Neon, $650, may have blown head gasket. Call 270-784-4840
Monday, February 20th, 2023
FS - 2001 Ford Edge SUV. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Eggs, $3 dozen, can deliver in Horse Cave & Cave City. FS - gravity wagon. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 40 to 50 hp tractor. Call 270-612-0213
FS - 2009 Honda 450 dirt bike $4500, mini-bike $250, 2000 Dodge Neon $1,000, 3 riding mowers - 2019 Troybilt, John Deere & Cub Cadet. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Outdoor dog feeder. Call 270-218-8391
Friday, February 17th, 2023
FS - 2006 24 ft travel trailer $7800 & a 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Yard sale tables, 4 metal shelves. Call 270-218-1748
LF - Someone associated with Area 5 Special Olympics. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 5 1/2 x 12' trailer $995, Husqvarna 48" cut mower $495, 2 Kamasaki motors and 2 Kohler motors, rod and reels. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 2 to 3 Holstein calves on dry feed around 250 lbs, FS - 10x10x6 ft dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, February 16th, 2023
LF - Administrative assistant for office personnel, quick books and real estate knowledge, paralegal assistance, and a licensed realtor. Call 502-349-9707.
FS - AKC Golden Retriever pups, weeks old, $850 each. Call 270-230-3694
FS - 1966 Ford Thunderbird, platinum blue and has 113,000 miles, well maintained, runs and drives good. Can send pictures. $10,000 cash firm. Call 270-218-5504
GA - Barn cats. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Firewood $60 truckload, delivered locally. Call 270-528-6566 or 270-218-3225 or 270-218-2283
FS - 2019 Cub Cadet 50" cut $1495, 2017 Cub Cadet, 50" cut $1295, 5 1/2 ft by 12 ft trailer $995, lawnmower parts. Call 270-457-4236
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023
FS - AKC Golden Retriever pups, weeks old, $850 each. Call 270-230-3694
FS - 1966 Ford Thunderbird, platinum blue and has 113,000 miles, well maintained, runs and drives good. Can send pictures. $10,000 cash firm. Call 270-218-5504
GA - Barn cats. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Firewood $60 truckload, delivered locally. Call 270-528-6566 or 270-218-3225 or 270-218-2283
FS - 2019 Cub Cadet 50" cut $1495, 2017 Cub Cadet, 50" cut $1295, 5 1/2 ft by 12 ft trailer $995, lawnmower parts. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, February 14th, 2023
FS - Queen size sleigh bed with gel memory, foam cooling mattress and box springs. $500 obo. Call 270-670-2163
FS - 2018 Coachman Catalina, 25 ft bumper pull camper, has fireplace, power awning, power slide out, queen size bed, sleeps 6. Call 270-590-9165
LF - 2 bedroom house or mobile home or a lot for rent. Call 270-218-1748
FS - 1981 Fisher Marine johnboat, 16 ft, 25 hp motor, has trolling motor, new tires and wheels on trailer, new switchboard, all new lights. $2500. Call 270-670-2242
LF - Collection of MASH seasons. Call 270-598-2466
LF - Fertile turkey eggs. Call 270-537-1918
FS - 2006 Pilgrim travel trailer $7800, 2014 Polaris Razor 900, asking $8900 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - New 5 qt. red KitchenAide mixer, $175. Call 270-473-1337
Friday, February 10th, 2023
FS - New red 5 qt. Kitchen Aid mixer, $175. Call 270-473-1337
Thursday, February 9th, 2023
FS - 2014 Chevy Sonic, needs motor, asking $2,000 cash only. Call 270-528-6149
FS - Richie Waters cattle waterers, 2 hole is $250 and 4 hole is $350. Call 270-786-3078
LF - Unlocked Verizon smart phone. Call or text 270-218-1378
FS - Square bales of hay, 10 florescent 4 ft lights with 4 bulbs. Call 270-537-4044
Wednesday, February 8th, 2023
FS - 2012 Chrysler 200. Call after 3 p.m. 270-404-3529
LF - Chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra, good tires, drives great. Call 270-524-2904
FS - 24 hp Kamasaki twin cylinder engine & 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, LF - 23 to 25 hp Kohler side shaft engine for Grasshopper mower. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Size 12 4 38 back tractor tire. Call 270-413-4035
Monday, February 6th, 2023
FS - 6 ft Farm King tiller box, like new and barn kept, $1800, 4 17" tires, $50 each and a pull behind grill smoker on wheels and bran kept, $250. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Back tractor tire, size 12-4-38. Call 270-413-4035
FS - Free standing woodstove $40. Call 270-524-0116
FS - Laying hens. Call 270-528-5208
LF_ Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, truck $800 to $1000, FS - 2019 Troybilt 48" cut $500 or may trade, 42" Cub Cadet mower $475 or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1984 Int'l log truck, has automatic transmission, 466 diesel motor $6500 and 2008 Chrysler Town & Country van, needs transmission rebuilt, asking $2,000. Call 270-774-7483
Friday, February 3rd, 2023
*Gentleman lost everything in house fire: in need of men's clothing 30x30 and size medium shirts, also another man is in need of clothing and wears X-large shirts and size 44 pants. In need of household items, appliances, etc. For more information, contact Glenn Perry at 270-784-4840.
FS - 10 open face rod and reels, $150. 24 hp Kamasaki motor, 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, 2019 Cub Cadet and 2017 Cub Cadet zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 8x16 ft hay wagon $500 and a pull type spray, $700. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Washer and dryer for a family that lost everything in a fire. Call 270-524-0126
Tuesday, January 31st, 2023
FS- 7" Onn tablet with a child protective case and charger. Call 270-646-8134
FS - 5 1/2 x 12 dove tail trailer $995, lawnmower parts of all kinds, LF - 2wd Chevy pickup up to $2500, FS - Lots of rod and reels. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2018 25' coachman Catalina, sleeps 6, has queen bed pull out, power slide out, flatscreen tv. Call 270-590-9165
FS - Gravity wagon, Free - German Shepherd mixed pups. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Place to rent in Bonnieville Munfordville area, need a 2-bedroom at least. Call 270-218-1350
FS - 32" flat screen tv $10. Call 270-528-1235
LF - Quilted blankets for moving furniture. Call 270-786-4351
LF - Rearend for 1979 Chevy Camaro and parts for 72 to 74 Chevy Nova. Call 270-528-1419
Monday, January 30th, 2023
LF - Place to rent in Bonnieville Munfordville area, need a 2-bedroom at least. Call 270-218-1350
Lost - 2 Great Pyranese, male and female pink collar near 677 and Davis Bend Road. Call 270-861-5975
FS - 5 1/2 x 12 dove tail trailer $995, lawnmower parts of all kinds, LF - 2wd Chevy pickup up to $2500, FS - Lots of rod and reels. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2018 25' coachman Catalina, sleeps 6, has queen bed pull out, power slide out, flatscreen tv. Call 270-590-9165
Friday, January 27th, 2023
GA - Full blooded female Great Pyranese, 2 half Great Pyranese 7 months old, 1/2 Bull Mastiff mix, male and female. Call 270-773-7279
FS - 2918 Coachman Catalina, 25 ft bumper pull Camper, has power slide out, queen size bed, sleeps 6 people. Call 270-590-9165
Wednesday, January 25th, 2023
FS - 5'x`10' flatbed trailer, 5 1/2' x 12' trailer, new tires, (3) 234 75 15" tires and wheels, have 5" bolt pattern. LF - zeroturn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 5 to 6 ft patio door, someone to finish to sheet rock for a room. Call 270-473-0907
Tuesday, January 24th, 2023
FS - 8 ft disc mower, 2 basket hay tedder, new Holland hayrake dolly wheel, $6000. Call 270-218-8391
Monday, January 23rd, 2023
FS - Exercise bike. $65. Call 719-460-2943
FS - 2 - 23hp Kohler motors, 2 - 24hp Briggs & Stratton motors, 5' x 10' tilt trailer with good tires, 54" deck for Gravely zero-turn mower, 42" & 46" decks for Cub Cadet zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 4-year-old female Labra-doodle, house and crate trained, rehoming fee. Call 270-401-8760
LF - Furniture, washer, dryer in the Glasgow, area cheap or free and clean, can pick up. Call or text 240-787-1030
FS - 2010 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited, 4 door, hard top with 3-piece sunroof, tan interior, 4wd, has 94,000 miles, 3.8 v-6 with no accidents, asking $16,500. Call 270-646-0202
FS - 2 black leather women's jackets, size medium, cat litter box with lid and Disney table with 2 chairs. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Gravity wagon, German Shepherd Aussie pups, asking for rehoming fee $25. Call 270-528-6693
Thursday, January 19th, 2023
FS - Australian cross pups $25, gravity wagon. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Automatic washer. Call 270-531-1161
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
Moving sale - 231 Maupin Road. Columbia. All the furniture is less than a year old. New beds, mattresses, camo coffee table and matching end tables, dinette set, etc. Several items cheap. Call 270-250-4317FS - Propane gas cook stove $200. Call 270-786-5616 after 12 noon.
FS - 2006 24 ft camper $7800, 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
Tuesday, January 17th, 2023
FS - 2006 24 ft camper $7800, 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
Monday, January 16th, 2023
FS - 5x10 flatbed trailer and a 5 1/2 x 12 trailer, both have new tires, 60" cut Cub Cadet zero turn mower and a Gravely zero turn mower. Call 270-457-4236
Moving sale - 231 Maupin Road. Columbia. All the furniture is less than a year old. New beds, mattresses, camo coffee table and matching end tables,
dinette set, etc. Several items cheap. Call 270-250-4317
Friday, January 13th, 2023
FS - Oasis knee scooter, has inflatable tires, with inflator and basket, new with instructions, $75. Call 270-786-3795
Wednesday, January 11th, 2023
FS - Powermatic 66 table saw, air-powered, $1200, can e-mail pictures. Call 270-524-4252
FS - Pallet of shutters, all are 9" wide, 36" pacific blue, gray, maroon and black, also 22" forest green and 27" brown color. Call 270-524-4252
LF - Vehicle $1500 to $2000. Call 270-901-7596
Monday, January 9th, 2023
GA - 7 1/2 ft prelit Christmas tree, has 1500 lights, one section of lights don't work at times. Call 270-528-6547
LF - Old zero turn mowers for parts, 2 wd truck, $1500 to $2500, FS - 25 to 30 rod and reels, $300. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 9 Pitsky/Mountain Cur pups, 8 weeks old. $100. Call Mike at 270-405-7840
LF - old mowers, gocarts, mopeds, old car or truck up to $1000. FS - 2019 Troybilt riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2006 24 ft travel trailer $7800, 900 Polaris Razor, $8900. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, January 6th, 2023
GA - 7 1/2 ft prelit Christmas tree, has 1500 lights, one section of lights don't work at times. Call 270-528-6547
Thursday, January 5th, 2023
Female Chihuahua 5 years old, solid brown. $30 re-homing fee. LF - cash register. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
LF - Garage door opener. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Washer. Call 270-784-4840
Wednesday, January 4th, 2023
FS - Female Chihuahua, 3 to 4-years-old, $25, "Rightfoot", housebroken, have paperwork, up to date on shots. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
FS - Playstation 4 Pro Spiderman edition, 1tb, can be played in 4k has 11 games, VR Headset, controllers and cables, cash only, pick up in Glasgow. Call 270-579-9146 or 270-308-9889
LF - Good cd player. Call 270-678-6050
LF - Natural gas dryer. FS - Square baled hay. Call 270-565-2502
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023
FS - 5x10 tilt trailer $450, 2017 Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, $795, Husqvarna 48" cut mower $450, 25 to 30 rod and reels, all kinds $350 cash, LF - pickup between $1500 to $2,000, will pay cash. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, 2019 Troybilt riding mower 14" cut $500, LF - SUV or van for $800 to $1000. LF - store shelving 6 to 8 ft long (4 sections). Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra pickup, new tires, interior is really good condition, 4 wd, red in color. Call 270-524-2904
Friday, December 30th, 2022
A Food & Clothes Pantry will be open today, December 30th, at Horse Cave Christian Church from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The church address is 105 Guthrie Street beside German American Bank.
FS - Square baled hay, $4 per bale, and some rolled hay. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Girl's Disney table and 2 chairs, 2 black Redwing tennis shoes and 2 Home Interior pictures. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Husqvarna lawnmower 23 hp 48" cut, new tires $450, John Deere 175 17 hp with 38" cut, needs battery $299, Curtis 220 air compressor $300, rod and reels, all kinds $350 for all. Call 270-457-4236
Wednesday, December 28th, 2022
FS - 2 pair of Avia tennis shoes, size 8 and a black leather jacket, size medium. Call 502-341-4335.
FS - Barbie items $40, rabbit cages $100 for all, picnic table $75. Call 270-218-3225 or 270-218-0756
FS - Sharp steam and scrub mop in box $100, like new wine color Lazyboy recliner, $200. Call 270-528-4088
FS - Square baled hay, GA - women's clothes, size Medium and size 16's. Call 270-565-2502
Tuesday, December 27th, 2022
FS - Wood in Munfordville $70 a rick - delivered or $60 a rick if you pick up. Call 270-537-4114 or 270-218-1331
FS - 10x10x6 ft dog kennel, like new $275. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - 1995 Chevy pickup 4x4, $1500 or partial trade, 2019 Troybilt lawnmower 56" cut, $500. Call 270- 670-1359
Thursday, December 22nd, 2022
FS - 1 & 1/2 rick of wood. Call 270-590-4850
FS - Square bales of hay. Call 270-528-7635
FS - AKC registered Rottweiler pups, five female and one male, vet checked with up-to-date shots $800. Call or text 270-528-6506
Wednesday, December 21st, 2022
LF - Load of wood today in Horse Cave. Call 270-218-1748
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - 2019 Troybilt 46" cut riding mower $500, 1996 Chevy pickup $1500 or will do partial trade, new electric skate board, $100. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Firewood in Munfordville delivered $70 per rick, all split. Call 270-218-1331 or 270-537-4114
FS - Brooms $5 each, Twister mop, $5 each, new, 3 Tide detergents $5 each, new knives in box, other last minute Christmas items. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Artificial eggs, FS 10x10x6 dog fence, antique corn sheller. Call 270-528-5208
Tuesday, December 20th, 2022
LF - Mobile home doors, concrete porch steps and good white refrigerator. Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - Antenna towers and will take them down on their property. Call 270-681-5544
Monday, December 19th, 2022
FS - German Shepherd Aussie mixed pups. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Small companion dog. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 48" Husqvarna mower, new tires $475. 54" Cub Cadet zero turn mower, $1200, 25 to 30 rod and reels $350, 2 - 20hp Kohler motors, 2 Kamasaki engines. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, December 16th, 2022
FS - Home Interior pictures, 2 pair of Redwing tennis shoes, size 9 and 6 1/2, Disney table and chairs. Call 270-341-4335'
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900 $8900 obo, 2006 24' travel trailer, $7800 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Oak round table with 4 chairs. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra 2500 pickup, new tires, 4wd, red in color. Call 270-524-2904
FS - iphone cases, new, $5 each, piercing rings, toe rings, ankle bracelet, Tide and Downy $5 per jug. Febreze $5 each. Call 270-283-5537
Wednesday, December 14th, 2022
LF - Country eggs. Call 270-473-9638
Tuesday, December 13th, 2022
FS -13 bottles of Tide, 3 bottles of Downy, $5 each. Toe rings, earrings, all types of piercing rings. LOL kids scooter. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 2006 24' travel trailer $7800, 2014 Polaris Razor, $8900. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2016 Polaris Razor, needs front wheel bearing $7650. Call 270-308-1765
FS - Deck for 42" John Deere mower, LF - 42" cut deck for John Deere zeroturn mower, and zero turn mowers, FS - 54" deck for a Gravely mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2003 Oldsmobile van. $1400. Call 270-317-9630
FS - New bandsaw, new pizza warmer and new chainsaw in box. Call 270-668-6634
LF -Bell ringers for Salvation Army. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 6 laying hens, $10 each, 4 guineas $20 each. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Carpet padding, white refrigerator, mobile home doors, concrete steps. Call 270-723-4077
Friday, December 2nd, 2022
FS - Small Harbinger PA system, used twice with 5 microphones, dual cd/turntable, wires, stands, $250. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Yamaha Breeze 4-wheeler, new tires. $1,000. Call 270-786-3962
FS - 1992 Chevy extended cab 4wd pickup, $3,000. Call 270-590-8375
LF - Shelving, small glass showcase, old riding lawnmowers, mopeds, vehicle around $800 to $1,000. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, December 1st, 2022
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra, 4wd, new tires. Call 270-524-2904
FS - 2012 Chevy Malibu, needs transmission, 2005 Dodge Avenger, needs thermostat, $2500 for both. Call 270-218-0332
FS - Dora, full size comforter and matching full size sheet set, 2 rugs, fleece throw, trash can, a pillow, wash cloths, beach towel and coordinating pink bean bag chair with 2 pillows, all items are new or like new, can meet in Greensburg or Munfordville. Call 270-524-9592
LF - Someone to clean windows. Call 270-528-5953
Tuesday, November 29th, 2022
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra, red, excellent shape, 4wd, new tires. Call 270-524-2904
Monday, November 28th, 2022
LF - Old riding mowers, gocarts, mopeds, 640 John Deere riding mower, need running gear or complete. FS - Troybilt riding mower 46" cut $500 or will do cash and trade. LF - Car or truck $800 to $1000. Call 670-1359
FS - 5 to 6 zero turn mowers and all kinds of parts, LF - truck $1500 to $3000. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, November 25th, 2022
GA - Female rabbit. Call 270-528-6381
Donations are needed for men, women, children's clothing and baby furniture at Maltias, all items are free, located behind Dr. Pandeya in Munfordville.
LF - Good used refrigerator. Call 859-948-5519
LF - Go-carts, mopeds, old car or truck, lawnmowers, FS - Girls Schwinn bike, 20" $85, 20" girls bike, $65, 2019 46" cut Troybilt riding mower $550. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022
FS - A very nice 7 1/2 foot used 1 year. Christmas tree Been boxed and sealed well. 3 step set up. Has 1000 pre strung lights. Not been able to get them working as of now. 1945 natural branch tips. Easy set up. $125. This tree is already set up to view. Location in Munfordville behind IGA . Call (502)377-2138. to setup a time to view. Or call 270-524-1035 to leave message if no answer.
Found - on Pine Ridge Road, a dog and a pig ( they travel together), trying to find the owners. Call and describe 502-263-8359
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022
FS - Hutch chicken house or use for dogs, king size mattress, round oak kitchen table and 4 chairs, adult wooden rocker, wide cloth flowered chair with oak trim. Call 270-531-6947
Monday, November 21st, 2022
LF - Female roommate in Green County. Call 270-405-1691
LF - New electric skate board $150. 2 new boys 20" bikes $65 and $85. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 300 - 5 gallon buckets 25 cents each. Call 270-576-4131
LF - 40 to 50 gallon water heater and vehicle $1000 to $1500. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Square baled hay. Call 270-565-2502
Thursday, November 17th, 2022
FS - Woodsplitter $700, needs pump. Hay ring $100. Call 270-528-2977
LF - Slim line Christmas tree. Call 270-537-4224
LF - 2 car radio antennas off a 1964 - 68 Chevrolet. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Small PA system, 4 channel with cords, cables, mic stands and cassette player. Used twice. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Female roommate $100 per month. Call 270-405-1691
FS - 10,000 lb trailer hitch with sway bars. Call 662-420-3652
FS - 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix, 178,000 miles, has been hit in front by deer, drivable and has oil changed regularly, needs tires. $1,800. Call 270-774-1577
FS - 7 harmonicas, professional quality with hard shell case, $100 for all. Call 270-473-1886
FS - Baled hay $5 each, also hay in shed. Call 270-528-7635
Wednesday, November 16th, 2022
FS - 1984 Int'l log truck, runs great, automatic transmission 466 diesel motor, solid frame, hydraulic brakes, comes with tools, straps, etc. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2008 Yamaha 250 Raptor 4-wheeler, new battery and chain, new sprockets and tires, runs great $2600. Call 270-537-1702 in Hart County.
LF - Female roommate. Rent is $100 a month in Green County. Call 270-405-1691
LF - 2 to 3 bedroom house to rent in Hart County and need a truckload of firewood. Call 270-774-6086
FS - Firewood, truckload 1 1/2 rick, will deliver locally $60 a truckload. Call 270-218-1350
FS - Power chair with carrier that works on a reece hitch. $500. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Truck driver for farm production, no CDL required, medical card is required, must be drug free and experienced drivers only, LF - cattle worker to care for feed and sort cattle, mend fencing and drive John Deere equipment, Also LF - experienced quarter horse person to care for horse barn, pasture and maintain barn. Call Billy Frank Harned at 502-349-9707
FS - 10,000 lb trailer hitch with sway bar. Call 662-420-3654
Yard Sale - Saturday 9 to 4 at Essential at 150 Interstate Plaza in Munfordville, crafts, clothes for men, women and children, home decor. Call 270-473-1045
Tuesday, November 15th, 2022
FS - Power chair with carrier that works on a reece hitch. $500. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Truck driver for farm production, no CDL required, medical card is required, must be drug free and experienced drivers only, LF - cattle worker to care for feed and sort cattle, mend fencing and drive John Deere equipment, Also LF - experienced quarter horse person to care for horse barn, pasture and maintain barn. Call Billy Frank Harned at 502-349-9707
FS - 10,000 lb trailer hitch with sway bar. Call 662-420-3654
Yard Sale - Saturday 9 to 4 at Essential at 150 Interstate Plaza in Munfordville, crafts, clothes for men, women and children, home decor. Call 270-473-1045
Monday, November 14th, 2022
LF - Someone who can deliver firewood to a lady in Hardyville area (Fairview/Pascal Road), urgently needed by this afternoon. She is facing major surgery soon and unable to get wood or pack it in. Call 270-528-6976
*Gentleman has chain saws, etc, looking for someone to donate time to help cut and load wood for lady in need. Call 270-528-7635
FS - Parts for mowers, a couple of mowers, LF - $1500 to $3000 truck and zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, November 11th, 2022
FS - 2 Home Interior pictures with Amish scene. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 7 1/2' Christmas tree, used 2 years, easy setup, boxed and stored well and is setup to view behind IGA in Munfordville, $50, also 7 1/2' Christmas tree, used 1 year, been boxed and sealed well, 3 step setup, has pre strung lights, but can't get them working, 1945 natural branch tips, $125. Call to view at 502-377-2138
LF - Scissor hay spear, entry doors and storms doors for a mobile home, and a deck. Call 270-723-4077
Thursday, November 10th, 2022
Yard Sale - Shady Acres Subdivision Munfordville, today. Call 270-524-4547
LF - Car, truck or van $800 to $1000 for a family. FS - 2 ladder shelves, new in box, 4' to 5' tall. $45. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, November 9th, 2022
FS - 18 month-old Black Angus Bull, not registered in the Horse Cave area. asking $1650. Call 270-537-5624
GA - 3 Pyrenees and Poodle mix pups, 10 weeks old, to a good home. Call 270-861-5982
FS - 2003 Yamaha Roadster, $4,000. Call 435-580-9389
FS - GE washer & dryer, heated pool cover, Chicago welder, self-propelled lawnmower in Cave City. Call 502-408-4847
FS - Standup antique radio $50, old antique whiskey barrel $80, white wrought iron bedstead $50. Call 270-786-5842
Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
FS - 8 ft pool table, with balls and sticks, new felt. $300. Call 270-473-0907
LF - Miniature Dacshound or small dog. In Buffalo, call 618-792-7483
FS - 2003 Yamaha Roadster, 16,000 miles, in Munfordville. Call 435-580-9389
Monday, November 7th, 2022
FS - 1 pair (male & female) of Cayuga Ducks, 6 months old, $30 for the pair. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Montgomery Ward garden tiller, rear tine $325 or cash and trade, G-1 golf cart $1600. Call 270- 670-1359
Yard Sale - all week Scott Street Munfordville, mens' pants, children's clothes, women's clothes, odd and ends, children's books. Call 270-524-4547
FS - 10x10 6 ft dog kennel, 12 ft flatbottom boat 2013 model, lake ready with lights, hand-turned corn sheller. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, November 4th, 2022
Missing - 2 dogs on Jenny Road, Cave City, one is tall the other is Collie type. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 2 ladies medium black leather jackets, size 9 and 6 1/2 black tennis shoes $15 each, Disney table and chairs, $15. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Front and back bumper, black primer, for 2000 Dodge dually, $150. Call 270-773-5306
Thursday, November 3rd, 2022
FS - 8 ft pool table with balls and sticks $300. Call 473-0907
LF - Miniature Dash hound or small dog. Call 618-792-7483
LF - Experienced Quarter Horse Rider to care for horses in barns and pastures and maintain barn area, to ride and possibly train, located in New Haven. Also LF - Office Personnel in a friendly office atmosphere, fast paced, required to have knowledge of Microsoft Office, Word Excel, Power Point and Quick books a plus, detailed oriented. ---------
Also LF - Semi-truckers for farm, no CDL required. Needed to drive and haul on farm, medical card required, drug-free, experienced drivers only, and LF - a cattle work hand for farm work, feed and sort cattle, mend fences, drive tractor and other farm equipment. located in New Haven. Call 502-349-9707
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2 to $6 each different sizes and deals in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Found - Blue Heeler in the Uno area. Call 270-774-7296
FS - Conduits and electric boxes, 50" Troybilt mower $1900 obo. GA - puppies. Call 270-308-0701
Tuesday, November 1st, 2022
FS - 2021 Lonewolf 6x12 Utility Trailer, wood floor, ramp gate and will come with a trailer lock and title, asking $1700 obo. Call 270-646-0067
Monday, October 31st, 2022
FS - Leftover lumber cuttings... good quality. Great for woodworking, small projects, up-cycling or even use it in your fire pit (it's getting chilly)! Mainly spruce and yellow pine. Planks, boards, chunks, squares, some 1”-2" thick good for plaques, small signs, wood burning etc, and might even be a few blocks. On KY 88 in Munfordville. $10/box. Call 270-524-4252
FS - 1 Pair, (male & female) of Cayuga Ducks, 5 months old. $30.00 for the pair. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Dry ice for Halloween project. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, October 26th, 2022
Found - Blue Heeler in the Uno area, has no collar. Call 270-774-7296
FS -23 hp Kohler pro engine, 20hp Kohler pro engine. LF - $1500 to $3000 2wd, Chevy pickup, Cub Cadet 54" cut mower, trailer, LF - 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Washer, refrigerator, crock pot, roommate to share expenses, 3x clothing and a job, FS - toys. Call 270-590-7367
LF - 4dr car, suv or van $800 to $1,000 dependable, FS - Poodle, black AKC registered, up to date shots, 14 weeks $550. Call 270-670-1359
FS- 2 gas weed eaters, Echo & Stihl $70 each or $100 for both. 2 - 235 75 R15 tires, $15 each. Call 270-246-1913
FS - Dump bed lawnmower trailer, holds 3500 lbs. Call 270-599-8073
FS - 2 1/2 ft wide x 3 ft long utility trailer pull behind for lawnmower $80. must be picked up. Call 270-599-8073
FS - Fresh sorghum. Call 270-537-5642
LF - bookshelf for movies, cheap, FS - Bluetooth speaker, new $50, rabbit cage $35, new. LOL scooters $20 each, new babydoll in box $15. Call 218-5045 or 270-283-5537
FS - Aftermarket bumpers for 2000 Dodge 2500 model. Call 270-773-5306
GA - 5 year-old female pitbull mix, brendel color, housebroke, with leash. Call 270-651-9842
Friday, October 21st, 2022
Yard Sale - 212 White Street Cave City Fri & Sat, picnic table outside table and chairs, kids clothes, bike, pictures and Tupperware. Call 270-218-0756 or 270-218-3225
LF - Bookshelf. FS - rabbit cage, $35, new. Call 270-283-5537
Yard Sale - today located 3 1/2 miles outside of Munfordville on Cub Run Hwy, antiques, farming items, tools. Hedgehogs, live traps, Call 270-537-5875 or 270-218-8392
LF - Someone to clean a pond out. Call 270-537-3418
FS - 21 ft aluminum bottom boat with trolling motor, swivel seats, ready for lake, dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, October 20th, 2022
FS - Michael Myers masks, skeleton masks, Halloween makeup, various costumes, LOL kids scooter $25 each, guinea pig cage $30 LF - bookshelf for movies, cheap. Call 270-283-5587
FS - Gravely zero-radius turn mower 54" cut, $1500. Call 270-218-8098
FS - Hay rolls and square bales of hay. Call 270-537-4044
Wednesday, October 19th, 2022
FS - Husqvarna tractor type lawnmower,48" cut, and a 50" Cub Cadet zero turn mower, LF - Chevy truck, FS - 25 to 30 fishing poles. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Ladies long black medium leather jacket $15, ladies SAS white tennis shoes, size 6 1/2 $15, Redwing tennis shoes, 6 1/2 size ladies, adult walker with seat $15, new raised toilet seat with handles on each side, $25. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 10x10x6 dog kennel, 10x12x6 dog kennel, 12 ft aluminum, flat bottom boat, runs like new, lake ready and good trailer. Call 270- 528-5208
FS - Refrigerator, calves, laptop with charger, PSP. Email -
FS - Halloween items, wigs, assorted masks, costumes, spiders, window clings, 2 LOL kids scooters $25 each. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Electric cook stove, reasonably priced. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 4 peacocks, chickens, ducks and guineas. Call Donnie at 270-670-3069
FS - Set of tires off Polaris Ranger, 2 are 25x10x12 and 2 are 25x11x12 $150 with 4 new tubes. Call 270-537-5099
Tuesday, October 18th, 2022
FS - Refrigerator, calves, laptop with charger, PSP. Email -
FS - Halloween items, wigs, assorted masks, costumes, spiders, window clings, 2 LOL kids scooters $25 each. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Electric cook stove, reasonably priced. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 4 peacocks, chickens, ducks and guineas. Call Donnie at 270-670-3069
FS - Set of tires off Polaris Ranger, 2 are 25x10x12 and 2 are 25x11x12 $150 with 4 new tubes. Call 270-537-5099
Monday, October 17th, 2022
FS - XL camouflage coveralls, like new $50, camouflage bib coveralls, size medium, like new. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 2008 EZ Go golf cart, blue with nice wheels, clean. Call 270-786-4351
FS - New small aquarium with parts in plastic. Call 270-524-4547
FS - Alternator and starter off a 2006 Ford Fusion $150 for both. Call 270-308-1057
LF - 6x12 utility trailer. Call 270-774-1485
LF - 16 ft metal cattle racks, good used deck or decking supplies, entry doors for mobile home. Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - 22 to 24 hp side shaft motor for Woods Grasshopper zero turn mower. LF- left hand hydro for 2019 Cub Cadet ZTR 150. FS - 5 1/2 x 12 ft utility trailer with drop gate, new tires. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Black walnuts and hickory nut kernels. Call 407-5320
FS - Cub Cadet 2016 hydrostatic 50" cut riding mower, like new $800 or will partial trade, pushmower $100, LF - van or SUV $800 to $1,000, old riding mowers, gocarts mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 6 ft bushhog 3pt hitch or pull type, must have 60 horse gear box. Call 270-218-8391.
FS - 3 rabbit cages, $25 for all. Call 270-528-6381
FS - Dog kennels, 12x10 and 10x10, 12 ft aluminum boat with trailer, ready for the lake. $1700. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, October 13th, 2022
FS - Graco Pack n Play, bassinet, Converse tennis shoes size 7, and purple Converse tennis shoes, baby boys blue jean jacket. Call 270-646-8134
LF - Secretary in Bardstown area. Call 502-349-9707
LF - Roommate to share expenses, refrigerator, washer, furniture, deep fryer, work. Call 270-590-7367
FS - Rolled hay, $30 per roll, $4 per bale, GA - furniture. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Car or truck frame machine, complete with all accessories. Call 270-774-1485
Yard Sale - 7 a.m. Saturday, toys shoes, treadmill, clothes $2 bags, chili lunch at 1200 Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Shower bench $15, adult walker with seat $15. Call 502-341-4335
Wednesday, October 12th, 2022
FS - Car or truck frame machine, complete with all accessories. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Black Max push mower, like new $100, or will trade, LF - car or SUV $800 to $1,000, old mowers, mopeds, go-carts. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 7 a.m. Saturday, toys shoes, treadmill, clothes $2 bags, chili lunch at 1200 Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Graco Pack n Play, bassinet, Converse tennis shoes size 7, and purple Converse tennis shoes, baby boys bluejean jacket. Call 270-646-8134
Found - older female Beagle hound, very friendly at Pine Ridge Hill. Call 270-524-7329
FS - Small piano, heavy, price negotiable. Call 270-473-1044 or 270-524-4547
FS - XL camouflage coveralls, like new $50, camouflage bib coveralls, size medium, like new. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 2008 EZ Go golf cart, blue with nice wheels, clean. Call 270-786-4351
FS - Boxer pups. Call 270-773-2768
FS - 1992 Chevy ext cab 4wd, new tires and wheels $3,000. Call 270-590-8375
Monday, October 10th, 2022
FS - Car or truck frame machine, complete with all accessories. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Black Max pushmower, like new $100, or will trade, LF - car or SUV $800 to $1,000, old mowers, mopeds, go-carts. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 7 a.m. Saturday, toys shoes, treadmill, clothes $2 bags, chili lunch at 1200 Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Old antique upright wooden radio. 38" tall and 23" wide, 11" deep. $100. Call 270-786-5842
Friday, October 7th, 2022
Yard Sale - Saturday, 3 families, at 806 Lingale Drive near Caverna Elementary School
FS - Shower bench $15, adult walker with seat $15. Call 502-341-4335
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 212 White Street, Cave City, boys and girls clothing, baby girl clothes, etc. Call 270-218-3225
LF - Small horse trailer or 16 ft metal racks. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, large white ones or will trade for good riding mower, chain saw and firewood in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Friday, September 30th, 2022
FS - New small aquarium with parts in plastic. Call 270-524-4547
Yard Sale at Cottrell Gates building, just north of Bonnieville today. Call 270-531-2060
Thursday, September 29th, 2022
Yard Sale - thru Saturday, local and state memorabilia, tools, signage, antiques 8920 Happy Valley Road in Cave City, 1 mile from Sav-A-Lot. Call 270-590-3452
Rollercoaster yard sale on Cordell Hull Highway extends from Mammoth Cave to Tompkinsville, into Burkesville and back into Glasgow and will be held through the weekend.
Yard Sale at 212 White Street, Cave City Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Yard Sale - Saturday at 898 Logsdon Valley Rd, several men's shirts, work boots, furniture. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Someone to do pressure washing and stain before the colder weather. Call 270-646-0878
Wednesday, September 28th, 2022
Yard Sale - thru Saturday, local and state memorabilia, tools, signage, antiques 8920 Happy Valley Road in Cave City, 1 mile from Sav-A-Lot. Call 270-590-3452
Rollercoaster yard sale on Cordell Hull Highway extends from Mammoth Cave to Tompkinsville, into Burkesville and back into Glasgow and will be held through the weekend.
FS - Husqvarna 23 hp 50" cut mower, 25 hp Cub Cadet 54" cut zero turn mower, LF - 22 to 25 hp Kohler or B&S motor for Grasshopper or Woods mower. Call 270-457-4236
Yard Sale at 212 White Street, Cave City Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
FS - Chest type deepfreeze $100. Call 270-0756 or 270-218-3225
Tuesday, September 27th, 2022
FS - Deer corn $7 a bag, or $6.50 each if you take 10. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Walker with seat $50 and a shower bench. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Picture windows, 4 available, 36" x 84", vinyl picture window, tan with LOW-E and ARGON with nail finish and j channel $220 each. Call 270-530-270-4252
FS - Set of tires off Polaris Ranger, 2 are 35x10x12 and 2 are 25x11x12 $150 with 4 new tubes. Call 270-537-5099
FS - Vinyl swing set with sandbox and extras $500 or will trade for a utility trailer. Call 270-473-0881
FS - Encore zero-radius turn mower, LF - 22 to 24 hp for horizontal mower and 23hp Kohler motor. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Yearbooks from Hart County High School for 1972, 73, 74 or 75. Call 808-937-2101
Monday, September 26th, 2022
FS - 4 horses. Call 270-528-2649
FS - Rolled hay $30 each, 200 square bales $4.50 each. Call 270-786-4044
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, car or truck $500 to $800, set of wheel weights for a riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Cub Cadet zero turn mower 54" cut, 2019 Cub Cadet ZT-150 50" cut, LF - 22 to 24 hp motors for grasshopper or woods mower and old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 dog kennels, 10x10x6 ft tall, 2013 - 12 ft aluminum fishing boat with good trailer, 5hp gasoline motor. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Hay wagon. Call 270-505-5365
LF - Someone to cut 10 acres of mixed hay, north of Bonnieville. Call 270-531-2060
FS - 8 week-old boxer pups. Call 270-773-2768
Friday, September 16th, 2022
Yard Sale today at 3797 Charlie Moran Hwy, beside Wigwam General Store, new router, new electric pressure cooker, clothes for men, women and little girls, wheelchair and knee scooter. Call 270-786-2592
FS - New foam board insulation, standard 4'x8' sheets, approximately 40 sheets of 4" $60 each, and 60 sheets of 2" $45 each in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4252
Yard Sale Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 575 Perkins Cemetery Road, Magnolia, signs posted. Lots of Halloween decor, house items, antiques, shop lights, new lock gas caps, wood chipper, lots of new items.
FS - (2) 10x10x16 chain-link dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Hay wagon. Call 270-505-5365
GA - Side by side refrigerator. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 23hp Kohler Command engine, 24hp Briggs & Stratton engine, 19.5hp Briggs & Stratton engine and tires, wheels and other parts for zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 150 rolls of hay. Call 270-537-4044
Thursday, September 15th, 2022
GA - Side by side refrigerator. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 2018 John Deere pull-type XM8 Bush hog. $6500. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 23hp Kohler Command engine, 24hp Briggs & Stratton engine, 19.5hp Briggs & Stratton engine and tires, wheels and other parts for zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 150 rolls of hay. Call 270-537-4044
FS - New extendable Flashlights, new game chairs $65, LOL kids scooters, light up, new in box $25 each, new candles, and new foot massagers. Call 270-283-5537
Wednesday, September 14th, 2022
FS - 2 Saanen dairy goat doelings, born March 9th & April 16th this year, $175 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - A truck driver for hire and someone to work on farm with tractor and sorting equipment and clean horse barn. Call Billy at 502-349-9707
GA - Side by side refrigerator 270-590-3209
FS - 23hp Kohler Command engine, 24hp Briggs & Stratton engine, 19.5hp Briggs & Stratton engine and tires, wheels and other parts for zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 150 rolls of hay. Call 270-537-4044
Monday, September 12th, 2022
FS - 2 Saanen dairy goat doelings, born March 9th & April 16th this year, $175 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Roommate, beds and a free refrigerator, odd jobs. FS - tv's and knives. Call 270-612-0652
LF - A truck driver for hire and someone to work on farm with tractor and sorting equipment and clean horse barn. Call Billy at 502-349-9707
FS - New extendable Flashlights, new game chairs $65, LOL kids scooters, light up, new in box $25 each, new candles, and new foot massagers. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, reasonably priced car or truck, Redmax weedeater $125, Troybilt 42" riding mower $350. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Older truck. Call 270-537-4926
FS - Husqvarna 48" cut mower, new tires, 16 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, LF - old zero turn mowers, 22 to 24hp side shaft motor for Grasshopper and Woods mower. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, September 9th, 2022
Lost - Part Heeler/Lab white dog with red patch on one eye in the Cub Run-Wax-Bee Spring area. Answers to the name "Apollo". Call 270-308-1765
LF - Pygmy nanny goats, near Munfordville. Call 502-377-2978 or 502-263-8359
FS - 10x10x6 chain link dog kennel, LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 3 totes of yard sale items. Call 270-524-4547
Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
FS - Red rotating light bar for emergency bar $150 with built in siren, small air hockey table $25, Troybilt riding lawnmower. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2019 Razor, low hours, $20,000, LF - older car or truck, reasonable, tires and wheels, 5 lug for riding mower, old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Stuff to haul off, washers, etc, free. FS - TV, games, knives, LF - roommate. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Clothes hangers, cheap or giveaway and a clothes rack, FS - Female Albino guinea pig, $25, 2 LOL kids scooters $25 each, car jack. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
FS - 4 245 50 R20 Goodyear black wall tires $50, spare tire and wheel, 6 lug and fits an ;08 Chevy Colorado, $15, Black & Decker Saber saw, 110v, $35, clutch and brake pedals for 1952 8N Ford or Ferguson tractors, $15 each, 1/4" speed wrench, $20 obo. Call weekdays at 270-218-8211 or 270-218-8211
LF - Front mount deck 52" for Woods or Grasshopper mower. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Tires for 195 70's or 75 series 14's and 225 70s or 75 x 15's. Call 270-218-8391
Tuesday, September 6th, 2022
FS - Ferret. Call 270-537-1265
FS - Register boxer pups $600. Call 270-612-0213
FS - 16hp Briggs & Stratton horizontal shaft motor. Parting out 54" cut Cub Cadet mower, FS - 50" cut Cub Cadet mower. LF - 22hp to 24hp Kohler horizontal shaft for grasshopper mower, old zero turn mowers, running or not, Call 270-457-4236
FS - Ringneck pheasant chicks, just hatched, some are 4 months old, hair lambs. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 29 rolls of hay. Call 230-3883
LF - Pallets. Call 270-590-2428
Friday, September 2nd, 2022
Yard Sale - Thursday - Saturday at 164 Webb Avenue, Smiths Grove. Lots of women's clothing, some are new.
Big yard sale - Saturday at Grab A Hook Catfish near Pierce.
Yard Sale N. 9th Street in Cave City.
Thursday, September 1st, 2022
Yard Sale - Thursday - Saturday at 164 Webb Avenue, Smiths Grove. Lots of women's clothing, some are new.
Big yard sale - Saturday at Grab A Hook Catfish near Pierce.
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022
FS - New folding desk with oak colored top $50. Call 270-646-8828
FS - LOL scooter, new that light up $25 each. Kid pillows, unicorn and puppy dog $8 each, new. Foot bath massagers in box, new, baby highchair $15, DVD's, 2 guinea pigs $20, male and female. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
LF - 15 passenger van and small type cargo van. Call 270-670-7725
FS - Rolling plant cart, can display 6 to 8 plants, new. $50. Call 270-646-8828
FS - 7 laying hens, Rhode Island Reds and Comets. Miniature Pin. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 8-in-1 Air Fryer, new $80, has various settings, new professional Espresso machine $75. Call 270-646-8828
LF - Driver for 3-4 guys from Summer Shade to Munfordville and back 5 days a week. Pickup at 5:30 a.m. then again at 3:00 p.m. Call 270-524-4252
Tuesday, August 30th, 2022
FS - 8-in-1 Air Fryer, new $80, has various settings, new professional Espresso machine $75. Call 270-646-8828
LF - Driver for 3-4 guys from Summer Shade to Munfordville and back 5 days a week. Pickup at 5:30 a.m. then again at 3:00 p.m. Call 270-524-4252
FS - Twin size box springs and mattress, $75, am/fm 8 track record player, $40 can send pictures. Call 270-405-1691
Monday, August 29th, 2022
FS - Twin size box springs and mattress, $75, am/fm 8 track record player, $40 can send pictures. Call 270-405-1691
FS - Husquvarna 48" cut mower $495, cub cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, $995, motors and parts for lawn mowers, LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
3 - family yard sale - Saturday at 80 Richardson Subdivision in Munfordville, clothes, household items, fabrics at Bradley Residence. Call 270-473-1045
FS - Disney table and 2 chairs, new blood pressure monitor, new heating pad, adult walker with seat. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Weber camping size grill, never been used, $125 firm, strap on stealth camera for hunting, no manual, new with batteries, $60 firm. Call Randy at 270-524-9276
FS - New pushmower, $200 or will trade, LF - older car or truck $500 to $800, old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, August 26th, 2022
GA - State Fair tickets. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 49" cut Husquvarna 23 hp mower, $550, parts and zero turn mowers. LF - 22 hp or bigger horizontal shaft motor, old zero-turn mowers and parts. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Old riding mowers, old car or truck, up to $800, set of tires or even 6, size 215 85 16's. FS - Baja minibike $450. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Pushmower. Call 270-218-5288
LF -
Driver for 3-4 guys from Summer Shade to
Munfordville and back 5 days a week. Pickup at 5:30 a.m. then again at 3:00 p.m.
Call 270-524-4252
To Top Of Page
Thursday, August 25th, 2022
FS - Electric leaf blower, 26" girls bike, vcr/dvd player, printer for a computer. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Pair of sights for a gun, Fiatchi brand, large, white motorcycle helmet, full facial, $20 worn once. Pair of tires for a GX1400 Ninja, $20, tires, size P335 55 R 17's, $30 for the pair. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 2004 Ford pickup, need transmission, asking $600. Call 270-528-1562
Wednesday, August 24th, 2022
FS - 2014 GMC Acadia SLT, leather seats, captain chairs, 3rd row, 186,000 miles, Asking $9,500. Call or text Adam at 270-537-3761.
FS- Pair of size 10 boots, $40, LF - owner of boys tennis shoes that were found on the Old Glasgow Road. Call 270-773-5306
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy Bonnieville, girls bedroom suit, bikes, etc. Call 270-531-6947
FS - New ratchet straps, LOL kids scooter, new, Yeti cups, medium sized, black and bluish-green, 2 sets, new foot massager, carjack, baby highchair, box of kid's chalk, new. Call 270-283-5537
Lost - A short PTO Shaft fell out of the back of a truck on 31-W Main Street in front of Munfordville Napa. Call Danny at 270-524-4535
FS - Powered wheelchair, has front and rear controls, reclines, good condition. Call 270-528-6410
LF - Milk cow. FS- 1966 John Deere 40 20, 100 hp tractor, new paint. Call 270-773-7279
FS - 1997 Jeep Wrangler, soft top, asking $7500 obo. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2 mantle type lanterns, one is a Sears $40, and the other is a Coleman $25. Call 270-531-2060
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022
FS - Queen size box springs and mattress, $75 cash, very good condition. Call 270-405-1691
FS - Jersey bull, 800 to 900 lbs, LF - parts for front end older GMC truck. Call 270-734-1552
FS - 2 guinea pigs, male and female, with water bottles, food and bedding $45 for all, ratchet straps, LOL kids new scooters, Yeti cups, new, foot massagers in box, kids chalk, new in box, dvd movies. Call 270-283-5587 or 270-218-5045
FS - Rabbits $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy Bonnieville, girls bedroom suit, bikes, etc. Call 270-531-6947
Monday, August 22nd, 2022
Found - Name brand kids' shoes on the Old Munfordville Glasgow Road, near Salem Baptist Church. Call and describe 270-773-5306
FS - Herd of 23 sheep, 10 ready to have babies, young ewes. Call 270-537-5875
LF - Hydro pump for Cub Cadet zero turn, left side. FS- 23 hp Kawasaki motor, 23 hp Kohler motor, 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor. LF - 22 to 24 hp motor for Grasshopper mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - New ratchet straps, LOL kids scooter, new, Yeti cups, medium sized, black and bluish-green, 2 sets, new foot massager, carjack, baby highchair, box of kid's chalk, new. Call 270-283-5537
FS - Twin size box springs and mattress, used very little. $100. Call 270-404-1691
Friday, August 19th, 2022
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, large, bright white. Call 270-405-1260
Yard Sale - at Veterans Park 13-W at Rowletts, rabbits, lots of set ups Saturday.
LF - Mechanic at Logsdon's Lawnmower in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-4351
Thursday, August 18th, 2022
Lost - A short PTO Shaft fell out of the back of a truck on 31-W Main Street in front of Munfordville Napa. Call Danny at 270-524-4535
FS - Powered wheelchair, has front and rear controls, reclines, good condition. Call 270-528-6410
LF - Milk cow. FS- 1966 John Deere 40 20, 100 hp tractor, new paint. Call 270-773-7279
FS - 1997 Jeep Wrangler, soft top, asking $7500 obo. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2 mantle type lanterns, one is a Sears $40, and the other is a Coleman $25. Call 270-531-2060
Wednesday, August 17th, 2022
LF - Someone to work on a riding mower. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Diamond plated Kobalt toolbox for full size pickup, mounting hardware and keys included. $125. Call 270-537-4122
FS - New ratchet straps $25 each, kid's chairs $3 each, bath and foot massager, new $30 each, DVD's $1 each, carjack $20 and a high chair $15. Call 270-283-5537
FS - B&M universal automatic star shifter, new in box $180. Call 270-646-8828
LF - Sitter on Saturdays in Munfordville for 6 hours, $10 per hour. Call 270-668-8129
Tuesday, August 16th, 2022
FS - New ratchet straps $25 each, kid's chairs $3 each, bath and foot massager, new $30 each, DVD's $1 each, carjack $20 and a high chair $15. Call 270-283-5537
Monday, August 15th, 2022
LF - Someone to work on a riding mower. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Diamond plated Kobalt toolbox for full size pickup, mounting hardware and keys included. $125. Call 270-537-4122
FS - Baby stroller, infant car seat, baby mattress, ironing board. Call 270-340-4335
LF - old riding mowers, set of 215 85 16" tires for box truck, FS - new dorm size Whirlpool refrigerator, slight dent, but works well, $75. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Jersey bull, about 800 to 900 lbs, will deliver, LF - 03 GMC full size truck parts. Call 270-734-1552
LF - Used t-posts, 6 1/2 to 7 ft. Call 270-528-6700
Friday, August 12th, 2022
FS - Big, strong rooster to a good home $50. He is defensive and randomly pecks, about 10 months old. Call 716-969-5632
FS - Like new 61" cut Grasshopper mower with Kohler engine, has 22 hours on it. Call 270-786-4351
FS - 2 woodstoves, one can be used for coal, small garden tiller. Call 270-646-0705
FS - 25 hp Kamasaki motor, 23 hp Kohler motor, deck for 42" cut zero-turn mower, LF - old zero-turn mowers for parts. Call 270-457-4236
Yard Sale - 5085 Priceville Road, proceeds go to Priceville Cemetery now through Saturday, glassware, kitchen items, king size headboard, sheets, books. Call 270-531-3333
Thursday, August 11th, 2022
FS - New full facial motorcycle helmet, built in visor, used once $40 obo, garden tiller with attachment $1750, used very little, 2 crossbows. Call 270-612-0926
GA - Coonhound pups. Call 270-537-5875
Found - Young black part Pitbull dog on Quarry Road, near Bear Wallow in Horse Cave. Very friendly. Call 270-528-1958
There will be a trailer of donations taken to eastern Kentucky Saturday, August 13th. Items needed include: personal items, cleaning supplies, mops, disinfectant wipes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. The address is 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-670-4301 or 528-1877
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet riding mower 50" cut, 24hp, $495, 42" cut Torro zero-turn mower 20hp, $750. LF - Zero-turn mowers and a 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
Wednesday, August 10th, 2022
Found - Young black part Pitbull dog on Quarry Road, near Bear Wallow in Horse Cave. Very friendly. Call 270-528-1958
FS - Guineas. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Unicorn pillow, dog pillow, new $8 each, dresser $5, highchair $15, foot massager $25, kids chairs $5, flowers 4 for $5, stools $7 or both $12. Call 270-283-5537
There will be a trailer of donations taken to eastern Kentucky Saturday, August 13th. Items needed include: personal items, cleaning supplies, mops, disinfectant wipes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. The address is 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-670-4301 or 528-1877
Tuesday, August 9th, 2022
FS - 3 new Kobalt weedeaters, 24 volt. Kobalt blower $40 each, 2 40 volt Kobalt blowers, Kobalt 40 volt weedeater $60 each. Does not come with battery or charger. Call 646-8828
FS - Guineas, different sizes. Call 270-531-6947
FS 42" 23 horse cub cadet lawnmower, pressure washer and mini bike, Bengo go cart, Husky 28 ton wood splitter. Call 270-218-0215
FS - 2 new 245 60 20" tires, $175, 195 65 15" tire, $30. Call 270-786-3705
There will be a trailer of donations taken to eastern Kentucky Saturday, August 13th. Items needed include: personal items, cleaning supplies, mops, disinfectant wipes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. The address is 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-670-4301 or 528-1877
Monday, August 8th, 2022
FS - 2 woodstoves, small garden tiller. Call 270-646-0705
There will be a trailer of donations taken to eastern Kentucky Saturday, August 13th. Items needed include: personal items, cleaning supplies, mops, disinfectant wipes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. The address is 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-670-4301 or 528-1877
FS - Self-propelled push mower $125, LF - set of tires 215/85/16 tires, need to be 10 ply, 4-seater golf cart, old riding mowers, go carts mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Old zero-turn mowers, 5x10 or 5x12 trailer, 2wd pickup $1500 to $2500, FS - parts for mowers, 1050 50" cut mower. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, August 5th, 2022
FS - Like new 61" cut Grasshopper mower, 22k with Kohler engine. Call 270-786-4351
Thursday, August 4th, 2022
FS - Twin size white wooden bed with 3 drawers underneath comes with the mattress and mattress pad. $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Shower chair, heating pad , walker with seat. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Jersey bull 800 to 900 pounds, LF - parts for front end older GMC truck. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Older wooden cabinet 7 ft x 4 ft. Call 270-786-3705 or 270-473-0501
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022
FS- Box of kids chalk $10, high chair $5, 2 stools,$12, kids chairs $5 each, flowers in pot 2 for $5, foot massager $25 each, car jacks $15 each, dvd's $3 each 2 for $5, candles $5 each. LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537
FS - Twin size white wooden bed with 3 drawers underneath comes with the mattress and mattress pad. $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Cherry changing table $50, bassinet $25, cherry toddler bed $30, oak rocking chair $25. Call 270-590-8271
FS - Older wooden cabinet 7 ft x 4 ft. Call 270-786-3705 or 270-473-0501
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet riding mower 50" cut, 24hp, $495, 42" cut Torro zero-turn mower 20hp, $750. LF - Zero-turn mowers and a 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Multiple semi-tires, used, asking $100 each, they have good tread. Call 270-404-1275 for more information or pictures.
LF - 3 pt hitch single breaking plow. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Nintendo Switch $100. Call 270-218-1378
FS - 2 tires, 235x75xR15's, 75% tread. Call 270-678-1039
Monday, August 1st, 2022
FS - Multiple semi-tires, used, asking $100 each, they have good tread. Call 270-404-1275 for more information or pictures.
LF - old riding mowers, set of 10 ply tires 215 85 16's, new Lincoln welder $325, Baja mini-bike $350 or some trade 670-1359
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet riding mower 50" cut, 24hp, $495, 42" cut Torro zero-turn mower 20hp, $750. LF - Zero-turn mowers and a 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Dvd's $1 and up, dishcloths 2 for 3, new cell phone cases, baby wipes, Skill saw, game chair, highchair $15, foot massager bath $25. LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 2 kids scooters $25 each, new, Mt Dew metal sign 2 for $7 and Pepsi signs, highchair $20, boys boxers sizes 2T and 3T. Call 270-283-5537
Friday, July 29th, 2022
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet riding mower 50" cut, 24hp, $495, 42" cut Torro zero-turn mower 20hp, $750. LF - Zero-turn mowers and a 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - New dishcloths 2 for $3, new cell phone cases $2 each, game chair $50, skill saw $20, baby wipes 2 for $5, high chair $10, light up wheeled scooters, new $25 each, dvds $1 each. LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537 270-218-5045
FS - Tv, 2 games and baby toy, LF - lady to share 3 bedroom apartment or house, a job. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Any type of work in Hart County area. Call 502-693-5326
LF - old riding mowers, set of 10 ply tires 215 85 16's, new Lincoln welder $325, Baja mini-bike $350 or some trade 670-1359
LF - Coon & Possum foot traps. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Haire lambs. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 3 bedroom house to rent in Monroe, Block City or Shady Grove area, will consider 2 bedroom. Call 270-528-5407
Thursday, July 28th, 2022
FS - Guineas. Call 270-531-6947
Wednesday, July 27th, 2022
FS - Dvd's $1 and up, dishcloths 2 for 3, new cell phone cases, baby wipes, Skill saw, game chair, highchair $15, foot massager bath $25. LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Set of 215 85 16's tires. LF - old riding mowers, FS - 225 Lincoln stick welder, Baja mini-bike $250. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1050 cub cadet 50" cut riding mower $495, Torro 42" zero turn mower $750, LF - old zero turn mowers, 5 or 6 x10 utility trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Wood, some already cut, some needs splitting. Call 270-670-5614
Tuesday, July 26th, 2022
FS - Nintendo Switch $100. Call 270-218-1378
FS - 2 tires, 235x75xR15's, 75% tread. Call 270-678-1039
FS New twin weighted blankets $30 each, new 120 piece kid's chalk set $15, 2 light-up kid's scooters $25 each, gaming chair $160, new dishtowels 2 for $3, LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
Monday, July 25th, 2022
LF - 3 bedroom House to rent in Monroe, Block City, Shady Grove area, will consider 2 bedroom. Call 270-528-2407
Friday, July 22nd, 2022
Multi family yard sale Friday and Saturday at 2610 Upton Melrose Road in Upton, name brand shoes, purses, furniture, roll top desk, shelves, medicine cabinet, bedding, grill, jacuzzi tub, Paula Vaughn framed prints, decor, clothing, toys, shoes, signs are posted.
FS - 4 Toyo tires 245/75/R17, 75% tread remaining $200, king size bedroom set, headboard with frame, highboy chest, dresser and night stand. $450. Call 270-537-4122 in Horse Cave.
LF - Washer and dryer, electric stove. Call 270-531-1669 in Munfordville.
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet 24HP 50" cut zero turn mower, Torro zero turn 42" cut mower, mower motors, LF - zero turn mowers, running or not. Call 270-457-4235
Thursday, July 21st, 2022
FS - Guineas, western books, oak table with 4 chairs, bookcase, L6 dishwasher, small loveseat, playpen. GA - Romance books. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Flat screen tv, another tv, small toys, baseball cards, cell phone. GA - small dog. Call 270-612-0652
Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
FS - Registered boxer pups. Call 270-612-0213
LF - Loveseat with built in recliners. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Bottom half of a white window, size 28x32 1/2". Call 270-723-4077
FS - 5 male sheep, good for breeding. Call 270-528-1221
FS - 12 hp Cub Cadet riding tractor Husky wood splitter, go cart. Call 270-218-0215
FS - Drywall lift. Call 270-590-6031
Found - Walker coonhound on Raider Hollow Rd. Call 502-545-1348
FS - 2 kids scooters $25 each, new, Mt Dew metal sign 2 for $7 and Pepsi signs, highchair $20, boys boxers sizes 2T and 3T. Call 270-283-5537
Tuesday, July 19th, 2022
FS - 12 hp Cub Cadet riding tractor Husky wood splitter, 6 1/2 horse bingo go cart. Call 270-218-0215
FS - Drywall lift. Call 270-590-6031
Found - Walker coonhound on Raider Hollow Rd. Call 502-545-1348
FS - 2 kids scooters $25 each, new, Mt Dew metal sign 2 for $7 and Pepsi signs, highchair $20, boys boxers sizes 2T and 3T. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Loveseat with built in recliners. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Bottom half of a white window, size 28x32 1/2". Call 270-723-4077
FS - 5 male sheep, good for breeding. Call 270-528-1221
FS - 14 ft canoe, 2 life jackets, $250. Call 270-473-3133
GA - 3 year-old Shih Tzu. Call 270-590-8271
Monday, July 18th, 2022
FS - Game chair $60, new, footbath massager $20, Pepsi metal signs 2 for $12, skillsaw $30, stand up mirrors, new $20 each, floating candles 3 for $1, baby wipes 2 for $5. LF- Ferret. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 4 1/2' x 8' trailer, 5x7 tilt trailer all metal, 5x4 ft drop gate for trailer, Kamasaki motors, Kohler motors, etc. Call 270-457-4235
LF - Coon & possum foot traps. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, July 15th, 2022
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at 3797 Charlie Moran Hwy, chest of drawers, wheelchair, clothes, little girl clothes, quilts, etc.
Yard Sale Friday - 8920 Happy Valley Road Hwy 90 Cave City. Clothing, household goods, collectibles. Call 270-590-3452
FS - 255 Massey Ferguson tractor, 52hp, diesel with power steering runs good. In Hart County, call 270-369-7394
LF - 2 larger sized windows, can not use replacement windows, need asap. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 5x7 tilt trailer, all metal, 4x5 ft tailgate, encore zero turn mower 48" cut, Torro 42" cut lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Good used bar-rake with dolly. Call 270-527-5875
FS - Touch lamps, GA - dog, FS - XBox 360 games, LF - place to rent, odd jobs and blue jeans. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Gravity bed wagon. Call 270-218-8391
Thursday, July 14th, 2022
FS - King automatic woodstove with stove board, 3 point hitch potato plow, Stihl MS 2700QC chainsaw with case. Call 270-786-1636
FS - New footbaths, $30 each. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 110 air conditioner. Call 270-531-6947
Wednesday, July 13th, 2022
FS - 5' x 7' tilt trailer, all metal, 5'x4' drop gate for a trailer, 23 hp Kamasaki engine, 23hp Kohler engine and other motors. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 8 week old Boxer puppies. Call 270-612-0213
FS - 2013 Dodge Avenger, blue color, new tires $3500 or will partial trade, New Zippo lighters. $20 each. Call 270-473-1920
Tuesday, July 12th, 2022
LF - Metal floor car hauler. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Ferret. FS - sunglasses $2 each , PS4 games $6 each, cage and bedding, chairs $20, skill saw $25, 2 wooden stools $7 each, candles, hand sanitizers, 2 car jacks. Call 270-283-5557 or 218-5045
LF - Oak exterior doors, good 2x4's, luan under pavement flooring, windows with grills. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Cub Cadet 12 horse lawnmower, 28 ton Husky wood splitter, go-cart. Call 270-218-0215
FS - (2) 235 75 R15 tires, 75% tread. Call 270-678-1039
Monday, July 11th, 2022
FS - 6 ft white swing $200, less than a year old, 8 Zippo lighters, 4 planters $25 each, 2 whiskey barrels, $75. Call 270-473-1920
FS - 23 hp Kawasaki motor, 23 hp Kohler motor, high-dro pumps for zero turn mowers, 2 zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, July 5th, 2022
FS -
Pressure washer $40, new. come-along $20, cage with bedding $25 with water
bottle, new baby teethers 2 for $2, boys 2T and 3T boxers, new. boys underwear
packs, mens boxer $t6, floating candles, new sunglasses $3 each. Call
270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
LF - White window, size 28x32 1/2". Need just the bottom half. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Like new XBox and video games, Call of Duty, . Call 270-590-5240
LF - Gravity box. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Loveseat with recliners built in. Call 270-524-7709
LF - New or used metal - 5 pieces, 14 ft long or shorter, FS - 1999 Monte Carlo
$1200, 1999 4-wheeler $1600, Lincoln stick welder $375, 15 ft car trailer $2400,
LF - old riding lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 10 ft Kayak, paddles and life jacket. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 10 ft Bushog. Call 270-524-4528
Friday, July 1st, 2022
FS -
Cub cadet mower 1050 model has a 50 inch cut with a 24 HP kholer engine, parting
out 98 gmc s15, 4 wheel drive extended cab v6 automatic transmission, LF - zero
turn mowers working or not 270-457-4236.
Thursday, June 30th, 2022
Yardsale: On hwy 70 between knob lick and sulfur wells, today is the LAST DAY , Lawn mower, large display case, sports cards, xbox 1 and PS4 games, jewelry clothes. Signs are posted. Call: 270-218-8098
LF - metal roofing at least 6 pieces 12 to 14foot long, side by side with dump bed, and a 4 seat gold cart in good shape, old riding lawnmowers, FS: 99 monte carlo 1200 or trade, brand new lincoln 225 stick welder $375 OBO or trade, 16 foot car trailer, with detachable sides, $2300 or trade. Call: 270-670-1359
FS - insulated white fiberglass panels ranging from $2-$6. In the Summersville community. Call: 270-405-1260.
Wednesday, June 29th, 2022
FS - Pressure washer for $50, 2 game chairs brand new in box $60 each, 2 ton come for $25, 2 LOL kid scooters $25 each, a fan $12, call: 270-405-0238
FS - A Buck sheep (2 years old) black and white in color, call: 270-378-6583
FS - Farm fresh eggs, over 14 dozen available, located in Munfordville. That's white and brown eggs. Only $2/dozen. She will deliver for a small fee. Call: 270-670-2163.
FS - 2010 model 10 foot Bush Hog brand bush hog in excellent condition, Call: 270-524-5428
FS - Gas powered hedge trimmers asking $75. Call 270-678-1039
LF - A white window size 28x32 1/2 inches. Only need the bottom half, call: 270-723-4077.
Monday, June 27th, 2022
GA - Ladies disposible underwear small and medium Call: 270-528-5588
FS - 99 monte carlo $1200, 99 honda 4 wheeler 2wd in good shape for $1600, 16 foot car trailer for $2600 obo or trade for smaller trailer (something like a 10x12), lincoln welder (brand new) $375 obo, & LF old riding lawn mowers Call: 270-670-1359
Friday, June 24th, 2022
FS - Micro suede tan loveseat, $65 pickup in Horse Cave. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 14 ft 2-person canoe with life jackets and paddles $250. Call 270-473-3133
Missing - "Lucky" since Thursday, near Powder Mills Road on Land Camp creek, female older dog with an old red collar. Call 270-528-5152
Thursday, June 23rd, 2022
FS - Husqvarna and Craftsman. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Remote control touch lamps, games, X-Boxes, toys, baseball cards, LF - 3x women's clothes and box springs and mattress and odd jobs. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Rolls of hay. Call 270-646-8507
GA - Kittens to a good home, male and female. Call 502-377-2978 in Bonnieville.
Yard Sale- Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 313 N. 9th Street, Cave City, 1999 Monte Carlo, Honda 4-wheeler, push mower, dirt bike, weed eaters, etc. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022
FS - 32" tv, 2 end table lamps, microwave. Call 270-218-2304
GA - Kenmore washer and dryer for parts, and will deliver to you. Call 270-528-1997
Monday, June 20th, 2022
FS - 14 ft 2 person canoe with two life jackets. $250 Call 270-473-3133
FS - 52" cut Woods zero turn mowers 18 hp, Swicher zero turn mower 52", Southern States and Troybilt, both are 42" , parts, LF -0ld mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Farm table with 3 chairs and bench, pool ladder, vanity with sink and faucets, matching cloth couch and chair, roll top desk, and a jacuzzi. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - Insulated white fiberglass panels, 7'10 x 4'6. $2 to $6 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Thursday, June 16th, 2022
GA - 2 kittens. Call 270-786-1700
FS - 8 ft. XM8 John Deere bushog, 8x16' wagon. $700. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - Craftsman 21 hp riding mower, has been redone $400 or partial trade, 150cc moped, runs great $825, cash and possible trade, 1999 250 Honda 4-wheeler, 2wd $2,000 obo. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 10 ft. Sun Dolphin kayak, has open top. Call 270-528-5208
Tuesday, June 14th, 2022
FS - Therapeutic shower head, new bp monitor, toddler car seat, adult shower chair, Disney 4-wheeler. Call 270-341-4335
FS - 7 lambs, $175 each or if you take all, $150 each. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Xbox 360 with 300 games, baseball cards, records, FR - Room and LF - Small pup or kitten. Call 270-612-0652
LF - 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
FS - Tobacco plants (Ky 219). Call 270-537-4439
Monday, June 13th, 2022
FS - 2 52" cut zero turn mowers, Woods and Swischer, 42" type tractor, LF - zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Thursday, June 9th, 2022
LF - Landscaping, needs help putting out approx. 40 hedge bushes and 7-8 trees. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Trip latch for the blade of a 451 new holland mower. Call 270-378-6583
FS - 10 foot dolphin open top kayak with fishing pole holders and a storage bin in the back. Call 270-528-5208
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
FS - Freezer beef ready for slaughter June 20th. Call 270-734-1552
LF - Old riding mowers, FS - 2 - 3wheel bikes. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 8 month old Boston Terrier $300. Call 270-473-3407
FS - 2 trout lines $20, 100 gallon propane tank $50, 5 - 5x7 rugs, $40 and long black leather biker's coat. Call 270-524-4913
FS - Baby stroller $5, crib mattress $10, car seat $10, diapers, size 2 and 3 $4 per package. Call 502-341-4335
Tuesday, June 7th, 2022
LF - Someone to do landscaping at a home. Serious calls only, call 270-646-0878
FS - Tankless water heater 235-70 R16's. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 2 dogs missing one is tall, one is miniature collie, 270-786-5719
FS - 10 ft dolphin kayak, paddles, used one time. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 16" commercial concrete mixer, has 2 new tires, and an extra motor, $6000. Call 270-308-1632
Monday, June 6th, 2022
FS - 10x32 swimming pool has the inflatable ring. $30. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 2 gas grills, need cleaning $75 each. Call 270-531-2060
FS - Baby Lambs , 6 months-old. Call 270-528-2407
Friday, June 3rd, 2022
GA - Pitbull pup on Red Buck Estes Road. Call 270-524-0126
Yard Sale - Friday - 94 Knob Hill across from the Dollar Store in Horse Cave. Farmhouse items, clothes, home decor.
FS - Twin size white metal daybed. Call 270-537-1185
Thursday, June 2nd, 2022
LF - Mopeds, go carts, old riding mowers, FS - New deer camera $175, also 2 - 3 wheel bikes $250. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday across from the Dollar Store in Horse Cave. Call 270-670-5624
FS - 50 cc dirt bike, air compressors, satellite dish, gas sprayer, guitar stands, garden tiller frames, hauler, Troy Bilt mower with bad motor, and more. Call 270-646-6334
FS - Farm jack- $30. Call 270-790-7344
FS - Two Cherry end tables and a Cherry coffee table- $100. Call 270-649-1103
LF - A cloth recliner. Call 270-404-2992 or 270-579-6979
LF - Older bass boat, back seat for a Club Cart, and a covered trailer (12′). Call 270-792-1709
Wednesday, June 1st, 2022
FS - Large car seat for a child, $40, 2 AT&T phones, $40 for both, full size bed with mattress $110. Call 270-678-5184
LF - Carpenter work, has 35 years of experience. Call 270-901-8837
LF - German Police female puppy. Call 270-528-1183
FS - 10 ft Dolphin fishing kayak, paddles, life jacket. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Curtis 220 air compressor, 40 gallon tank, 16 hp side shaft B & S motor, Kohlers and Kawasaki engines. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Fresh eggs in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-0923
FS - Electric range. Call 270-786-1550
Tuesday, May 31st, 2022
FS - John Deere 348 square baler $10,000, XM8 bush hog $7000, 8 x 16 hay wagon $700. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 2 gas grills in good condition $50 each. Call 270-531-2060
LF - zero turn mowers, running or not pay cash, 2 wheel drive truck 1500 and up, also has lawn mower parts for sale, motors, rear ends, decks - 270-457-4236
FS - Pataffia worms, 170 Stihl chainsaw, Echo weed eater, and an electric cook stove- 270-670-1403
FS - Set of 24” tires and wheels- 305/35/R24- $500. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 7×20 double axle trailer with good tires- 2 foot dove-tail and ramps- $3800. Call 317-710-8837
Thursday, May 26th, 2022
FS - Baby stroller, odd chairs, flowerpots. Call 502- 341-4335
FS - John Deere 348 square baler $10,000, XM8 bushhog $7000, 8 x 16 haywagon $700. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 2 gas grills in good condition $50 each. Call 270-531-2060
Wednesday, May 25th, 2022
FS - Nintendo switch with 3 games $200, Air Pod pros. Call 270-218-1378
GA - 5 kittens and moma cat, assorted colors. Call 270-524-0435
Tuesday, May 24th, 2022
FS - 2 gas grills in good condition, each has a burner on the end, $50 each. Call 270-531-2060
Whickerville Baptist Church revival 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, begins tonight at 6:30 p.m.
Monday, May 23rd, 2022
FS - 2 gas grills in good condition, each has a burner on the end, $50 each. Call 270-531-2060
LF - zero turn mowers, running or not pay cash, 2 wheel drive truck 1500 and up, also has lawn mower parts for sale, motors, rear ends, decks - 270-457-4236
Friday, May 20th, 2022
FS - Toddlers Minimouse 4 wheeler, large shower chair, new bp monitor, new commode seat raiser. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Husqvarna weedeater, needs some work $10. Call 270-308-1765
LF - Solid oak cabinet, no glass, must be tall but not over 30" wide. Call 270-723-4077
GA - 3 cans of Enfamil formula. Call 270-786-0006
FS – Yard Sale at 1839 Main Street, in Munfordville just past Raider Hollow, today until 2 p.m.
Thursday, May 19th, 2022
FS - Zero turn
mowers, motors, parts, Kawasaki's, briggs & strattons, also LF old zero turn
mowers running or not and a 5X8 OR 5X10 2 wheel trailer - 270-457-5236
To Top Of Page
Wednesday, May 18th, 2022
FS - Husqvarna Weedeater that needs work. $10 - 270-308-1765
FS - Fresh farm eggs $2 a dozen located in Munfordville, call 270-670-2163
Tuesday, May 17th, 2022
WILL - Yard Sale Saturday at the Whickerville Baptist Church located at 90 Whickerville road, Hardyville. Will have several items such as wood workers items, nice tables, clothes from newborn to x-large, dishes toys games movies, records, etc. Proceeds go towards the Youth of Whickerville Baptist Church program. 7am - 2pm If Not Raining.
Monday, May 16th, 2022
GA - 2 rabbits, they are 2 1/2 months old, 1 male and 1
female - 270-528-6381
LF - zero turn mowers, running or not pay cash, 2 wheel drive truck 1500 and up,
also has lawn mower parts for sale, motors, rear ends, decks - 270-457-4236
FS - washer and dryer for sale $125 for the pair - 270-537-4044
FS - small air conditioner, LG dish washer in good condition, freezer, chickens
8 weeks old - 270-531-6947
To Top Of Page
Friday, May 13th, 2022
FS - 8 & a quarter x 20 14 ply new tire on rim $90. Call 270-218-0480
FS - Baby chicks. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Hereford bull $1800, raised on farm. Call 270-528-6700
FS - Nice detailed bird houses- $75, carpenter bee traps, and some insulated fiberglass panels- $6 each- 270-405-1260
FS - 50 cc dirt bike, air compressors, satellite dish, gas sprayer, guitar stands, Cub Cadet mower 46”, garden tiller frames, hauler, and more- 270-646-6334
FS - 8 weaned Jersey Heifers, and looking for a three-quarter Chevy or GMC truck- 4 wheeled drive- 270-734-1552
Thursday, May 12th, 2022
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, large white ones $5 & $6 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Old mowers, mopeds, go-carts, etc, 450 Honda dirt bike, 2 sets 15" tires - 1050 15" or set of white letter to fit S-10 235 70 15" Call 270-670-1359
FS - Husqvarna weedeater $20, carb needs cleaning. Call 270-308-1765
FS - Twin size white wooden bed with drawers underneath, comes with mattress and a new mattress pad. Call 270-670-9070
FS- '89 1500 Honda Gold Wing motorcycle, $3,000 has 97,000 miles, 21 spd mountain bike 24" $40, like new. 285 80 17 Big Mudder tire $25, like new. Call 270-524-1333
FS - Baby chicks. Call 270-531-6947
Yard Sale 8984 Bonnieville, Thursday, Fri & Sat, bikes, dishwasher, baby clothes, exercise equipment, 2x and 3x clothing, some antiques. Call 270-531-6947
Wednesday, May 11th, 2022
FS - Minimouse 4 wheeler, Disney table and 2 chairs, adult shower chair. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Cub Cadet zero-turn mower, 50" cut. Woods 52" cut zero turn mower, LF - old zero-turn mowers, 2wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Building full of yard sale items; make an offer. Call270-670-3488
FS - Registered black bull- $1900. Call 270-991-6642
FS - 2001 Toyota Corolla, needs motor, $1,000. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 50 cc dirt bike, air compressors, satellite dish, gas sprayer, guitar stands, Cub Cadet mower 46”, garden tiller frames, hauler. Call 270-646-6334
FS - Building full of yard sale items; make an offer- 270-670-3488
FS - Registered black bull- $1900- 270-991-6642
Tuesday, May 10th, 2022
FS - Hereford bull $1800, raised on farm. Call 270-528-6700
FS - 8 weaned Jersey Heifers, and looking for a three-quarter Chevy or GMC truck- 4 wheeled drive- 270-734-1552
FS - Building full of yard sale items; make an offer. Call270-670-3488
FS - Registered black bull- $1900. Call 270-991-6642
LF - Good pickup truck. Call 270-404-2188
LF - Head liners for a car. Call 270-774-7082
LF - Young Poodle pup. Call 270-842-3458
LF - Registered bore hog. Call 270-537-4709
FS - Twin bed and new mattress and box springs. Call 270-618-1431
FS - Fishing poles and canning jars. Call 270-528-5425
FS - GE 10,500 BTU AC- $150. Call 270-597-2603
Monday, May 9th, 2022
FS - 2001 Toyota Corolla, needs motor, $1,000. Call 270-774-7483
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, set of 3110 50 15" mud tires, old car or truck for a work vehicle, 400 Honda dirt bike or Yamaha 400 dirt bike. Call 270- 670-1359
FS - White wooden twin size bed (more for a girl) with wooden base and drawers underneath, has mattress and new mattress pad. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Zero-turn radius mower parts and motors, decks, etc. LF - 2wd pickup around $1500 and up, old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Bee traps, birdhouses, insulated fiberglass large white panels $6 each. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
Friday, May 6th, 2022
FS - Cobra 138XLR cb radio, 2 large pitcher and bowl sets, 5 5x7 blue rubber back carpets, like new, long black leather bikers coat $50, 2 biker goggle sets $10 for both, UK wreath $20, UK throws, bib, blanket, all must be sold. Call 270-524-4913
Yard Sale - Saturday at Hardyville Community Center 8 to 4, infant to XL clothes, Nike, American Eagle, fishing gear, toys, home decor....
Yard Sales - Elk Street in Munfordville, Skyline Drive and more in Munfordville for the Munfordville City Wide Yard Sale.
FS - 4 Home Interior pictures, angels, unicorns, stroller, infant Minnie Mouse car seat. Call 270-473-3702
Warehouse sale - Saturday 7 a.m., furniture, clothes, shoes, Christmas items, knick knacks, office chairs 1490 South Dixie Hwy across from the Ambulance Service in Munfordville...
FS - 2 zero-turn mowers, motors and parts, LF - Chevy truck 2wd. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Shower chair, new heating pad, Mini-mouse 4-wheeler. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2001 Toyota Corolla, needs motor, new tires and fuel pump $1000 obo. Call 270-774-7483
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022
GA - Cedar tree that needs to be cut up at 314 N. Butler Road in front of Dart Container in Horse Cave. Can come by any day to pick up and load. Call 270-786-5616
FS - Male Pitbull puppy, has shots and wormed $150. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
Found - House dog on Mill Street in Munfordville, black and white female with brown over her eyes. Call 270-524-9832
LF - Garden tiller. Call 270-670-6834
FS - 50 rolls of hay $25, 80 bales of square baled hay $3.50 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 3 bedroom brick home in Horse Cave, $240,000. Call 270-404-5451
LF - Chain link dog kennel or chain link fencing. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Block and brick layers. Starting pay is $25 per hour. Call 270-537-3794
FS - White wicker, queen bedroom suit, dresser & mirror with night stand, $150 for all, 270-670-9991
FS - 1985 Ford Crown Vic, and a 2003 Ford Taurus. Call 270-531-1395
LF - old car or truck up to $1,000, old riding mowers, running or not, FS - White rear tine tiller $475. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 semi tires, left tread is at 26/32nds size, is 295/75/22.5. Like new, and will take $600 for all three, delivered. Call 270-473-3859
Monday, May 2nd, 2022
FS - White wicker, queen bedroom suit, dresser & mirror with night stand, $150 for all, 270-670-9991
FS - 1985 Ford Crown Vic, and a 2003 Ford Taurus. Call 270-531-1395
LF - old car or truck up to $1,000, old riding mowers, running or not, FS - White rear tine tiller $475. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 semi tires, left tread is at 26/32nds size, is 295/75/22.5. Like new, and will take $600 for all three, delivered. Call 270-473-3859
Friday, April 29th, 2022
FS - 16.6 cu ft Haulmaster trailer $350, 5 5x7 blue rubber back carpets (indoor-outdoor) $10 each, new. FS - 2 pitcher and bowls, $25 each set, the stand is $30, 3 wreaths UK, red, white and blue and Christmas $25 each, long leather black bikers coat, goggles, etc. Call 270-524-4913
LF - Place to rent near Greensburg or in Green County. Call 270-222-8068
Garage Sale -underway at Hwy 88, 3 miles west of Munfordville at Mt. Beulah UMC parking lot.
FS - Dixon zero turn mower 46" cut, 52" cut Woods zero turn mower, lawnmower motors and parts. Call 270-457-4236
Yard Sale - 120 Scott St. Munfordville, 2 families, behind the old stock pen at the depot. Lots of everything. Call 270-524-4547
FS - Adult shower chair, new heating pad, toddlers Mini Mouse 4-wheeler, stroller. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Rolled hay, kept in dry. Call 270-218-0806
FS - Brown eggs, Laying hens. Call 270-528-5208
Yard Sale - Mt. Beulah Methodist Church parking lot on Hwy 88 Thursday and Friday, recliners, children's clothes, bed, dresser, chest, motorcycle helmet, linen, bedding.
Thursday & Friday Hwy 70 at Griderville, dvds, baby items, Hot Wheels, new wedding dress. 270-670-7409
FS - 2 old cars, 1985 LTD Crown Victoria 2003 Ford Taurus sedan. Call 270-531-1392
Tuesday, April 26th, 2022
FS - Phone table $35, antique square table $30, quilts and rugs, Haul Master small trailer for pontoon boat, $350. Call 270-524-4913
FS - Lawn trailer $50. Call 270-670-1359
Saturday will be the Hwy 86 yard sale - Hwy 62 to Hwy 60.
LF - 4. 8 motor for a 1999 Chevy 2wd, FS - Refrigerator. Call 270-528-1419
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
FS - 3 banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 14' Woods Batwing bush hog, $2,000 and 1950 Ferguson, new tires, runs good $2900. Call 270-670-3570
Monday, April 25th, 2022
FS - 2002 Ford Ranger, 4wd, white, has air $2700. Call 270-524-1110
FS - 2 tires and wheels for a lawnmower. Motors for lawnmowers, rear ends, starters and carburetors. LF - Old mowers and tillers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 - 12 week old Blue-Pit bull pups, LF - couch, loveseat and dressers. FS - 2001 F-150 4 door or will trade. Call 218-2184
FS - 5 week-old female Dachsund, full blooded, gray with black spots $250. Call 270-473-3702
LF - Roommate to share expenses, FS - toys, LF - small dog. Call 270-612-0652
FS - Fireplace out of a 1920's home $250. Call 270-834-0288
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
Friday, April 22nd, 2022
FS - 2 blue Pitbull pups, kennels, and doghouse $350 or $150 for each dog. LF - couch, loveseats and dressers. Call 270-218-2184
Yard Sale at 246 Mt. Sherman Road, just outside of Magnolia, lots of medical equipment and wood working equipment. Call 502-526-8012 now through Sunday.
Garage Sale at 8234 Cub Run Hwy, dvd's 50c each, books 50c, Aquaview fish finder $100, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, new $750, antique tables $30 each, 2 trout lines $20, Lord's Supper in golden trim frame $30, long black leather biker's coat $80, Tread climber $250, 5x7 blue rugs with rubber backing $10 each. Call 270-524-4913
FS - Fireplace out of a 1920's home $250. Call 270-834-0288
Thursday, April 21st, 2022
FS - 20 ft pontoon boat $7,000. Call 270-528-6700
LF - Good camper that doesn't leak. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2 - 12 week old Blue-Pit bull pups, LF - couch, loveseat and dressers. FS - 2001 F-150 4 door or will trade. Call 218-2184
FS - 5 week-old female Dachsund, full blooded, gray with black spots $250. Call 270-473-3702
LF - Roommate to share expenses, FS - toys, LF - small dog. Call 270-612-0652
FS - 2 prom dresses, blue - size 8 and silver - size 7, new heating pad, shower chair, girls Disney 4-wheeler, sandals, sizes 6 1/2 and 7. Call 270-341-4335
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
FS - 2 prom dresses, blue - size 8 and silver - size 7, new heating pad, shower chair, girls Disney 4-wheeler, sandals, sizes 6 1/2 and 7. Call 270-341-4335
GA - 3 kittens, 2 are bobtail. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Detailed birdhouses, can send pictures, in Summersville area. Call 270-405-1260
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
FS - 3 banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 42" Husky riding mower, 16.5 hp, new battery, as is $245. Call in Glasgow 217-412-7930 or 217-412-3311
Yard Sale - Wednesday at 200 Old US 31 Loop North Road in Cave City in Griderville, behind the lawnmower shop. Hours are 9 to 5. For more information, call 270-670-7409
GA - 2 lamps and tv. Call 270-405-1743
Garage moving sale - Aquaview fish finder $100, pitcher & bowl stand $35, phone table, old, antique square table $35, Sea Eagle blowup one-person pontoon with trailer $750, old man's clothes holder $35, 2 large pitcher & bowl sets $25 each, old filing cabinet $35, UK items, large Lord's Supper prayer picture $25, long black leather bikers coat, Butterball turkey fryer, stainless steel, $50, Tread climber $300, marble top table 14", lots of books. Call 270-524-4913 or visit 8234 Cub Run Hwy Munfordville.
FS - 14' Woods bush hog $2,000, 1950 Ferguson tractor $2800. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Baby mattress. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 totes of yard sale items. Call 270-524-4547
Tuesday, April
19th, 2022
FS - 2 prom dresses, blue - size 8 and silver - size 7, new heating pad, shower chair, girls Disney 4-wheeler, sandals, sizes 6 1/2 and 7. Call 270-341-4335
GA - 3 kittens, 2 are bobtail. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 14' Woods Batwing bush hog, $2,000 and 1950 Ferguson, new tires, runs good $2900. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Detailed birdhouses, can send pictures, in Summersville area. Call 270-405-1260
Garage sale underway on Cub Run Highway. Quilts, afghans, strip rugs, all marked down, GA - Men's and women's clothes. Call 270-524-4913
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
FS - 2 rabbits, $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
FS - Rolled hay, barn kept, $30. Call 270-218-0806
FS - Lap throw, regular-size quilt, 5 ft bush hog, 6 ft grader blade, cutting torch. Call 270-696-0620
LF - Rolled hay in Hart County. Call 270-537-3418
LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 3 banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 42" Husky riding mower, 16.5 hp, new battery, as is $245. Call in Glasgow 217-412-7930 or 217-412-3311
Monday, April 18th, 2022
LF - Inside rabbit cage. Call 270-537-3733
FS - Aquaview fish finder $100, pitcher and bowl stand $40, old sewing table, antique square table $35 each, Sea eagle pontoon with trailer $775, 2 large pitcher bowl sets, wall cabinet $50, UK shirts and items, 2 trout lines $25, Treadclimber $375, Long black leather, bikers coat $90, 2 black helmets $40 for both, GA - men's suit coats, ladies clothes. Garage Sale with lowered prices. Call 8234 Cub Run Hwy, 270-524-4913
FS - Dixon zero turn mower (older) in good shape, 42" Craftsman riding mower or will trade, 2 new gaming chairs $50 each, LF - old car, truck or van, must run good. FS - 2003 Chevy Silverado Supersport $11,500 or possible trade LF - old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 200 Old US 31 Loop in Griderville behind the lawnmower shop. Call 270-670-7409
FS - Jewelry, all kinds of pieces. odds and ends. Call 270-218-5045
FS- 46" cut Dixon zero radius-turn mower, 50" Cub Cadet riding mower, set of tires for the back of mower 20 x 10 x 8, all kinds of lawnmower motors, parts, LF - old riding mowers or zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Rolled hay, $30 each. Call 270-218-0806
FS - 12 dozen large brown eggs $1.50 per dozen. LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS -4 ft metal brake $150. Call 904-586-7721
Friday, April 15th, 2022
FS - Aquaview underwater viewing system, new $150 firm, new Smart gate opener with optional Smart phone control with power box $200, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon boat with trailer $800, 2 trout lines $25, etched mirror Footprints in the Sand, $25, Lords Supper, framed $30, long black leather bikers coat, and biker helmets, etc, turkey fryer $50, Tread climber $375, GA - 3 long men's dress coats $10 each, GA - ladies clothes, Saturday is the last day of Garage sale. 8234 Cub Run Hwy, Munfordville or call 270-524-4913.
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
FS - 2 rabbits, $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
FS - Rolled hay, barn kept, $30. Call 270-218-0806
FS - Lap throw, regular-size quilt, 5 ft bush hog, 6 ft grader blade, cutting torch. Call 270-696-0620
LF - Rolled hay in Hart County. Call 270-537-3418
LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
Thursday, April 14th, 2022
FS - 2 rabbits, 2 months old, $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
FS - 42" Dixon zero-turn mower, 50" Cub Cadet, 24 hp zero turn mower, 42" Husky and 42" Murray tractor type riding mowers. Also LF - old mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 shower chairs, toddler Disney 4-wheeler, gray prom dress, size 7. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Regular size quilt top and queen size quilt top, pitcher & bowl, a lap throw, 5' bush hog, 6' grader blade. Call 270-696-0620
FS - 42" Husky riding mower, 16.5 hp, new battery, as is $245. Call in Glasgow 217-412-7930 or 217-412-3311
FS - Male long-hair Teacup Chihuahua puppy and male Maltipoo pup. Pickup is in Nashville. Text only 213-770-8338
FS - Like new 12x24 high barn shed with Dutch lap siding, 2 lofts, build in shelving and workbench, $4,000. Call 270-535-5999
FS - 3 pair of Dr. Scholl's sandals, brown, black and red, size 7. 2 shower chairs, one is new, and a prom dress, size 7, gray and silver color. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 tractor type 42"riding mowers, Husky, MTD 20 hp Briggs and Stratton engine, Murray and 2 zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Red nose Pit Bull puppies, $50 each. Call 270-473-3567
FS - Eggs $1.50 per dozen. Call 270-473-1021
Wednesday, April 13th, 2022
FS - Aquaview underwater viewing system, new $150 firm, Smart Gate opener with optional smartphone control with power box $200, new. UK items, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, one person $800 with trailer, large Lakestream waders,. 2 trout lines, Lord's Supper and Footprints in the sand pictures, large leather biker coat $90, new black helmets $40, 2 rain suits $10 for set, turkey fryer, tread climber $400, GA - 3 long men's coats, and clothes also women's clothing. Garage sale is underway 8234 Cub Run Hwy or call 270-524-4913
FS - 2 rabbits $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
FS - Craftsman riding mower, front tine garden tiller. Call 270-234-6765
FS - Lap throw, regular-size quilt, 5 ft bush hog, 6 ft grader blade, cutting torch. Call 270-696-0620
LF - Rolled hay in Hart County. Call 270-537-3418
LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
FS - X-Box 1 with 5 games $200, hand-held PSP with 14 games $125, PS-5, 2 controllers and 1 game $550. Call 270-528-6774
Monday, April 11th, 2022
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
FS - X-Box 1 with 5 games $200, hand-held PSP with 14 games $125, PS-5, 2 controllers and 1 game $550. Call 270-528-6774
GA - Men's long sleeve shirts, dress pants, etc. and women's clothing, sizes 11/12 & 13/14. FS - Large Lakestream waders, hip to chest, black leather large riding jacket, 2 sets of trout lines, marble top tables for plants, Lord's prayer picture $30, etched Footprints in the Sand framed picture $25, Butterball turkey fryer $50, Aquaview underwater viewing system, new $150,Tread climber machine, like new, $500 obo, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, one-man, enclosed trailer $850. All kinds of UK collector items. Call 270-524-4913 and garage sale continuing 8234 Cub Run Hwy.
FS - 3 banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 42" Dixon zero-turn mower, 50" Cub Cadet, 24 hp zero turn mower, 42" Husky and 42" Murray tractor type riding mowers. Also LF - old mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 shower chairs, toddler Disney 4-wheeler, gray prom dress, size 7. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 42" riding mower with extra deck. Call 270-234-2765
FS - 10x12 dog kennel, comes in sections, will buy old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Gold Retriever pups, de-wormed, 1st vaccines, playful. Call 270-355-3558
FS - 5 ft bush hog and 6 ft grader blade in Magnolia. Call 270-491-0445
Friday, April 8th, 2022
FS - 42" riding mower with extra deck. Call 270-234-2765
FS - 2 shower chairs, toddler Disney 4-wheeler, gray size 7 prom dress. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Uk items, GA- men's large shirts, one suit, 4 dress coats, men's shorts, size 38, FS - tread climber 500, long black leather bikers coat L $100, trout lines 25, etched Footprints in the Sand mirror, Lord's prayer picture, large new lake stream waders 25, Butterball turkey fryer $60, 2 round marble top tables, 2 small wooden rockers, antique cream $35, 2 large pitcher & bowl sets and 1 wood finished stand to hold them with small mirror, aqua view underwater viewing system, new. $150 firm. frameless pontoon boat for one person with trailer. Ongoing garage sale at 8234 Cub Run Hwy or call 270-524-4913
Thursday, April 7th, 2022
FS - 4 - 15" trailer tires and wheels, $100 obo. Call 270-590-4830
FS - 2 - three-month-old Blue Heeler and Bulldog pups. Call 270-473-0352
LF - Old Hot Rod project cars or will trade. Call 502-322-7961
FS - 2 round marble top stands 14" top and 12" top. phone table with shelf in natural dark wood $35, antique square 16" wood table $35, 2 small wooden rockers in antique cream, $35 each, 2 large pitcher & bowl sets, wooden stand with mirror. UK items, flags, shirts, hoodie, blankets, etc. 2 trout lines $25 for both, etched Footprints in the Sand picture $25 in frame, gold-framed Lord's Supper $30, large Lakestream waders hip to chest, new $25, large leather long bikers coat, helmets, gloves, caps, etc. Ohio Steel professional-grade yard sweeper $65, square Butterball turkey fryer $60, Sea-eagle frameless pontoon for one person in trailer, $800 firm, man's chair-coat holder $35, Tread-climber $500, Garage sale is underway at 8234 Cub Run Hwy, Munfordville. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 42" Husky riding mower, 16.5 hp, new battery, as is $245. Call in Glasgow 217-412-7930 or 217-412-3311
Wednesday, April 6th, 2022
FS - 32" tv $198, works, FR - room, must share expenses, LF - jobs and babysit, small dog. FS - angels, what knots. LF - place to rent. Call 270-612-0652
Tuesday, April 5th, 2022
FS - 4 Yearling Angus heifers, farm raised, vaccinated. Call 270-537-3219
LF - Mature black Angus gull, 2 female sheep, 6 to 8 months old, mature Ram, FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, rebuilt title, has 31k, Call 270-528-1221
GA - Men's clothing, FS - UK items, set of 2 trout lines $25, etched mirror footprints $25 in wood frame, Lord's Supper gold framed picture $30, Large Lake-stream waders, hip to chest $25, long black bikers coat, size large, $100, Ohio Steel professional sweeper $65, square butter ball stainless steel turkey fryer $60, used once. FS - Frameless pontoon boat, for one person, with trailer, has tags, needs trolling motor, 2 marble small round tables with brass bottoms, 2 pitcher and bowl sets, and 1 stand with mirror on top. Continuing garage sale at 8234 Cub Run Highway. Call 270-524-4913
FS - Husqvarna rear tine garden tiller, 5 hp, $300. Call 270-786-2952
FS - 42" Troybilt riding mower, 50" zero radius turn mower, 2 seater go-cart. $200, gaming chairs $50, LF - Old car or truck $500 to $1,000. and old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Regular size quilt top and queen size quilt top, pitcher & bowl, a lapthrow, 5' bush hog, 6' grader blade. Call 270-696-0620
Monday, April 4th, 2022
FS - Large Lakestream waders, hip to chest $30, new, black leather riding gear, 2 sets of trout lines, never used $25 for both, marble top tables for plants, 2 small wooden rockers, cream colored $35 each, large pitcher and bowl sets, Tread-climber machine, like new $500 obo, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, one-man, enclosed trailer $850. All kinds of UK collector items. Call 270-524-4913 and garage sale continuing 8234 Cub Run Hwy.
FS - 3 Banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Rolled hay $25, baled hay $3.50. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 2009 Ford Explorer, needs new battery and 2 back tires. $3700 270-308-1765 ask for Scott
LF - 3 bedroom home for rent in Cub Run or Munfordville area. Call 270-524-7068
Friday, April 1st, 2022
FS - Large Lakestream waders, hip to chest $30, new, black leather riding gear, 2 sets of trout lines, never used $25 for both, marble top tables for plants, 2 small wooden rockers, cream colored $35 each, large pitcher and bowl sets, Tread-climber machine, like new $500 obo, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, one-man, enclosed trailer $850. All kinds of UK collector items. Call 270-524-4913 and garage sale continuing 8234 Cub Run Hwy.
FS - 3 Banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
Wednesday, March 30th, 2022
FS - UK collector items (make offer), man's clothes holder and chair $35, tread climber, $500, lots of black leather biker coats, gloves, helmets and riding gear. 2 round marble top stands 14" and 12" in a cream color, $25 each, antique square wooden table, $35, wrought iron with wood trim and glass top table, $40, 2 small wooden cream color rockers. $35, 1 large pitcher and bowl set and a stand with swivel small mirror on top $80, homemade rugs and quilts. Call 270-524-4913 continuing garage sale 8234 Cub Run Hwy.
FS - 10 x 12 dog kennel, comes in sections, will buy old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 5 ft bushog and 6 ft grader blade in Magnolia. Call 270-491-0445
FS - Golden Retriever pups, de-wormed, 1st vaccines, playful.$400 to $600. Call 270-355-3558
LF - Used motor for a 2001 Toyota Corolla. Call 270-774-7483
Monday, March 28th, 2022
FS - Male long-hair Teacup Chihuahua puppy and male Maltipoo pup. Pickup is in Nashville. Text only 213-770-8338
FS - 18 ft Parti Kraft pontoon boat, fisherman's package with trailer, 50 hp motor, has 3 yr transferable warranty, well kept and maintained. Serious inquiries only, $10,500. Call 270-606-1762
FS - Like new 12x24 high barn shed with Dutch lap siding, 2 lofts, build in shelving and workbench, $4,000. Call 270-535-5999
FS - 3 pair of Dr. Scholl's sandals, brown, black and red, size 7. 2 shower chairs, one is new, and a prom dress, size 7, gray and silver color. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 tractor type 42"riding mowers, Husky, MTD 20 hp Briggs and Stratton engine, Murray and 2 zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Red nose Pit Bull puppies, $50 each. Call 270-473-3567
FS - Eggs $1.50 per dozen. Call 270-473-1021
LF - Old riding mowers, old car or truck $1,000, 2 mopeds, one runs $250 for both. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, March 25th, 2022
Garage sale - continuing at 8234 Cub Run Hwy Munfordville. Helmets, gloves, long and short coats for bikers. sea eagle pontoon boat for 1 person $850, quilts, rugs, will sell cheap, 2 Mighty Mule easy gate openers $200 or both $350. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 156 dvd's $30, air fryer $15 and crock pot $15. Call 270-576-1261
FS - Push mower $50. Call 270-861-9301
FS - Black Hereford bull, LF - 2 1/2 year-old dually truck bed for a 2007 Chevy. Call 270-524-4068
FS - 2-seater go cart $350 or will trade, LF - older car or truck $500 to $1,000, FS - 38" Bowens 15hp riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 12 x 10 dog kennel, 6 ft tall, chain link, LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2005 Chevy van, has dvd player. Call 270-473-1045
Thursday, March 24th, 2022
Garage sale ongoing - 8234 Cub Run Hwy, 8 miles outside of Munfordville, fishing equipment, gate openers, Hip to chest main street wader $30, saw blades and a meat saw, good ladies reading books, black leather bike riding gear and helmets. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 156 dvd's $30, air fryer $15 and crock pot $15. Call 270-576-1261
FS - Push mower $50. Call 270-861-9301
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022
FS - 2 shower chairs, 2, Mini-Mouse 4 wheeler, size 7 prom dress, gray and silver color, also 2 black Redwing shoes, sizes 6 & 9. Call 502-341-4335
LF - 5 ft grader box that has the teeth. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Dixon zero turn mowers, 50" cut Cub Cadet zero turn mower, parts for mowers. LF - old mowers, 71 to 95 automatic 2 wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Any kind of jobs, FS - Blue jeans, LF - place to rent, 2 to 3 bedrooms. Call 270-612-0652
FS - 5x6' rolled hay, $25 each. Call 270-932-2086 in Greensburg.
FS - 12 x 20 chain link dog kennel, it can make 2 pens. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Antique wood pedestal kitchen table, strong and heavy, $500, 6 ladder back oak kitchen chairs with solid wood bottom, $175, and custom made train oak table $50. Call 270-537-5094
FS - Rolled hay, dry in shed. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - Small dog pen. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Mobility chair. Call 270-390-1728
Monday, March 21st, 2022
FS - Antique wood pedestal kitchen table, strong and heavy, $500, 6 ladder back oak kitchen chairs with solid wood bottom, $175, and custom made train oak table $50. Call 270-537-5094
FS - Rolled hay, dry in shed. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - Small dog pen. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Mobility chair. Call 270-390-1728
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, go carts, LF - minivan, works good, FS - 38" Bowens 25hp lawnmower, John Deere 54" cut lawnmower, 3 new gaming chairs, $60 each, pull behind wagon for a mower $50. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 5 ft grader box that has the teeth. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Dixon zero turn mowers, 50" cut Cub Cadet zero turn mower, parts for mowers. LF - old mowers, 71 to 95 automatic 2 wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Any kind of jobs, FS - Blue jeans, LF - place to rent, 2 to 3 bedrooms. Call 270-612-0652
FS - 5x6' rolled hay, $25 each. Call 270-932-2086 in Greensburg.
FS - 12 x 20 chain link dog kennel, it can make 2 pens. Call 270-528-5208
Tuesday, March 15th, 2022
FS - baby stroller, mini mouse 4 wheeler needs charger, older
shower chair, in Munfordville area
Thursday, March 10th, 2022
LF - Transport chair with high back, reasonable in good condition, LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, FS - 2003 SS pickup ext cab, or will trade, Nissan 4wd pickup, no title, 5 spd $1,000, Yardmachine riding mower 42" $350, pull behind trailer, $50, gaming chairs, $50 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Helium tank, refillable $50, pair of new boots size 10, $40. Call 270-773-5306
Monday, March 7th, 2022
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, FS - 1997 Nissan pickup, 4wd, 5spd, cold air, off-road vehicle, no title, asking $1200 or will take $800 with trade, gaming chairs $60. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1020 Cub Cadet 42" cut, Husky 42" cut mower, 3 Kohler command motors, 2 - 24 hp briggs & stratton motors. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 75 to 100 acres of land in Cave City or Hiseville. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Odd jobs. Call 270-832-8366
Friday, March 4th, 2022
FS - 3 ultra electric mobility chair, lightly used with new batters in Magnolia. Call 270-390-1728
FS - Barn kept, rolled hay. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - 2 milk cows. Call 270-773-7279
FS - Outside rock wood burning stove. Call 270-565-1663
FS - 8 to 9 ft pony trailer $800. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 2008 Pontiac Torrent SUV or will trade, or part out. Call 270-528-2649
FS - 5 string Peavey bass or will trade Call 270-774-7342
FS - Small camping trailer. Call 270-218-0006
FS - Rolled hay in Cub Run. Call 270-524-3460
FS - 42" 1024 Cub Cadet, 22hp Briggs & Stratton mower, 42" Torro 20hp zero-turn mower, and all kinds of mower parts. Call 270-457-4236
LF - old go-carts, mopeds, lawnmowers, old cars, vinyl recliner. FS - New Coleman boat motor, 2.6 - 4 stroke, 2005 Chevy Malibu LS, no title, but has good motor. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 12 cows, come will calve in the fall. Call 270-537-5642
LF - Someone to plow a garden in Munfordville. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Hickory nut and black walnut kernels. Call 270-407-5320 in Monroe County.
Yard Sale - 31W Bonnieville - Friday, table and chairs, etc. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Extra heavy duty Hoveround electric wheelchair and carrier for back of vehicle. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Swing set with a slide, reasonably priced. Call 270-524-0116
Thursday, March 3rd, 2022
FS - 2008 Pontiac Torrent SUV or will trade, or part out. Call 270-528-2649
FS - 5 string Peavey bass or will trade Call 270-774-7342
FS - Small camping trailer. Call 270-218-0006
FS - Rolled hay in Cub Run. Call 270-524-3460
FS - Electric mobility chair, lightly used with new batteries for $800. Call 270-390-1728 in Magnolia
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022
LF - Someone to plow a garden in Munfordville. Call 270-834-0288
FS - All kinds of parts for zero-turn mowers, 220 volt Curtis commercial air compressor. LF - any parts for zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Hickory nut and black walnut kernels. Call 270-407-5320 in Monroe County.
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022
FS - Rolled hay, barn kept. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - Someone to plow a garden in Munfordville. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Estate household items, furniture and appliances. Call 270-590-4316
LF - 2 milk cows. Call 270-773-7279
FS - Outside rock wood burning stove. Call 270-565-1663
Monday, February 28th, 2022
FS - Electric mobility chair, lightly used with new batteries for $800. Call 270-390-1728 in Magnolia
LF - 100 to 150 T-post. Call 270-646-8952, please leave a message.
FS - New shower chair, heating pad, 3 black leather jackets, 2 Redwing shoes sizes 6 1/2 and 9. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Couple of Holstein calves on dry feed, old dog kennels chain link. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Heavenly Highway Hymnals. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Kohler Command motors 20hp, 23 hp, 25hp, 2 - 24h Briggs & Stratton motors and parts for all kinds of motors. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 50 cc mini-bike with training wheels $500. Call 270-991-0285
LF - Outdoor rabbit cages, FS - 2 small lawnmower trailers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 100 rolls of hay $25 per roll, and 100 square bales of hay $3.50 each. Call 270-537-4044
Friday, February 25th, 2022
LF - 2 healthy, milk producing milk cows, prefer Jersey or Guernsey. Call 270-773-7279
FS - 100 rolls of hay $25, 100 square bales $3.50 each. Call 270- 537-4044
FS - 62" Husqvarna Parts mower, tractor style, LF- 1/4 of beef. Call 270-735-5004
LF - Swingset with a slide, reasonable. Call 270-524-0116 leave a message.
FS - Vintage coke machine with rotator knobs. Takes quarters only. Does work., FS - Ford e350 bucket van. Bucket van has a small electrical issue and needs the hydraulic clutch replaced. Does come with the clutch. Asking $4500., LF - Anyone who has a small house for sale in hart or barren county. Wanting to purchase for investment property rental house. Call 270-774-7483
FS - Extra he
avy duty Hoveround electric wheelchair and carrier for back of vehicle. Call 270-590-3209FS - 2019 Diamond Cargo enclosed car hauler bumper hitch trailer, $10,000 GVWR, excellent condition. N
ew 12K weight distribution hitch, can be purchased separately, $8500. Call 270-537-4034
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022
LF - Laying hens and a chicken coop. Call 270-473-3003
FS - Vintage coke machine with rotator knobs. Takes quarters only. Does work., FS - Ford e350 bucket van. Bucket van has a small electrical issue and needs the hydraulic clutch replaced. Does come with the clutch. Asking $4500., LF - Anyone who has a small house for sale in hart or barren county. Wanting to purchase for investment property rental house. Call 270-774-7483
FS - Rolled hay, kept in shed. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - Rabbit cage, and FS - 2 pull behind trailers for lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022
LF - 2 healthy, milk producing milk cows, prefer Jersey or Guernsey. Call 270-773-7279
GA - Cat, a brown and white small dog, LF - 3 or 4x clothing,
pots, pans and household items, any kind of odd jobs, place to rent in Cave City
2 to 3 bedroom, FS - XBOX 360 and remote. Call: 270-612-0652.
Monday, February 21st, 2022
FS - Picnic tables with metal frames and wood tops and seats. $50 each. Call 270-392-5507
FS - Size 36 women's blue jeans, LF - 2 or 3 bedroom apartment for rent, GA - small brown and white dog. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - couple of pull behind lawnmower trailers, new BMW radiator, 1992 Chevy Caprice, miss in motor, $1500 or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - White riding mower, good motor and frame, runs good 38" cut, needs headlight cover, LF - couple of Holstein calves, helmet for a coon hunting light. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, February 18th 2022
LF - old riding mowers, go karts, old car or truck $500 to $1,000, FS - radiator for BMW $20. 2 small trailers, pull behind or trade, new electric power washers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 14 ft bush hog batwing woods $2500, Bronco 3 pt hitch seed sower $350. 1986 135 MF tractor $4800, 1939 Ford Ferguson tractor, $3800. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, February 16th 2022
LF - Rolled hay. Call 270-218-3019
LF - Old zero turn mowers, will pay cash, 2wd truck $1500 to 2500
FS - zero turn and tractor type mowers, and parts. Call 270-457-4236
Monday, February 15th, 2022
FS - Horse cave KOA Campground has used Picnic Tables
$60 each on a first come, first serve basis, they have metal
frames, wood tops and wood seats which can be replaced
with new wood tops and new wood seats if needed
Call Jason at 270-392-5507.
FS - Extra hevy duty Hoveround electric wheelchair and carrier for back of vehicle. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 2019 Diamond Cargo enclosed car hauler bumper hitch trailer, $10,000 GVWR, excellent condition. NEw 12K weight distribution hitch, can be purchased separately, $8500. Call 270-537-4034
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, car or truck $500 to $1,000 running, FS - new radiator for BMW $25. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Place to rent to own in Cave City, GA - dog, LF - 3x clothing, FS - blue jeans. Call 270-612-0652
FS - 62" Husqvarna Parts mower, tractor style, LF- 1/4 of beef. Call 270-735-5004
LF - Swingset with a slide, reasonable. Call 270-524-0116 leave a message.
Friday, February 11th, 2022
LF - 3 - 275 or 300 gallon totes. Call 270-218-3019 FS - 100 rolls of mixed hay $25, can help load, 150 square
bales $3.50. Call 270-537-4044 LF - 50 rolls of good hay. Call 270-218-3019
Thursday, February 10th, 2022
FS - Child's wooden rocking chair $15, Bowens 21" pushmower
$45, detailed walnut birdhouses in Summersville. Hand made large walnut cutting
or serving board $45. Call 270-405-1260 FS - Pair of men's Ridgecut boots, size 10, new in box.
$40, helium tank $50. Call 270-773-5306 FS - 3 tires size 235 75 15's on Chevy wheels, 5" bolt
pattern, 6'x4"x10' trailer, has tilt bed. Call 270-457-4236 FS - 40 Stihl weedeater $80, Murray pushmower $30, needs
some work. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, February 9th, 2022
FS - Echo chainsaw, runs good, $80, needs chain sharpened. Call 270-861-9301 and ask for Jake.
FS - New shower chair, new heating pad, 2 ladies black leather jackets, size medium, ladies boots, size 9&10. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Electric dryer. Call 270-590-3195
FS - 1995 Cajun boat 48 johnson special has trolling motor and fish finder. Call 270-612-0801
LF - Old riding lawn mowers, go cart, moped, LF an old car $500-$1000, FS AXEL for go cart, 4 wheeler or anything you can build around it for $60. Also FS a new radiator for a bmw . 270-670-1359
Monday, February 7th, 2022
FS - Microwave $30, ladder $15, tv $30, 2 end tables $10, tv stand $20. LF- moped that's running. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Rocking chair. Call 270-774-7483
LF - Pots and pans, blankets and pillows, FS -36 bluejeans, touch lamps, tvs, LF - 3x clothes for give away, LF - jobs and place to rent in Cave CIty area. 270-612-0652
LF - Daytime caregiver. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Seasoned firewood- $60 per rick and delivered- 270-576-6625
FS - Wheel Horse frame- or trade- 270-404-0999
FS - Framing nail gun- 270-404-2992 or 270-579-6979
FS - 100% pure bred Blood Hound (search and rescue dog) $200- 270-659-9092
FS - Ford 600 tractor (or trade) 270-590-7422
FS - 2 nice bass amps and some acoustic electric guitars; JBL speakers- 270-576-6422
FS - 32 Magnavox TV- $75- 270-618-1695
FS - 2 male Guinean pigs- black and white- $10 each if you take both- 270-427-6080
FS - 16 foot bumper hitch car hauler and wench- $2000- 270-590-2625
FS - John Deere 2240 tractor- $7500 obo- 270-404-5368
FS - 6 Golden Doodle puppies- up to date on shots- 270-855-0976
FS - Large commercial upright freezer- $600- 270-202-6250
FS - 45 hp Evinrude motor- $100. Silver dish set (make an offer) and a Johnny Cash (signed) record- 270-579-3527
FS - Horse hay- $40 each and cow hay- $30- 270-590-1058
FS - Seasoned firewood (hardwood) 270-576-5548
FS - 2 cane bottom chairs, air compressors, kid’s dirt bike and mini-bike, gas golf cart, guitar stands and some side-shaft motors, Gas logs with remote, 100 gallon propane tank, NEW 32” storm door, and more- 270-646-6334
FS - Xbox Series X, with controller, box, warranty papers, like new with external hard drive and 2 headsets, $500. Call 270-218-8273
LF - Miniature pony or miniature horse. Call 270-576-0711 after 6:00 p.m.
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, truck that runs. FS - new radiator, aluminum $30, new axle for 4 wheeler, hardware, brackets, chain, etc, $60 . Call 270-670-1359
FS - Xbox Series X, with controller, box, warranty papers, like new with external hard drive and 2 headsets, $500. Call 270-218-8273
LF - 20,000 btu wall heater, 120 gallon to 200 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, old car or truck, after market wheels and tires 15" 6 lug, 235 75 15" tires set. FS - new radiator $40, 3 wheeler axle or 4 wheeler axle, new $75. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 Kohler motors, 20, 23 and 25 hp - command motors, 2 Briggs & Stratton motors. LF - a 2wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 1995 Cajun boat 48 Johnson special has trolling motor and fish finder. Call 270-612-0801
LF - Hoveround in good condition. Call 270-531-1651
FS - Queen size mattress and box springs. Call 270-678-1039
FS - Side by side refrigerator with icemaker. Call 270-531-6947
FS - New